What is a cat’s best skill

What? My lazy, fat cat has super powers? !
That’s right, although the cat owner always looks lazy and sleepy at home, he is a hidden master, and his usual laziness is just an illusion created by them to hold back their big moves.
The real strength of cats is beyond our imagination, and their superpowers often surprise us if they are shown in life.

What are the superpowers of cats?

1. It can self-heal wounds. For cats, every wound is fatal.
2. Super hearing and vision, even unmatched by bats.
3. Able to cross obstacles. Cats are best at crossing obstacles.
4. Super adaptability, almost everything in life can be modified by cats to suit it.
5. Super curiosity and desire to explore, want to look around no matter where you are.
Because cats have lived on the earth for more than 60 million years, they appeared 300,000 years earlier than humans. And the smartest among cats are cats, so humans call them “cat people”.

What is a cat’s best skill

Self-healing wound

Cats are famous for their strong “self-healing ability”. In fact, it is not a magical ability, but something cats are born with. Although cats look cold, they actually have very keen senses. When they are injured, cats will use their own bodies to repair the wounds. This is how cats heal their wounds.
For example, when a cat is injured, it will injure itself. Cats usually don’t injure themselves, because in their eyes, they are the strongest and most powerful. It will use its claws to remove the hair near the wound, and then let the wound grow back. Some cats will roll on the ground to get up from the injured area. And it doesn’t lick the wound casually, but licks it until a scab forms, and then licks it a few more times before it’s done.
Injury is a normal thing for cats. The injury is not terrible and it will heal on its own.

Hearing and vision

Cats also have strong eyesight and hearing, because cats rely on their sense of smell to find food, so they must have super strong senses of smell and hearing.
Cats’ eyes are about the same size as humans. They mainly rely on their black pupils to observe the outside world. However, cats’ pupils are very small, so they cannot catch prey in time.
Cats can do night vision and can see in the dark, which is why cats can hunt more quickly and successfully than other animals.
Cats use a combination of vision and hearing when hunting at night. They can simultaneously capture the sounds of prey activity and the sounds of their own escape.

What is a cat’s best skill

Cross obstacles

Cats can run up to 43 kilometers per hour on land, and their speed is second only to lions and tigers. Cats often jump from high places. After landing, they will roll to the ground on all fours, then jump up and continue forward. After jumping over obstacles, they will run at extremely fast speeds. So cats can basically cross any obstacle without exerting any effort.
However, when cats jump from a high place, they do not directly hit the ground with their paws like tigers do, but roll to the ground on all fours. Therefore, when jumping from a high place, the cat will first roll down for a certain distance, then start to bounce, and finally roll on the ground after landing. Cats use this body structure to avoid attacks from predators and enemies, so this is also a way for cats to survive.

Super adaptability

Cats are very adaptable to the environment and can adapt to different environments, different climates, geographical locations, and even different countries.
There are four major cat species in the world: puma, cheetah and Siamese cat. These cats are able to survive on the earth very well.
Moreover, cats are also very good at digging holes. Among cats, cats are also one of the best in this skill.

Curiosity and desire to explore

Cats are very curious animals. They want to look around no matter where they go. They like to observe all kinds of things, especially novel things. For example, the curtains in human homes, computer screens, or pillows on sofas, etc.
In addition, cats will also leave their paw prints and scratches on various small objects, and they can even play with a small toy into a flower.

What is a cat’s best skill

What is this cat’s skill? Six signs that your cat is highly intelligent

Are you amazed by the intelligence of cats when they display extraordinary behaviors?
Cats are not just cute companions, they are also incredibly intelligent. Silently demonstrating amazing understanding and coping skills through a variety of behaviors. Does your cat also do various smart things?

Toy retrieval game

Cats don’t actually understand this naturally, but they can learn to pick up toys because it’s fun to interact with you. You can throw the toy and your cat will retrieve it. This interaction has proven just how smart it is.

What is a cat’s best skill

Strong imitation ability

Some cats are so smart! For example, use your weight to knock the door handle, pull open the drawers and cabinets to find snacks, or find a quiet place to hide. It’s observation and learning about everyday life.

Ask for help

Cats will use their own ways to communicate with their owners, such as leading you to the litter box or leading you to food. This is a sign of its intelligence, because it can tell you what it needs in its own way.


Cats are very attentive and can sense your emotions keenly. They will accompany you quietly and understand your emotions. This kind of emotional intelligence is most vividly reflected in cats.

What is a cat’s best skill

Remember items

If there is a certain food or item that cats like, they remember it clearly. As long as you’ve fed them before, they won’t forget. This proves its memory.

Playing tricks

Cats can also be a little clever, especially when they are unhappy or want your attention, they may take some small revenge, such as peeing indiscriminately or chewing something in front of you.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/531.html

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