Are cats gay

Same-sex is true love and it is also used in the animal kingdom!
Have you ever seen a scene of a male cat riding a male cat?
Is same-sex behavior in cats a sign of mental illness?

Are cats gay

The earliest animal same-sex behavior appeared,
Happened circa 1974,
They are Canada mouflons.
Are there any other animals in the animal kingdom that exhibit homosexual behavior?
Bottlenose dolphins: Same-sex and heterosexual sex occur with approximately the same frequency in bottlenose dolphins.
African Lion: Sexual behavior among lions is also very common.
American Bison: More than 55% of young bulls’ sexual intercourse is with same-sex partners.
Giraffes: Sexual activity among male giraffes is frequent,
African antelope: Over 9% of antelopes are homosexual.

Are cats gay

Have you ever seen a cat-raising family?
Cats of the same gender making indescribable scenes.
This kind of homosexual behavior
In other words,
This is animal instinct: the ability to release sexual desire.
To put it bluntly, this behavior
It’s an instinct engraved in the genes of male animals.
After nearly a century of hard work,
Finally in 1999,
The field of research on same-sex sexual behavior in animals,
Have your own textbook
Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity.
Regarding same-sex sexual behavior in the animal kingdom, the book has the following three key points:
1. Same-sex sexual behavior exists in almost all species, except for species that have no sexual behavior at all.
2. Same-sex sexual behavior is more common among domestic animals than among wild animals.
3. Same-sex sexual behavior not only exists between male animals, but also among female animals.

Are cats gay

This gives us a good explanation,
From this point of view, same-sex sexual intercourse before is normal.
and let us know,
Same-sex behavior is more common in domestic cats than in feral cats,
Homosexuality exists not only between male cats, but also between female cats.
Homosexuality in the cat world,
Has it refreshed your understanding of cats?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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