Why does my cat lick my hand

Cats like to lick, especially their owners’ hands and feet. Why do they like to do this?
In fact, when a cat licks its owner’s hands and feet, it wants to tell you these things. Don’t you know?

You are very important in its heart

Your world can be rich and colorful, but the cat’s world is only you. This shows how important your position is in the cat’s heart.
I don’t know if you have noticed that whenever you come home from get off work, your cat will run towards you enthusiastically, act coquettishly towards you, snuggle into your arms, and even lick your hands and feet.
All kinds of behaviors of cats can show that your position in its heart is very important.

Why does my cat lick my hand

Tell you, it’s very happy

Although cats are very smart, their IQ is only 5-6 years old at most. Their thoughts are relatively simple. It can be said that the mood of the cat is written on its face.
The owner can tell at a glance whether the cat is happy or unhappy.
If a cat suddenly licks your hands and feet for no apparent reason, or even invites you to play with it, then as a senior poop scooper, you must know that the cat is telling its owner that it is very happy and interested in playing.

Just a simple act of coquettishness

Cats’ thoughts are simple, so actions driven by thoughts can also be simple.
If you and your cat have a good relationship and a very close relationship, the cat may often lick your hands and feet. It may not have any other meaning, but it is simply acting like a spoiled child to you, just like a child acting like a spoiled child to its mother.
If your cat often acts coquettishly towards you, congratulations, it loves you very much and even regards you as its mother and its whole world.

Why does my cat lick my hand

Cat wants to be quiet

Cats don’t want anyone to disturb them when they are eating or sleeping.
If you have been teasing the cat at this time, it will lick your hand and then continue to eat or sleep.
The cat wants to tell you at this time not to disturb it. It wants to be quiet for a while. If you don’t stop, the cat may bite you as a warning!

Maybe he’s hungry

Cats cannot speak, so the way cats communicate with their owners depends on movement, which may be body language or an action.
If you haven’t just come home, and you were doing your own thing before, but the cat suddenly comes to you, licks your hands and feet, and looks at the cat bowl or cat food, then it Maybe it’s hungry and is reminding you to feed it.
A cat’s gastrointestinal tract is very fragile, so it is best for pet owners to feed it regularly so that it can form a reasonable digestive system and the cat’s gastrointestinal health will be healthier. If you want your cat’s gastrointestinal health, the cat food you choose should also be easy to digest and absorb.

Why does my cat lick my hand

I want you to play with it

A cat’s natural instinct is to eat and play, but when a cat is full, its most urgent need may be to play.
So if you have just given your cat a delicious meal and the cat is still enthusiastic about you, then the cat is sending you a signal that it wants to play, and it hopes you can play with it.
Conclusion: Does your cat often lick your hands and feet?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/11204.html

上一篇 8 4 月, 2024
下一篇 9 4 月, 2024

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