Why is my male cat drinking so much water

The reason is that the moisture content in the air in winter is reduced and it is relatively dry, which can easily cause cats to have a dry mouth and tongue and increase their water intake.
Although the weather is hot in summer, the humidity of the air is high, so cats will not easily feel thirsty when they stay indoors at a suitable temperature for a long time. When raising cats on a daily basis, you can place a water basin or humidifier in the room in winter to increase the humidity of the air and provide the cat with sufficient drinking water.

Food is too salty

This may happen to cats after eating Cat Food’s homemade cat rice, human food, or the cat food is too oily. The cat will drink a lot of water to relieve excessive salt intake.

If your cat has a black chin, you can consider this reason first, because the main cause of a black chin is that the cat food is too oily. Therefore, cats need to pay attention to low salt and oil in their daily diet, and focus on protein intake.

Why is my male cat drinking so much water

The cat is angry

When cats have a fever, just like humans, their throats will feel dry and they will be eager to drink water. Especially cool water, used to relieve heat in the body.
The symptoms of a cat getting angry are more obvious: the nose will become abnormally dry and the secretions from the eyes will increase. At this time, if the cat usually eats canned food, it is necessary to reduce the feeding and ensure a light diet.

The weather is hot

Especially with the high temperatures in summer, not only humans want to drink more water, but cats too. In summer, cats drink more water than in winter, and cats will also feel thirsty.

disease problems

The more obvious and common disease is acute gastroenteritis. The cat wants to drink water, and even stays near the water for a long time but does not drink. After drinking, the cat starts to vomit. If there are blood streaks and yellow-green liquid in the vomit, it is considered to be acute gastroenteritis. At this time, the cat can be fed Vipuda + Proxidine.
Diseases like diabetes can also cause dehydration, which makes you want to drink more water. Scrappers can make judgments based on the cat’s specific performance.

Why is my male cat drinking so much water

There are countless troubles in raising cats, but the biggest headache for cat owners, especially those who have male cats at home, may be: Why does my cat not like to drink water so much? !

I rack my brains every day to prepare all kinds of good things, such as cat strips, freeze-drying, canned food, smart water dispensers… and then! Goose! Just search for keywords in the WeChat chat history, and you will find shouts from the soul everywhere:
How to cheat? Can this cheat people? I succeeded in cheating today! I didn’t lie to you…
I went to fill the water. It’s watering again! It didn’t turn into water…it didn’t turn into water even though it was filled with water!
I stopped peeing again! Why do you urinate frequently? I only peed a few drops today, what should I do?
The listeners were really moved to tears and the listeners were anxious, wishing they could go into battle and replace the traitor with three buckets of water…

Why is my male cat drinking so much water

Why do you put your hot face on your cold butt? Aren’t you afraid that your master will have urinary obstruction, stones, or kidney failure? After all, it costs money at the least, and loses your life at the worst.
But if one day, the naughty child suddenly “changes his ways” and starts drinking water crazily, don’t be too quick to be happy, as it is likely to get into big trouble, please do it right away! immediately! Take it to the hospital.
A long time ago, cat ancestors lived in deserts with little water.
Living a life of long-term water shortage, their kidney function has evolved to be very powerful, and they can survive safely even if they only obtain water from prey.
However, “cats relying on the kidneys” can also overturn. Too little water intake keeps the kidneys in a state of overwork, so [kidney disease] has always been ranked among the TOP 3 diseases that cats commonly suffer from.
However, even if you get kidney disease if you don’t drink water, why do you get sick if you drink too much water?

Why is my male cat drinking so much water

Normally, the kidneys work like this:
STEP 1. After the metabolic waste in the cat’s body is processed by the kidneys, it will be excreted in the urine.
STEP 2. The metabolic waste in the body increases and there is insufficient water, and the cat will feel thirsty.
STEP 3. After drinking water, the kidneys are replenished with water and produce urine to excrete metabolic waste…
However, when a cat’s kidney function has problems, it will urinate less and excrete less waste. The cat will feel thirsty and increase its water intake. However, the sick kidneys cannot handle it at this time, and the excess water accumulation will turn into edema. , lower excretion efficiency, more thirsty, and more desire to drink water…

Why is my male cat drinking so much water

This enters a vicious cycle, leading to severe kidney failure!
Chronic renal failure does not have obvious symptoms in the early stages of the disease. What can be noticed by the naked eye is that the cat has lost weight, drank too much water, and the fur is a little gray.
However, common factors such as hot weather and old age can also cause cats to behave like this, so it is difficult to arouse the cat’s alertness, and he may even be happy that the cat is sensible.
Therefore, you usually go to the hospital only when it is very serious. However, it is really late at this time. Even if you spend a lot of money and energy to get through this, it will cause great damage to the cat…
Unfortunately, kidney failure is an irreversible disease that is almost impossible to cure with drugs. Strict dietary management is required to slow down the deterioration.
Therefore, doctors often advise cat owners to replace ordinary cat food with kidney disease prescription food, and strictly ensure daily water intake according to the water intake indicated on the product, in order to maintain or achieve better results.
Kidney failure is a protracted battle, and everything from daily diet, medical treatment to health care is indispensable. Whether the sick cat can be controlled or even effectively slow down the progression of the disease depends on the long-term care of the scavenger and good communication with the doctor.

For the health of your cat, you must find ways to make it drink more water and pee more often. Preventing problems before they happen is the best medicine!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/11267.html

上一篇 15 4 月, 2024
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