How to potty train a cat

Many people say that their cats don’t like to be clean, but are cats really like that?
Cats like to go to the toilet on the sofa, under the carpet, under the bed, etc. Even in the litter box, they will go to the toilet.
And cats like to urinate and defecate in their own nests and mats. If you don’t clean them in time, they will excrete everywhere.
So in order to avoid this situation in cats, what owners have to do is to train cats to develop good hygiene habits. So how to train cats to learn to go to the toilet at designated times?
The first step is to choose a clean and comfortable cat litter box.

How to potty train a cat

It usually takes about 1 month for a cat to get used to using the litter box, so it needs to be trained to go to the toilet on its own when it is about half a year old.
We can choose a smaller litter box so that the cat can jump directly into it when convenient.
We can also place the litter box in a carpeted area so that the cat will defecate on the carpet.
If the cat owner doesn’t like the smell in the basin, he can let him get used to it for a few days when he first gets home.
If the cat has no defecation habit, the owner should clean the cat litter regularly every day and dump the feces so that the cat will not defecate everywhere because it cannot find the toilet.

2. The owner should prepare a cat litter box with a lid, preferably a flower pot-type cat litter box with a shallow bottom.
Place a layer of gauze inside the cat litter box, and then sprinkle water on the gauze to prevent the cat litter from getting wet.
After the owner is ready, the owner can place the litter box somewhere in the home. As long as the cat can find the litter box, it will know that this is its territory.
If the owner is not at home, the cat will be waiting inside.
Once the cat gets used to it, you can slowly move the litter box to another place.

How to potty train a cat

3. When using the basin, first place the cat litter at the bottom of the litter basin, then pour the cat litter into the basin. The cat will shovel the litter by itself.
If the cat can scoop litter by itself, then there is no need to put cat litter in the basin.
If the cat cannot shovel the cat litter, when using the basin, pour the cat litter into it first, and then pour the cat food or cat litter bag.
Once the cat gets used to it, he can pour it out directly when using the basin.

4. After the cat has adapted to the litter box, you can allow the cat to go to the litter box freely to eliminate.
As long as your cat poops in the litter box, you can clean it up.
Once your cat gets used to peeing in the litter box, you must give it a few days to get used to the litter box again.
After the cat slowly regains its composure, you can open the lid of the litter box and let the cat familiarize itself with the new environment.
If your cat’s habits are well developed, you don’t have to worry about it peeing and peeing everywhere.
Before raising a cat, we must consider the feeding method, so that we can have a harmonious relationship with the cat and raise a cute and healthy kitten.

How to potty train a cat

5. When the cat learns to go to the toilet on its own, the owners should reward it.
During the training process, if the cat does not defecate in the litter box, you can give it some snacks or some cat food.
When a kitten shovels cat litter into its stomach, owners should clean up its excrement immediately to allow the cat litter to be washed away. If it wants to go to the toilet in the cage, the owner should put it in the cage.
If the kitten does not urinate or defecate in the litter box, keep it indoors.
Cats are so cute, but if you want your cat to have good hygiene habits, it is not an easy task!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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