How do you know if your cat loves you

If you keep cats for a long time, you will find that you like them more and more. The feelings towards them have also changed from pets and owners to family ties. This kind of family ties cannot be experienced by people who do not own cats. Cats always have a mysterious power that can make your life full of fun and surprises. Although we know we like them, how do we know if our cats love us through their feedback? If you want to know if your cat really loves you, here are some telltale signs:

How do you know if your cat loves you

First, when you go out and come home, it will always greet you at the door

If your cat always appears immediately when you open the door, it must regard you as an important person to it. When you go out to work or socialize, it will think that you are out looking for food. If you don’t go home, the cat will meow and wander back and forth, becoming more and more anxious and uneasy, and will not let go of any movement. When you come home, it will immediately come up to you to see if you are injured and rub you. If you bring delicious food back, it will admire you very much. You are a very capable hunter.

The second point is the toilet seat.

Have you ever noticed that your cat owner will follow you to the toilet and guard you even if he is yawning sleepily? In the consciousness of cats, going to the toilet is the most vulnerable moment and they are vulnerable to attack, so cats The master will choose to stay with you all the time and give you some relaxation. This shows how much it loves you.

How do you know if your cat loves you

The third point is that it likes to sleep next to you

If your cat likes to sleep with you, then it really loves you. Cat owners usually like to be alone, but they also like to be with people they trust. Cats’ vigilance decreases when they sleep, so they will choose a safe and reliable place to rest. If your cat chooses to sleep with you, then it really trusts you and feels safe with you.

Fourth point, it likes to sharpen its claws on your body

If your cat often grinds its claws on your legs, then it may be “massaging” you, that is, “stepping on the milk.” The cat’s milk-stepping behavior is a physiological manifestation that the cat will pass when it feels comfortable and comfortable. The behavior of “stepping on breasts” expresses one’s feelings. Cats don’t usually give random massages to other people, so this means your cat trusts you deeply and loves you.

How do you know if your cat loves you

Fifth point, it will observe your behavior

If your cat often observes you, such as when you are working and it stares at you and sometimes makes trouble, then it may be attracting your attention and wants to play with you. This is a unique way for cats to express love. Way.

Point six, give you a gift

Some cats will choose to give a gift to the scavenger. According to my friends, they have received various small animals from cats.

How do you know if your cat loves you

Finally, when you feel tired or down, it will jump into your lap, nuzzle you with its head and purr to heal your negative emotions, or look at you with its loving eyes. This probably means it wants to give you some warmth and comfort.

If your cat has the above behaviors, congratulations, your cat owner really loves you! Remember, every cat owner has his or her own unique way of showing love, so don’t judge your cat’s love for you based solely on these behaviors. Go give the little cat a hug!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

上一篇 20 3 月, 2024
下一篇 21 3 月, 2024

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