Will a lost cat come back on its own?

What should I do if my cat accidentally gets lost? Recently, several netizens have been crying in the comment area.
First of all, I want to severely criticize these careless poop scavengers. Why not seal the windows and balconies so that cats can take advantage of them? Why wasn’t the cat neutered so that he had to go out and fall in love?
Secondly, since this kind of thing has happened, we can only do our best to search nearby carefully. Cats from first- and second-tier cities may not be particularly lucky, but if the cat has never been out, it will not dare to run too far. The owner can look for the cat in various corners not far from home and call the cat’s name. The cat can understand and distinguish the owner’s voice.
In addition, there is also a “folk remedy” – “Scissors Dafa” (emm, inexplicably a bit like a charlatan?)
Speaking of which, let’s first talk about the memory and perception of animals.

Will a lost cat come back on its own?

Part.1Does the lost cat remember the way home?

In my last article, I told you about the memory of cats. If a cat leaves its owner in a strange place for more than half a month, its memory of the original owner will begin to fade. But strictly speaking, it is not a decrease, but a weakening of feelings in order to better adapt to the new environment.
There is no accurate conclusion about the long-term memory time of cats. Scientists estimate that it is only two months. Speaking of this, many shit shoveling officials expressed disapproval. I haven’t tried it specifically, so I can’t be too sure.
A few years ago, there was a very popular cat in Japan. In 2013, it began to take a fixed route alone, traveling between “Seibu-Ikebukuro Station”.
This cat enters the station as naturally as entering and exiting the house, and will “occupy a seat”.
Later, a passenger photographed the cat taking other cats home. (How can I be a little envious?)
It’s not just this cat. In Japan, cats often take the subway to go out and play by themselves. They are not afraid of passengers, find seats in the carriage, and then lie down on them to rest obediently, as if cats and passengers have already formed a tacit understanding. (Envy +1, you can pet a cat while taking the subway)
Having said that, for free-range cats, if they run away from home in order to find the opposite sex, there is a high probability that they will return to their original home, and may even bring their wives and children back with them. This is also related to the cat’s smell and sense of smell. Inseparable. For cats with “high-rise syndrome” in first- and second-tier cities, if they are kept indoors for a long time and are accidentally lost, the advantage of smell is not great.

Will a lost cat come back on its own?

Part.2 The magical sensory abilities of animals

Many animals have a magnetic sensitivity that can be called a “sixth sense” to perceive the earth’s magnetic field. The physiological mechanism of sensing magnetic fields has not yet been fully explained. For example, the ability of migratory birds to migrate. Many animals can sense subtle changes in the geomagnetic field before natural disasters and their ability to predict disasters in advance are all related to this sensing ability.
Cats can use their senses of vision, hearing, smell, etc. to create a “map” in their minds for a range of action within 5 kilometers, keeping every place in mind. If this distance is exceeded, the correct direction to the destination is determined by sensing the Earth’s magnetic field. Cats also have the ability to sense magnetic fields in their bodies like a compass. Experiments have shown that if a cat is given a magnet, its ability to homing will be disrupted.
The “scissors method” seems unreliable, but it uses the principle of magnetic field.
In addition, some scholars believe that animals have a seventh sense that is beyond the sixth sense and cannot be proven by science.
British biochemist Rupert Sheldon believes that if there is a strong spiritual bond between pets and people, a morphological field will be generated that contains past memories and connections that transcend time and space, even after they leave. will affect each other. For example, pets can predict their owners’ illness or death, and pets can return to their owners from distant places. This can all be explained by “extrasensory perception”.
There is a true story abroad. After the mistress passed away, the cat stayed at the grave of the mistress for three days and three nights without eating or drinking. Later, someone saw how thin the cat was and took the cat home. However, the next day it went to the cemetery to guard it.
All things have spirits, this statement is absolutely not groundless.
I have always called on cat owners not to raise cats with a luck mentality, because many things happen that we cannot predict and control. Take the matter of lost cats as an example. We may have a chance to get the cats back, but if they are taken away by some unscrupulous and immoral people, no matter how many ways to find the cats, they will be useless.
Therefore, shit scrapers must take good care of themselves and their pets as well.

Will a lost cat come back on its own?

I believe everyone who owns a cat knows that compared to dogs, cats prefer freedom. When a dog leaves home, it will mark its scent, so if the dog is lost, it can usually find its way home based on the scent left behind. But what about cats? Will cats who long for freedom come back if they run away while their owners are not paying attention?

Yao Bao had raised a little orange cat named Tudou before when he was in school. That was my first time raising a cat. When I took Tudou out to take a shower that day, I walked outside a community. Tudou unzipped my bag and ran along the fence outside the community into the community. I was very anxious at the time, so I hurried inside the community to find him. On the first day, he spent more than three hours ordering potatoes from the same place where he first entered, and didn’t come out until dark. The next day, I walked around the community and saw many stray cats. Each one looked like a potato. After searching for a whole day, I still couldn’t find it. At night, I dreamed about the potato and said that he was hungry and cold. , on the third day, I went to look for him again. This time I took the cat food and found him at the place where he went in on the first day. There were two big cats who were attracted by the cat food. Before, I finally brought the potatoes home through the temptation of cat food. Who wants to be out without eating enough and not sleeping well?

Therefore, if a cat is generally lost, we must find it immediately. Go to the place where the cat is lost and call its name. If the cat is familiar enough with you, the cat will respond to you when it hears you calling it. If you can’t find the cat during the day, you can try looking for it at night, because cats are nocturnal animals after all, and I found the potato at night. If you can’t find any trace after searching in one place for several days, you might as well expand the area to search.

Will a lost cat come back on its own?

There are two types of lost cats. One is that the cat accidentally ran away due to fun, which is easier to find. There is also the possibility that the cat ran away on purpose, which is the so-called runaway. Possible reasons The relationship between the owner and the cat is not good. Staying at home makes the cat feel insecure, so it has long planned to go out and find a new home for itself. In this case, even if the cat is found, it will get lost again. . The second type is that a cat runs away to look for love during its estrus. The smell of a cat in estrus can be smelled by cats from a long distance away. Cats that run away during estrus usually run far away and are easily lost. It’s hard to get it back.

The best way to deal with a lost cat is to ensure safety at home and provide a safe and comfortable environment for the cat. In addition, when taking the cat out, be sure to zip up the cat bag. In order to prevent the master of your own family from looking for love, you must also sterilize in time. Don’t give up even if your cat gets lost, be sure to look for it!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/1076.html

上一篇 28 5 月, 2024
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