Will a cat die if it falls from a height

There are many folk legends about cats, among which the most widely spread is: “Cats have nine lives.”
The reason for this statement is that cats are agile and stable, and even if they fall from a high place, they can land smoothly without any damage.
In ancient times, there were few high-rise buildings, so there was the “legend of immortality” of cats. Nowadays, tall buildings can be seen everywhere, and people gradually know that as long as the floors are high enough, cats will inevitably die.

Will a cat die if it falls from a height

With the growth of the pet-owning population and the acceleration of urbanization, incidents of pet cats falling from high altitudes occur frequently.
Especially in summer, many people open their windows or balcony doors to maintain indoor ventilation. Sometimes, these behaviors unintentionally put our pets at risk.
Almost all cats are not afraid of heights and like to perch in high places. They are born with a good sense of balance and coordination.
When we open our doors and windows, our cats are just as attracted to the outside world as we are. They find their “perch”: it may be a balcony railing, a windowsill, a roof ledge or on a terrace. There they sunbathe, doze, and look down at everything outside.
In most cases, cats will not jump off buildings on their own initiative. More often than not, cats lose their balance and fall when they are too focused on catching flying insects, fallen leaves or birds.
There is another situation that often occurs when sleeping: the cat adjusts its sleeping position but happens to step on the air and fall.
Although cats will respond quickly to the above situations, building exterior walls rarely provide them with objects to grab onto and climb.

Will a cat die if it falls from a height

Although there are videos on the Internet of cats running away as if nothing happened after falling from a building.
But the truth is that even if it didn’t die on the spot, it might have been seriously injured.
Veterinarians often use the term “high-rise syndrome” to refer to the trauma caused by an animal falling from a height.
The most common injuries caused by falls in cats occur to the face, jaw, and lungs.
Often, an impact occurs at the base of a cat’s jaw, resulting in a broken jaw. Bruising may also occur in the lungs (pulmonary contusion). When a lung is bruised, it can be difficult to breathe on your own and get enough oxygen until full recovery occurs.
Examples of fractures include rib fractures, pelvic fractures or leg fractures; joint dislocations may also occur. The force of the impact can damage organs in the abdomen, causing internal bleeding, bladder rupture or pancreatitis. In severe cases, irregular heartbeat or concussion may occur.
Although it sounds scary, these injuries are not fatal in a short period of time, and more than 90% of cats survive after receiving first aid.

Will a cat die if it falls from a height

Cats have several factors in their favor that help them avoid injuries as much as possible when they fall.

(1) Have you ever wondered why cats always land on their feet? We call this the “righting reflex.”
Cats have incredible correction abilities when they fall. On the one hand, the unique vestibular system and its organs of vertebrates (the balance organ in the inner auditory canal except the cochlea) can help cats determine the position of their bodies, which direction is up and which direction is down. On the other hand, cats have five more vertebrae on their spines than humans, which allows them to move dexterously in mid-air.
Cats can land on all fours after falling from a height of more than three feet.
(2) When falling from a high altitude, a cat’s terminal speed is approximately 60 mph (60 miles per hour), which is the impact speed that the cat’s body can withstand.
(3) In order to slow down the descent, the cat will spread its limbs. Not only does this help increase drag, but it also changes the path of its descent, preventing a vertical landing.
From the moment the cat falls down to all fours on the ground, the whole process is like dancing a ballet.
First, the falling cat turns its head and the front of its body so that its four legs fall under its trunk, and then the back of its body moves quickly to align with the front.
As soon as the cat lands, it will bring its two front legs closer to its face to absorb part of the impact, and then bend its two hind legs to cushion the bumps and shocks as much as possible.
If the fall time is long enough, the cat can better adjust its posture and reduce the impact when it lands.
In the United States, a cat was still alive after falling from a height of 18 stories.
Therefore, the height of the drop is crucial to whether the cat can escape.

Will a cat die if it falls from a height

Is it true that the lower the floor, the lower the risk of injury to cats from falling?
Yes, but not entirely correct!
Studies of how cats fall from the air have found that cats who fall from a height of less than seven stories are more seriously injured than those who fall from a higher height.
The shorter the landing time, the less time the cat has to adjust and adapt, resulting in uneven impact force when landing, which will cause more serious harm to the cat.

What should you do if your cat falls down?

If your cat does not die immediately after falling, rush to the area of the fall to look for her. Cats after falling from a building are likely to run away due to pain and panic. It is necessary to prevent them from hiding in hidden places and delaying treatment.
Once your cat is found, even if they appear to be doing fine, they should be taken to a nearby pet hospital for evaluation and treatment of injuries.
Finally, no matter the floor is high or low, there is a high risk of pets falling from the building. Don’t take any chances. If you don’t want to be separated from them prematurely and forever, families with pets should remember to seal the doors and windows at all times. If you can’t remember, please just weld them to death. !

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/108.html

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