How can you raise a golden retriever if you don’t have money?

Someone here will teach you how to raise a golden retriever in poverty without getting sick! Dog raising for beginners!

🦮Daily necessities:

Dog cage, kennel, dog bowl, leash, teething stick, dog food, toys. Shower gel, nail clippers, comb, toothpaste and toothbrush

🍚What to eat and how to eat:

1. Main food: Dog food is whatever the dog likes. Puppies should not eat adult dog food!
2. For dog rice, smash the vegetables and steam them. Add some chicken breast and beef mince, mix them into balls and cook them. Eat them with grain or fruit. If you find it troublesome, you can make more at one time, and then Keep it in the refrigerator, just two or three times a week.
Note: Dogs cannot eat garlic, onions, leeks, nuts, chocolate, grapes, chocolate

‼ ️Must do things:

Puppies should be vaccinated on the 45th day after birth
First shot: 45 days after the dog is born
Second shot: 21 days after the first shot
Third shot: 21 days after the second shot
Rabies: Puppies should be vaccinated after 100 days of age and should not be bathed for a week before and after.
▪Physical examination: at least once a year. Elderly Golden Retrievers are prone to heart problems, once every six months.
▪Deworming: once a month outside the body, once every three months inside the body

‼ Precautions:

Eat on an empty stomach before internal deworming, and do not take a shower for two days before and after external deworming

Do not go out to play unless necessary if the vaccine has not been completed.

How can you raise a golden retriever if you don’t have money? 

daily cleaning

Hairdressing: 2-3 cooked egg yolks per week, supplemented with lecithin
Care: The hair of the golden retriever is thick and thick, so brush it frequently to prevent tangles.
Nails: Use nail clippers for dogs. If you are really afraid of cutting bloody lines, go to the pet store to have them cut.
Tear stains: Wipe eyes with saline solution 3 times a week to prevent tear stains
Deodorization: Sprinkle baking soda on the smelly areas and let it sit for 1 hour to absorb it.
Bathing: once a month in winter, once every 15 days in summer

💊Stand-already medicines for illness:

Conjunctivitis: Topex eye drops, 2 to 3 times a day
Anti-tumor: Liuxiao Chudai (removing stasis and dispersing knots)
Accidental ingestion: hydrogen peroxide induces vomiting
Diarrhea: Montmorillonite powder + warm water
Trauma: iodine + saline
Cough: Pediatric Azithromycin + Xichang Oral Liquid
Ear mites: boric acid + acetic acid (once a week)
Cold: Children’s Shuanghuanglian + Su Nuo, which can clear away heat and detoxify and eliminate yan.
Bad gastrointestinal problems: Sulfur, sugar and aluminum relief + probiotics

Small urinary stones: Sunuo + Yanxiao Shitui

How can you raise a golden retriever if you don’t have money?

⚠️Daily Notes:

✔Golden Retrievers are prone to heart problems, so do not exercise strenuously on a daily basis
✔Golden Retrievers are particularly prone to tumors due to breed reasons. It is recommended to feed Liu Xiaochu and take precautions!
✔Golden retriever bones are relatively fragile, so they need more calcium and more sun exposure
✔Teach it from an early age not to bite, and to keep it on a leash when going out
✔Golden retrievers are long-haired dogs and should be brushed once a day
✔The golden retriever is full of energy, so you can take it for walks more often. If you don’t walk it, it will break down the house.

How can you raise a golden retriever if you don’t have money?

Salary is not high but I am very good at raising dogs (Raising dogs in poverty) I have been raising golden retrievers at home for almost five years. There is no need to spend money in many places. Raising dogs in poverty is the essence of raising dogs!


I have a golden retriever, a large dog, and it eats a lot! In fact, the main monthly expense is to provide him with food.
Dog food + nutritional supplements: I will cook broccoli and chicken breast for snacks
Snacks: Our dog doesn’t eat snacks often. On the one hand, I am afraid that he will be picky after eating, and on the other hand, I think it is necessary to save money and spend money


Daily drinking water: My dog drinks water from the community water purifier
When cooking meat, I will give him broth to drink. Dogs who don’t like to drink water can try to cheat water with broth


I bought cages, bowls, toys, etc. at 1688. They are cheap! Sturdy! My dog likes to play with balls and dolls. Most dogs have no resistance to balls


I don’t go to pet stores. I wash him at home. It’s very tiring, but I save money to add snacks to myself. It’s a profit!
Clean teeth with saline solution

[Tumor prevention]

As we all know, golden retrievers are particularly prone to tumors, so I won’t save money on this aspect. Although I mainly raise them in poverty, I really don’t want to let my children get sick and uncomfortable
I usually add 6 grains of Beiyixi in the dog food. This is a herbal ingredient with no side effects and prevents tumors
There was a period of time when I was lazy and only took a walk after work once a day. As a result, this kid had a lipoma…
It was at that time that I started eating it after listening to the recommendation of dog friends in the same community. Now I can’t feel the lipoma and it has never recurred. Also, when cooking chicken breast, I will cook broccoli and carrots at the same time. Sometimes I will also eat fish. It mainly depends on what I want to eat. Hehe, these are all helpful for preventing tumors
Then I learned from previous experience. I took a walk twice a day in the morning and evening. He was happy as soon as he went out. I thought that dogs should be the same as people. Being happy is also very helpful for health!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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