How do i know if my cat is dying

When we raise a cat, what we fear most is that the cat leaves us, this little life that once accompanied us, this little guy who warmed our hearts with its purring sound. However, time passes ruthlessly, and when our cats enter the aging stage, they may be about to pass away. This news can make us cat owners feel heartbroken and helpless.
If a cat dies suddenly, the owner will be very sad and even blame themselves. However, cats do not react as much as dogs do because of sadness. Their bodies are very fragile and they can easily develop some diseases. There are some signs before a cat dies.

How do i know if my cat is dying

1. Poor mental state

Before the cat dies, the cat will appear in some bad mental states, such as unwillingness to get close to people, often rolling on the ground, often falling asleep, and unwilling to move.
This is because they no longer have the strength to do so.
The owner can interact more with the cat and play with it more in normal times.
When one day, the cat suddenly becomes very quiet and no longer likes to play, it may be entering a “sleep” state.
The owner can appropriately reduce the time spent playing with him.

2. Hair is dull

Cats’ bodies can also suffer from illness that affects normal nutrient absorption, causing their hair to become dull or even dry.
Generally, a healthy kitten’s coat will be shiny and smooth, but if the cat is dying, it will not become shiny.
Also, the hair will become rough and dull.

Owners can comb their cats more and feed them foods containing crude fat and high protein.

How do i know if my cat is dying

3. Becoming obese

If a cat suddenly becomes obese, the owner should pay attention to the cat’s physical condition, because this may be a sign of some diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.
When the cat’s life is about to end, the owner can feed the cat some low-fat foods, such as yogurt (which helps relieve diabetes), chicken (low-fat, helps with weight loss), and vegetables.

4. Abnormal body temperature

Cat’s body temperature will change with age, usually between 40℃ and 42℃.
Before the cat dies, there will be abnormal body temperature.
Generally, the normal range of a cat’s body temperature is 36~38°C. If the temperature exceeds this normal value many times.
Symptoms such as high fever, convulsions, vomiting, and diarrhea will occur.
So if the cat has shown these symptoms, the owner should take it to the doctor quickly.

5. Not fond of moving

Cats don’t like to move, usually because they lack exercise and their body functions have declined. If the cat suddenly stops exercising, the owner should pay attention. This may be the cat’s heart failure.
If the cat is found to be very thin, it means that the blood supply in the body is insufficient and the body has begun to fail.
At this time, the owner should supplement the cat with nutrients and water to keep it healthy.

How do i know if my cat is dying

Do you know how elderly cats behave and behave when they are about to die?

1. Loss of appetite:

Before old cats die, their appetite often decreases significantly, or even stops eating at all. This is because their body functions gradually decline and their ability to digest and absorb food is also greatly reduced.

2. Difficulty breathing: 

Old cats may have difficulty breathing when they are dying. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and shortness of breath indicate that their bodies are beginning to collapse and their respiratory systems are no longer functioning properly.

3. Basically not moving:

When dying, an old cat spends most of its time in a quiet, motionless state, with little energy to move. They may be huddled in a corner or lying in a favorite spot with a dull look in their eyes.

How do i know if my cat is dying

4. Unkempt hair:

Seriously ill old cats may no longer take care of their own hair, and their coat will become messy, greasy, and feel dirty. This is because they no longer have the energy and ability to take care of their appearance.

5. Lost living habits:

Dying old cats may lose their usual living habits, such as urinating at fixed points, eating at regular times, etc. They no longer pay attention or are unable to pay attention to these basic life needs.

6. Difficulty walking:

Before old cats die, they may have weakness in their legs and feet and difficulty walking. They may be unable to stand, walk or even control their limbs.
When cats live in the wild, when they are sick or injured, they will find a corner to hide to avoid being found by natural enemies and die due to their inability to resist. This is the nature of cats, and domestic cats also have this characteristic. If your cat often hides away from you, it means it feels that its body may not be able to support it for much longer. Some people say that in order not to make their owners sad, cats will choose to hide when they are dying, so that their owners will not see them and feel sad.

How do i know if my cat is dying

When we realize that our cat is about to pass away.

we should face this reality with respect and care. Here are some things we can do to show respect and responsibility for our cats.

1. Give care and warmth:

Provide a comfortable sleeping environment for cats to ensure they have enough warmth and security. You can prepare a soft bed for cats so that they can feel our companionship and care.

2. Keep quiet and peaceful:

Cats may feel tired before they die, and we should try to keep the surrounding environment quiet and peaceful to avoid too much noise and disturbance.

3. Give appropriate care and medical treatment:

If a cat has a serious medical condition, we should ensure that they receive appropriate medical care and attention. You can consult a veterinarian to understand your cat’s condition and provide appropriate treatment to relieve your cat’s pain.

4. Companionship and comfort:

In the last stage of cats’ lives, we should spend more time with them and provide them with comfort and warmth. You can comfort them softly and stroke them gently to let them feel the endless love and care of their owner.

5. Respect the cat’s wishes:

The most important thing is that we respect our cat’s wishes. Cats may choose a quiet place before dying to face the process alone. We should respect their choices, not force them to live with us, and let them spend their last days in the way of their own choosing.
Let us face the death of cats with respect and responsibility, and truly do the best for them.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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