Can dogs eat purple sweet potatoes?

Dogs can eat purple sweet potatoes. Purple sweet potatoes are rich in a variety of minerals, anthocyanins, amino acids, vitamins, a large amount of dietary fiber and other nutrients.
Feeding purple sweet potatoes to dogs in moderation is beneficial to their gastrointestinal digestion, but if too much is fed to dogs at one time, it may cause gas, diarrhea and soft stools. Therefore, it is recommended that owners not give too much at one time when feeding purple sweet potatoes.
And for dried purple sweet potatoes and some processed products, it is best not to feed them to dogs to avoid high sugar content, which will affect the dog’s oral health and gastrointestinal function, and may also lead to picky eating.
Usually it is best to feed dogs dog food as their main food. Branded dog food has balanced nutritional value. Occasionally, it is okay to feed a little purple sweet potato to enrich the dog’s diet. However, it is recommended not to feed purple sweet potatoes to puppies. The main component of purple sweet potatoes is macromolecular starch, which is not conducive to the digestion of puppies.

Can dogs eat purple sweet potatoes?

Fruits and vegetables suitable for dogs

Although dogs cannot eat many things and they also like to eat meat, feeding them some fruits and vegetables can protect their gastrointestinal health. The editor introduces to pet owners the following 10 kinds of fruits and vegetables that dogs can eat and are very beneficial and nutritious for dog health. Collect them now!


Spinach contains a large amount of plant crude fiber, which can help dogs promote intestinal peristalsis, facilitate defecation, and promote pancreatic secretion to aid digestion. Spinach is a vegetable rich in iron, calcium and carotene, which can promote the growth and development of dogs and improve disease resistance.


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I believe everyone has heard this saying, and it is well-founded. Apples contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help dogs improve their immunity. Moreover, apples have a relatively high fructose content, and the taste is exactly what dogs like to eat. But the core of the apple must be removed because it will harm the health of the dog.

Can dogs eat purple sweet potatoes?

French beans

The saponins in green beans can reduce the dog’s absorption of fat and promote fat metabolism. The dietary fiber contained in the green beans can also speed up the time for food to pass through the dog’s intestines, making it an excellent weight loss ingredient. But this also needs to be done thoroughly, as uncooked green beans are poisonous!


Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C. In particular, the content of vitamin A is almost the highest among melons and vegetables, so it is often added to dog food by dog food manufacturers. Moreover, pumpkin has a particularly high dietary fiber content, which is beneficial to dogs’ gastrointestinal motility and protects their intestines. If your dog has diarrhea, you can also add pumpkin as a “sick meal” for better digestion and absorption.


Full of the antioxidant lycopene, watermelon is gentle enough for most dogs to eat. In addition to being nutritious and delicious, it’s juicy enough to add a little extra moisture to your dog on a hot day.

Can dogs eat purple sweet potatoes?


The vitamin content in cantaloupe meat is also very low. The vitamin content in fresh cantaloupe meat is 4 to 7 times higher than that of watermelon and 6 times higher than that of apples. These ingredients help the dog’s heart, liver and intestinal system activity, and enhance digestion.


Pears are rich in water and sweet. Dogs love to eat them and can also replenish water. The pectin content is high, which helps dogs digest and defecate.


Carrots are rich in carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium and dietary fiber, which are almost comparable to multivitamin pills. Carrots also contain a large amount of phosphorus that makes up brain cells and bone marrow cells, which is beneficial to the growth and development of the dog’s bones.

Can dogs eat purple sweet potatoes?

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, beta carotene, folic acid and various vitamins, which all help improve immunity. The large amount of crude fiber can also promote gastrointestinal motility and digestion in dogs.


Blueberries have strong antioxidant effects and are very nutritious for humans. Blueberries not only work on humans, but dogs can also get the same benefits from eating them!
Of course, if your dog has rough hair, dry skin, or stunted growth and needs vitamin supplements, the most direct option is to feed him vitamin tablets directly. It is best to choose a vitamin supplement specifically for pets, which is more targeted and effective.
In addition to additional vitamin supplements, dogs also need to have a nutritious and healthy diet if they want to grow and develop healthily. It is recommended to choose nutritious, easy-to-digest and absorb dog food as their staple food. It is difficult to choose a nutritious, healthy and delicious high-quality dog food, but as long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you how to choose: Dog food is related to health, so you must choose nutritious dog food that is suitable for your dog. I will teach you how to choose!
Conclusion: Do you know what fruits and vegetables your dog eats that are good for your health?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

上一篇 31 5 月, 2024
下一篇 2 6 月, 2024

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