Can cats catch human colds

More and more people are catching colds in winter. Lingzi occasionally sees cats sneezing. She is suddenly worried about the condition of her cat Huzi. Recently, Huzi has lost his appetite and does not like to exercise. Lingzi is worried that Huzi will become like Everyone catches a cold!
This made Lingzi a little confused. If Huzi really caught a cold, would it be the same cold as humans? Can human colds really be transmitted to cats? Can a cat’s cold be transmitted to humans? Lingzi came to the doctor’s home with many questions.

Can cats catch human colds

Lingzi: Doctor, can cats also catch colds?
Doctor: Cats can also catch colds, but they are not the same concept as human colds! Most colds in humans are cold syndrome, which involves sneezing, runny nose, body fever, and sometimes body pain, and is mostly caused by influenza viruses.
Cat cold is actually a common name for feline upper respiratory tract infection, which is mostly caused by herpes virus. Sneezing and runny nose are the main symptoms, sometimes accompanied by conjunctivitis. When the nose is clogged, cats lose their sense of taste and have a reduced appetite. This can cause weakened cats and kittens to become even more frail and, in severe cases, lead to death.
In addition to herpes viruses, feline chlamydia infection and feline calisivirus infection can also cause cold symptoms. Among them, feline calisivirus can cause ulcers on cats’ tongues, which can make cats more miserable.
In fact, there are many reasons for cats to catch colds, but compared with humans, cats’ illness will develop more quickly and become more severe, and it is still very dangerous if not treated properly.

Can cats catch human colds

Lingzi: Can cats be infected with so many viruses even if they don’t leave the room?
Doctor: It can also be infected. The main route of infection is that the owner accidentally brings the virus home from outside, so Lingzi must wash his hands well every day when he returns home!
Lingzi: How terrible! Can the cat virus be transmitted to humans, or can the human herpes virus be transmitted to cats?
Doctor: Humans also have herpes virus-related diseases, but cat cold herpes virus is not contagious to humans. In principle, the viruses that cause colds in humans cannot be transmitted to cats. Lingzi can continue to hold the cat with a cold without any worries.
Lingzi: When my cat catches a cold, do I need to go to the vet right away? What is the treatment?
Doctor: If symptoms such as sneezing or runny nose occur, seek medical attention promptly. Especially kittens or cats with no vaccination history. It is not recommended to treat it at home as it can often worsen the condition.
When the nose is blocked, appetite will decrease and nutritional status will be affected, so doctors will focus on treating nasal congestion and improving nutritional status. In addition, eye drops are used for conjunctivitis. If you have cold symptoms caused by a virus, you will be treated with interferon. If a bacterial infection is determined to be present, antibiotics will be given. Basically, complete restoration of appetite is achieved through maintenance of appetite and appropriate treatment.
Lingzi: I have many cats. If one cat catches a cold, how can I prevent other cats from getting it too?
Doctor: The pathogens that cause cat colds are droplet infections and airborne infections. If you have multiple rooms, isolate cats with colds. If there is really no extra room, put the cold cat in a cage and keep it away from other cats.

Can cats catch human colds

Lingzi: Are there any good ways to prevent colds?
Doctor: The best way to prevent it is to get vaccinated. The method of vaccination varies depending on the age and living conditions of the cat, please consult your veterinarian. Daily care is also important, such as eating a nutritious and balanced diet and creating a clean living environment, which will help prevent cats from catching colds.
Lingzi was very grateful to the doctor for sharing. After thanking him, he hurried home to add nutrition to Huzi. Has your cat been vaccinated? If not, give your cat an injection as soon as possible. Don’t forget to wash your hands when you get home!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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