Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

We often hear that cats can hold grudges. For example, after beating or scolding them, they will find time to take revenge. So, is a cat’s memory really that good? Will it really hold a grudge after being scolded by its owner?

Cats’ memory is also divided into long-term memory and short-term memory. Their short-term memory is up to 16 hours.

The idea of dividing memory into short-term and long-term memory dates back to the 19th century. A classic model developed in the 1960s. Assuming that all memories undergo a transformation process from short-term memory to long-term memory, this model is called the modal model of memory, most famously formulated by Richard Schifrin.

Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

Short-term memory: Short-term memory is mainly composed of sound codes, which can keep small amounts of information active in the mind and available for a short period of time. The duration of short-term memory (without rehearsal or activation) is measured in seconds. Compared with long-term memory, short-term memory stores information for a shorter period of time, and its information storage capacity is also very limited. For example, if you write down a number in a short period of time and dial it, you often forget it after dialing it.
Long-term memory: Long-term memory is a memory that can be maintained for several days to several years. Long-term memory is mainly about meaning. Biologically speaking, short-term memory is the temporary strengthening of neural connections, and the physiological structure is a response loop, which can become long-term memory after consolidation. For example, the memory of a work process.
After research, scientists have found that cats’ short-term memory is much stronger than that of humans, but the short-term memory of animals is mainly used to store beneficial survival information rather than specific events. In other words, they will only remember information that is “useful” to them. The brains of all animals are mainly composed of two types of cells: neurons and glial cells. As for the memory of cats, the neuron combination theory is generally recognized.
The theory is that neurons in a cat’s brain are interconnected, with each neuron responding to information from the body’s senses or body organs, while retaining a subset of memories from different parts of the body. When the neurons involved in these memories are correctly connected again, the cat’s memory is activated, allowing it to recall what happened before.

Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

Research shows that cats have a short-term memory of up to 16 hours. Although there is no precise definition of long-term memory, relevant research shows that cats’ long-term memory can last 10 years or more.

People have very lasting memories of certain pains, joys, and fears, and so do cats. Cats remember things that happened long ago when their long-term memory is linked to memories of pleasure, fear, or pain that happened before. So we sometimes say that when a cat makes a mistake and is beaten and scolded by its owner, it will hold a grudge.

For example, the cat broke the cup on the table, scratched the owner’s favorite sofa, excreted in inappropriate places, etc. When the scavenger encounters this kind of thing, he will sometimes yell at the cat out of anger, or even catch the cat and beat it. When the cat is frightened by your unusual expression, tone of voice, and movements, and the pain in the cat’s body further deepens the cat’s fear of the scavenger. Some cats’ self-confidence will be frustrated, and they will either not dare to approach the scrapper for a short period of time, or they will run away or fight back when the scrapper makes similar moves again. In fact, this cannot be said to hold a grudge. Perhaps it should be said that the scavenger’s actions made the cat too scared and acted defensively.

Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

Cats’ brain structures are similar to those of humans, and they are intelligent animals.

Cats have many grooves and folds on the surface of their cerebral cortex, and they have more neurons than humans and most other mammals. Cats are very smart. Dogs have a strong sense of following. Although they also have a very strong sense of learning, they mainly follow the wishes and affirmation of their owners. Cats are extremely adaptable and can have one cat occupying the home territory alone or multiple cats. Cats live together. Compared with dogs, cats’ learning talent is mainly reflected in their own adaptability. Kittens will learn and solve problems by observing their mother cat’s hunting movements and life skills. After entering a human family, they will also observe the behaviors of their human “mother cat” to learn the skills they need to master. For example, sharing territory, imitating the shit shoveling officer to open windows and doors, etc.
Cats will also remember their shit-scoopers. We identify our cats mainly by breed, coat color, and some unique identification points. For cats, identifying their own scavengers mainly relies on smell, sound, and some common movements. Although the cat seems to be “cold” most of the time, it knows who feeds it and cleans the litter box. It has a memory of the shit shoveler and will respond to the shit shoveler’s voice.

Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

Some people may ask, cats have such good memories, so why don’t they remember the way home?

In fact, most cats who have no sleeping habits have limited understanding of “home” to the world inside the door, and the world outside the door is unfamiliar to them. Without a familiar scent to guide the way, even if the cat is familiar with the environment inside the door, it will not be able to distinguish between buildings that look similar to its own home after going out, let alone distinguish the floors and apartments.
If the cat has the habit of going out, after becoming familiar with the environment near home, it will generally not be unable to find its way. However, cats are not outstanding in their ability to count. If the home is on the first or second floor, it may be easier to find. If the floor is too high, even cats who are accustomed to going out will sometimes find the wrong place. In addition, if the cat does not come home after going out, it should not be said that the cat’s memory is bad, but other factors should be taken into consideration, such as:
1. The cat has never been out, doesn’t know where it is, and can’t find its way home.
2. Unpredictable accidents, such as car accidents.
3. Being carried away or abducted by others.
4. On the way home, I was chased by other animals and children. I ran into unfamiliar places due to fright and could not identify the direction.
5. Male cats in estrus smell the scent of female cats and go out looking for love.
6. Being hurt by the shit shovel at home, running away from home, etc.

Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

Although cats have good memories, owners also need to pay attention to preventing Alzheimer’s disease in cats during the feeding process.

The cat’s memory will also be affected. The influence of age. As age continues to increase, some cats will suffer from the feline version of Alzheimer’s disease, which is what we call Alzheimer’s disease. It is reported that more than half of elderly cats over ten years old suffer from varying degrees of cognitive impairment. At the same time, as age continues to increase, the proportion of people suffering from cognitive impairment will further increase. Alzheimer’s disease in cats can cause cognitive impairment, vision and hearing loss, and memory loss in cats. Cats that have a habit of going outside will forget their way home, and even cats that stay indoors for a long time will forget the location of the litter box, cat toys, and eating areas.
The cat’s memory and physical fitness decline, leaving the cat in a state of confusion and confusion for a long time, which affects the cat’s self-confidence. If you find that your cat has lost its sense of direction or has memory loss, be sure to consult your veterinarian first. In addition to ruling out Alzheimer’s disease, you can also check whether the cat suffers from cataracts, arthritis, diabetes and other diseases.

Do cats have good memory(How long is a cat’s memory?)

For cats that have been diagnosed, scavengers should do the following in daily care:

1. Provide a comfortable, stable and comfortable environment for cats to avoid major environmental changes such as frequent moving.
2. Prepare the same litter box, food and water for the cat in different rooms to prevent the cat from finding food and litter to accompany you outside.
3. Place small stools on sofas, beds, etc. to make it easier for cats to get up and down.
4. Spend some time playing simple games with your cat. For some cats with arthritis and heart disease, you must pay attention to the duration and intensity of the game.
5. If you want to prevent Alzheimer’s disease in cats and help kittens’ brain development, you can also use some products containing omega-3 fatty acids (Omega-3), omega-6 fatty acids (Omega-6, taurine) under the advice of your doctor. Acid and other nutrients are “health products” for cats. In addition, training the cat’s brain as early as possible can slow down the aging process; increasing the number and difficulty of games; maintaining physical examinations and maintaining good health also play a certain role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease in cats.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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