how to know if your cat loves you

Does my cat really love me?
You might think of it as a love-hate relationship…. Emphasis on the latter. If you’re often asked this question – “Does my cat really love me?”
Believe it or not, the domestic cat who shares your home does more than just tolerate your coexistence. Chances are, your cat loves being around you and truly adores you.
Some of us think the cat is crazy. However, for others, the idea of caring for a pet takes time to warm up to, and when a pet is not fed, it can be perceived as independent and aloof. People often misunderstand cats, in part because they appear unpredictable. One moment, your cat is purring with joy when you scratch his cheek, but the next he’s biting you.
While dogs are known for being loyal and loving, cats must endure a running joke that they secretly murder their owners. They are often unfairly thought of as lonely and selfish, wanting nothing more than to have humans pay attention to them.
But in reality, most cats display a marked tendency to bond closely with people. …However, evidence of feline affection can be subtle and difficult to read, leading to their bad reputation for being incapable of affection.
Representing the nearly 100 million domestic cats living within China, it is time to correct this record. Here are seven signs your cat really likes you, so you can stop asking, “Does my cat really love me?”

how to know if your cat loves you

Your cat exposes his belly to you

As one of the ultimate proofs of trust, a cat will sometimes let you see his belly. This development usually means that your relationship has made significant progress and has grown to a point of comfort. Because cats are vulnerable to predators when their bellies are exposed, they rarely want to adopt a belly-up position. Consider this a sincere compliment from your cat — maybe even a sign that he’s looking for a belly rub.

Your cat brings you “gifts”

If you have an outdoor cat, you’ve probably experienced this: your feline brings you a trophy of an animal he killed…a mouse, a frog, whatever. Why does your cat insist on giving you hunting prizes? From his perspective, you represent a family member and you can’t seem to catch your own prey, so your cat will provide some for you. You are the “lucky” recipient of your cat’s hunting abilities. As you clean up animal bodies from your doorstep, remember that it’s the thoughts that count.

how to know if your cat loves you

Your cat is like your shadow

Not every cat will run to the door to see you when you come home from get off work, but many felines will follow their owners to provide them with constant companionship. Your little cutie will keep an eye on you when you’re home and may even make sure you never use the bathroom alone. Is there a room where you like to sit and read or watch TV? Your cat will most likely casually walk into that room and join you. Few creatures can match the feline’s ability to provide quiet companionship.

Your cat purrs in front of you

When your cat crawls into your lap and starts purring, everything seems right in the world. You may not have the ability to replicate the soft rumbling sounds your cat makes that allow you to share in his joy. When a cat purrs, it can indicate a variety of emotions most often associated with pleasure and contentment. So when your feline treats you with his purrs, you should take it as a compliment.

how to know if your cat loves you

Your cat stares at you

Speaking of contentment, your cat’s body language tells a similar story. Especially when you consider your feline’s eyes. While you may never win a staring contest with your cat, you can take comfort in knowing the importance of your cat’s gaze. When your cat stares at you and then slowly squints or closes his eyes, it means you are his boss and someone he admires.

Your cat touches his head to you.

One of their most affectionate displays is physical contact, with cats nudging their heads against their human companions. …It is a friendly, sharing gesture that allows the cat to reinforce a positive relationship and mark you with his scent as he releases pheromones indicating comfort and familiarity. If you’re feeling lucky, you can try rubbing the head repeatedly to see how your cat reacts.

Your cat plays with you

This is arguably the most underrated aspect of cat ownership. Always curious, felines play games from one-month-old kittens to adults. In addition to watching your cat have fun, you may also be “invited” to participate. A Trusty Feline lets you engage in interactive play, in which you help your cat gain confidence, develop social skills, and hone its hunting abilities. So, break the time hands and enjoy playtime with your feline friend.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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