How to keep stray cats out of your yard

Whether they are yours or someone else’s, cats can cause a nuisance in your garden. They can dig up plants, leave sediment in flower beds, and even eat some of your favorite displays. What’s more, they can get into your vegetable or herb garden and leave behind droppings that contain parasites and pathogens, which can be quite dangerous to humans.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to stop them, there are things you can do to prevent them from entering your borders. Here are 11 friendly and simple steps you can take to try to deter cats and prevent the damage or harm they might cause in your garden.

How to keep stray cats out of your yard

How to keep cats away from flower beds?
1. Use sharp coverings
Mulch is material placed over flower beds and soil to surround plants. It improves moisture content and enables you to manage the health of your soil. It also prevents weeds and, if you choose sharp mulch, deters cats.
Cats have soft paws and prefer to walk on soil and grass because it is softer and does not cause any pain. You shouldn’t add anything that will cause real harm, but consider pinecones or other sharp natural deterrents. Stones or even eggshells will work, or you can use holly cuttings from your garden.

2. Add small branches
Small pieces of wood can be nailed to the ground a few inches apart, leaving an inch above them. These blocks work similarly to sharp mulch in that they make it uncomfortable and impractical for cats to walk on the bed. You may need to experiment to get them the right distance, but the goal is to make it difficult, if not impossible, for the cat to turn around comfortably.

3. Laying steel mesh
Lay wire mesh one inch below the soil surface. This should be deep enough that it won’t be seen, but close enough to the surface that the cat will want to avoid walking over it. Wire mesh will also allow plants to grow through, and if you have trees or large shrubs, you should be able to cut appropriately sized holes for them to grow through.

4. Add lavender
There are many smells that cats don’t like. Lavender is one such scent that is easily released from the lavender plant and has the added benefit of looking beautiful. Plant lavender in a slightly exposed spot. This ensures that it is blown by the wind, and when this happens, the scent of lavender will waft throughout the garden. Other plants cats dislike include lemon thyme and rue.

How to keep stray cats out of your yard

5. Use citrus peels
Citrus peels have a strong smell, and most cats don’t like the sour taste of citrus. There are always exceptions, especially when it comes to cats, and there are bound to be some people who enjoy hunting for the scent, but add orange and lemon peels around your garden borders to deter cats. You don’t have to do anything special, just throw the rings in the soil. grounds
Cats don’t like the taste of coffee either. If you have your own coffee machine or grinder, save the coffee grounds you create. Alternatively, talk to your local coffee shop and ask if you can get a bag of leftover coffee grounds. They will usually be willing to let you have them unless they have been approached by another avid gardener to deal with a cat problem. Again, you don’t need to do anything but lay the ground on top of the soil.

7. Add cat repellent
You can buy insect repellent. These may include ingredients like lavender and citrus, but may also include hormones that smell like predator urine and will keep all but the bravest cats away from the garden. Make sure the spray is non-toxic and won’t harm your plants.

8. Wash away cat odor
If a neighbor’s cat uses your garden as a hangout, or as a toilet, you can wash away the evidence of their visit. Get out the water gun and clean the areas where cats tend to gather. Cleaning the scent effectively erases their claim to their favorite spot, and with any luck, they’ll find another spot somewhere else.

How to keep stray cats out of your yard

9. Spray water
Cats don’t like being sprayed with water, and we don’t recommend hitting them with a water cannon or sprinkler, but you can set up motion-activated sprinklers that go off when something approaches your flower bed.

10. Use sound
Visiting cats are also attracted to loud or sudden noises. Use wind chimes and motion-activated devices that detect cats and play sounds. These should stop the cat from coming over again.
in conclusion
Cats can be a nuisance, especially when they dig up your garden and leave poop behind while hunting songbirds. The above steps can help you prevent your cat from becoming a nuisance in your life, but remember, cats are independent and unique. One cat may hate the smell of lavender, while another cat may love it. Experiment and find what works best for your situation and your garden.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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