How to know if a cat likes you

Many people think that cats are aloof creatures, because under normal circumstances, people cannot understand a cat’s thoughts like a dog. Therefore, cats will remain in people’s hearts. It left a “mysterious” impression. In order to be able to get along better with cats and gain their love and affection. Let’s talk today about how to judge whether a cat doesn’t like you. This is a very important skill, and if you forcefully approach your cat when they express that they don’t like you, you will only lose their love forever.
Cats are mysterious creatures. At the same time, our cats also have elusive personalities. For example, cats are cold and unsociable. This has been a long-standing belief. In fact, cats love their owners. This is not just the opinion of a few cat lovers, but even scientific researchers say so…
Relevant research data from researchers shows that cats prefer to interact with their human owners compared to the smell of catnip, interesting toys or even delicious canned cats that excite cats. It may seem like our pet cats respect us, but how do we know if our cats like us? Want to know if your cat likes you best out of all the people it could like? Here are four ways to give it to you:

How to know if a cat likes you

The sound of gulu is a symbol of love

Your cat won’t purr for strangers, in fact, your cat won’t even purr for other cats of its kind. Because this is a unique sound they reserve exclusively for their kittens and the humans they trust and rely on. Scientists once believed that purring comes from the pumping of blood from the cat’s inferior vena cava. In recent years, however, researchers have discovered that the sound comes from the cat’s larynx, where the organ vibrates at a frequency of 25 to 150 Hz to produce the purring sound. Your cat can’t control their purring, that’s because their central nervous system kicks in and your pet can’t help but like you!

Stepping on breasts is a sign of comfort

Cats at home usually use their front paws to knead soft objects or the owner’s body. There are currently two theories trying to explain the phenomenon of cats stepping on milk: one is that it is a gene inherited from the original cats who lived outdoors. Another idea is that it is imitating the behavior of its own kitten when it was breastfeeding. So it also seems to indicate that the cat at this time feels comfortable, safe in its environment, and is happy to be with its owner.

How to know if a cat likes you

Constant gazing is a sign of loving you

A long, unblinking stare can indicate affection or hostility in human society, and in the cat world it’s no different. A cat staring at a human can indicate curiosity or even hostility, but when your cat stares at a close, uninterrupted A form of dependent affection, so the closer your cat is to you while gazing, the stronger his signs of dependent affection will be. For pet parents, though, this staring can be a tricky issue—staring by a healthy, active cat may be a sign of affection, but it can also be a sign of hunger, anger, or fear.

When a cat blinks slowly, it’s a sign of trust.

First on the list of ways to tell your cat he loves you is to blink slowly. It’s the most certain act of tenderness a cat can give a human, and if a cat gives you a series of slow winks, one thing that’s certain is that it’s basically seducing you with its affection, a little like a human would.
While these claims are often dizzying and certainly amusing, cats are indeed loyal, lovable creatures. They may not enjoy the full physical contact that dogs crave, but cats often, in their own way, show the same love and devotion to their owners. In return, we should also love and care for them more, which is the source of our happiness.

How to know if a cat likes you

Of course, this dislike is actually a bit too serious. According to Russell Hartstein, a cat behavior expert in Los Angeles, when humans come into contact with a cat they have just met, cats will have a distrustful and fearful attitude towards humans. And this mentality will affect their behavior, and people can see these characteristics from their behavior.

Here are seven details of how cats express their disapproval of humans.

Drooping tail

The main function of a cat’s tail is to maintain balance, and its sideline is to express its emotions. In a cat’s daily behavioral habits, a drooping tail is an expression of stress. According to research by experts in cat behavior research, the lower a cat’s tail is, the more stressed they are. When reaching the lowest point, the cat will choose to attack or run away.


If you are a novice cat owner, you often cannot see your cat after bringing it home. This means that the cat does not feel comfortable at home, but feels stressed. So they will choose to find a place to hide, adjust their emotions, and wait until their mood calms down before appearing. Generally speaking, this is an expression of dissatisfaction with the owner. However, sometimes, it is also because of life. The owner must remember to distinguish clearly.

How to know if a cat likes you

Bite someone

Biting is actually very common, but most of it is just a pretense. An adult cat has the ability to control itself. Will not bite hard at will. If you are petting a cat one day and you are bitten by it, it means that it is unhappy. The owner had better find out the cause as soon as possible.

Run away when I see you

If you try to tease the cat with food or toys, the cat has no interest in it and will turn around and run away. This actually tells humans very directly, that is, the pressure you bring to cats is greater than the temptation of food and toys. The owner really needs to find out the reason carefully.

Solve physiological problems by not removing cat litter

Cats are creatures with slight mysophobia. Generally speaking, cats will automatically and consciously solve their physiological problems in the litter box. But if your adult cat is suddenly unwilling to go to the cat litter to solve its own problems, then it is very likely that the cat is dissatisfied with its recent life, so it expresses its dissatisfaction in this way. The problem may even be caused by moving the cat’s litter box.

How to know if a cat likes you

Scream at the owner

When a cat roars, it means that something is very serious. Although kittens may growl from time to time as kittens, this is perfectly normal. If an adult cat is growling at you, it means you have done something bad that the cat feels is unforgivable.

Except in front of you, everyone is very friendly.

If your cat is friendly to everyone else, it will become indifferent or even growl when facing you. That means it only has an opinion on you. Have you bullied it before? Or forgot to give it food, or ignored it. Before it breaks up with you, coax it back nicely.
These are common signs that cats don’t like someone. How can you tell if a cat likes you? This article is quite serious. Because cats have different personalities, they have different ways of expressing their love. So let’s make a judgment based on the different personalities of cats.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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