Why is my cat meowing at night

The reason why cats are called meowing stars is because they always meow, and sometimes the frequency is very high, so some cat owners are confused, what are they meowing for? What do you want to express to us?

In the wild environment, cats will only meow when they are breastfeeding. This is to attract the attention of their mother, indicating that they are hungry, cold or scared and need their mother’s care. When they grow up, they will It is rare for cats to meow to other animals of the same kind. Instead, they howl and hiss to express their emotions. However, there is one exception, and that is when cats are domesticated by humans, in order to interact with humans. The better they communicate, the more they meow.

Why is my cat meowing at night

Some people are very talkative and talk a lot, and some cats also like to talk very much. For example, the Siamese cat is the talkative little prince among cats. It always likes to meow at humans, which means it is talking to you. But then again, for most cats, if it often meows at humans, If you shout, there must be something going on here. Let’s take a look at what they want to express to you.

I got sick

Some diseases will cause the cat to feel thirsty, painful, hungry and other physical sensations. At this time, the cat will meow to attract your attention. As a poop scooper, you must check the cat’s physical condition carefully. In serious cases, Going to the hospital.

Let you play with it

Although cats are very independent animals, they sometimes need care and attention from people. At this time, they will meow and ask you to play with them for a while, but you should try not to do it as soon as you hear the cat meowing. Play with it. This will make the cat overly dependent on you. You can play with it again when it stops barking and calms down a little.

Why is my cat meowing at night


When cats walk past a place with food, such as the kitchen, they will meow to ask you to give them some. For the same reason as above, you should not give them food when they meow, but wait for a while. When it is calmer, give it food again, and don’t let it develop the bad habit of giving it whatever it wants.


Some cats will meow to greet you when their poop-scooper comes back from outside, as if to say, welcome him back.

Under pressure

Cats will also purr frequently if they encounter something stressful, such as the arrival of a new pet or the birth of a new baby in the house. They are afraid that the cat will ignore it because of the arrival of a new life, so they will keep calling the cat. At this time, the cat cannot neglect the original cat.

Why is my cat meowing at night

Want to fall in love

If cats have not been neutered, they will meow frequently during the love season.

Getting older

Like humans, older cats are also susceptible to mental illnesses, such as mental confusion, cognitive impairment and other problems. They sometimes feel inexplicably sad and even meow, sounding very sad. Especially at night, this problem is more common. At this time, the dog owner can spend more time with them and leave a night light for them. If the situation is serious, the dog owner must take them to the pet hospital for treatment in time.
It seems that there are really many reasons why cats meow frequently at each other. The cat scavenger must find out the specific reasons, understand the cats’ meaning well, and be a qualified poop scavenger.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/11248.html

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