Are cats liquid

I saw a video like this before. Three cats were locked in a glass room, and one cat was observing a connecting seam between two glass windows.
Then the bug appeared. This cat actually got its head out of the crack in the glass and then a front paw. The two cats next to it were stunned. What is this guy doing? Next, they watched the cat move its two front legs. They continued to exert force and the cat’s entire body came out. Then they calmly looked back at the two cats inside. Don’t say that humans don’t believe it. , even its kind don’t believe this is true, this guy actually went out?

Are cats liquid

It turns out cats are really liquid!

Just like an octopus, an octopus can pass through its body as long as its mouth can pass through it. Cats can survive as long as their whiskers can pass through their bodies.
This cat’s operation is even cooler than an octopus’s volley escape. In addition to videos and pictures, scientists have also proven that cats are liquids. This one is so amazing. Why do cats have this super ability to liquefy their bodies? What about ability?

Now let’s talk about the story behind this

Time comes to 2017 in Massachusetts, USA, and there are demons dancing wildly in the lecture hall of Harvard University.
This is the annual Ig Nobel Prize award ceremony. Although this selection is a spoof, every research is serious science.
For example, the 2000 Ig Nobel Prize winner was named Andre Geim. He said at the Harvard Auditorium that he had invented a magnetic levitation device in the laboratory that could successfully levitate smaller animals. This experiment Looks hilarious. But 10 years later, in 2010, Andre won the real Nobel Prize for this research. The reason for the award was the development of graphene, and his original purpose of developing graphene was for the funny levitation experiment 10 years ago.
Graphene has opened a new door for mankind, such as graphene batteries. If this is mass-produced, the mobile phone will really be able to charge for one minute and last for a month.
This is the Ig Nobel Prize that first makes you laugh and then makes you think. Since 1991, the Ig Nobel Prize has been held every year, and each time is called the first one. So at the first award ceremony in 2017, there was a name Ding’s boy came on stage. The reason for his award was that he used the principle of rheology to prove that cats are liquids.

Are cats liquid

So how to describe rheology? Let’s prove it below.

First of all, we need to use non-Newtonian fluids. To put it simply, scientists call a liquid that can float on water lightly called non-Newtonian fluids. It looks almost like water, but when someone steps on it, it will become very viscous and as hard as a solid in an instant. And what if you stand on it and don’t move? It reacts, “Oh, I almost forgot that it is a liquid” and makes you sink.
Non-Newtonian fluids are not uncommon. Tomato sauce is one of the most common examples. The pool in the picture above is not filled with rare chemical raw materials, but the cornstarch thick slurry that we are very familiar with.
In life, except for very pure liquids such as water and alcohol, some viscous liquids such as syrup, blood, and chicken soup are actually considered non-Newtonian fluids, and the science of studying non-Newtonian fluids is called “rheology” study”.
Do a small experiment. If you want to test whether a person can really play Go, then ask him what 19*19 equals.
And if you want to test whether a person really understands rheology, then you just say “Pantari” to him. Why do you say that? In fact, these three words are the famous sayings of their ancestors, which mean everything. Objects can flow.
This patriarch was called “Heraclitus”. Later, the god Newton also joined this sect. He unified the world with Pantari and described the three major forms of solid, liquid and gas into the same mathematical model, which is Pantari rheology. Learning, everything is fluid.
For example, if you tell your physics teacher that the Himalayas are liquid, he will definitely eat you alive. If he does not eat you alive, but looks at you with a pair of sparkling eyes, then he must have joined. Panthari sect, because in their view the Himalayas are indeed liquid, this mathematical model is called “De”.

Are cats liquid

Whether the Himalayas are liquid or not depends on your observation time. On the human time scale, T is only a few decades, and τ is as large as a few adult years, so the bottom latitude is very large, and the Himalayas are obviously solid. But if we look at it from the earth’s time perspective, T is billions of years old, and τ is only tens of millions of years old, so De < 1. Obviously the Himalayas are liquid.
Of course, the liquid in the Himalayas is indeed flowing, but we humans are too short to feel it.
Of course, under the high-speed camera, this exceptional water polo can also be solid.
Because judging from the scale of tens of thousands of frames per second, the moment it was punctured, it maintained a short-lived solid form, but the time was too short and humans could not perceive it, so we would ignore it, but in fact It is the same as the Himalayas, both solid and liquid on a certain time scale.
This is the world view of rheology. After we have a preliminary understanding, we can see how Fardin proved that cats are liquids.
Farding said the reason for this study was that in 2014, an animal magazine listed 15 pieces of evidence that cats are liquid.
These 15 pieces of evidence use different breeds of cats and a variety of containers. It was finally proven that cats can shape themselves into the shape of a container without significant volume changes, which is a basic property of liquids. This research attracted widespread attention at the time.
It was this picture of a kitten curled up in a goblet. Many people criticized the magazine, saying that they were cruel to animals and kept the kittens in containers to feed them to grow into this horrible shape. But in fact, anyone who has actually raised a cat should have experienced that cats can really turn into liquid.
For example, when a cat goes down the stairs, it is obvious that a liquid cat is flowing down the stairs. Then Fardin used such an experiment to prove that the time it takes a cat to fill a fish tank is 5 seconds, and the time to observe it is 60 seconds, then if the time De is less than 1, it is a liquid.
But if we extend the time scale, we will find that many cats are running and jumping. At this time, their De is greater than 1 and they are solid, so cats can be liquid or solid. Depends on the location and time of observation.
To fully prove that cats are liquids, we must take into account the second major characteristic of liquids, which is called the main axis, that is, the flow of liquid has a main direction.

Are cats liquid

Fardin gave evidence

Obviously, liquid cats have a main axis with good flow properties, so these main axis phenomena also prove that cats are liquid.
Continue to prove that liquids should also have affinity and affinity. For example, water and oil are incompatible, water and oil are in a mutually exclusive relationship, and water can spread quickly on paper towels, so water is friendly to paper towels. But the water cannot spread on the lotus leaves, so the water thins the lotus leaves. So what about the intimacy of liquid cats?
Fatin took out a photo like this. He said that this bamboo basket is a super cat-free surface. The liquid cat appears close to a ball on the surface of the bamboo basket, which is consistent with the state of water on a lotus leaf. The lotus leaf effect occurs because the rough lotus leaf surface repels smooth water droplets.
And Farding said that cats’ affinity effect is because their rough cat hair repels smooth surfaces.
For example, Fardin gave an example of an extremely rough surface. This cat slept peacefully among the iron railings. At the same time, Fardin also observed in the experiment that cats like to spread out on some rough surfaces, and if they encounter smooth surfaces, The surface of ceramic tiles will also appear extremely sparse.

Are cats liquid

At this point in the analysis, Fardin explained a strange phenomenon that scrappers often encounter, which is why cats are so afraid of water. This is because the water surface is extremely smooth and too sparse for cats. Of course, cats don’t like it.
In Fardeen’s experiment, liquid cat also showed non-Newtonian flow characteristics, which is called yield stress. For example, when squeezing tomato sauce, it either won’t come out no matter how hard you squeeze it, or if you don’t apply too much force, it will all flow out. This force that breaks through the limit is called yield stress. If you apply too much force to a non-Newtonian fluid, it will instantly change from solid to liquid.
The same is true for cats. For example, when a kitten gets into the seam of the sofa or gets into a shoe, it is difficult for you to take it out. It is really like squeezing ketchup but it won’t come out no matter how hard you squeeze it. Once you use the correct posture, , it will flow out all at once.
The argument is not over yet, because the liquid must also meet one requirement, which is turbulence. That is to say, when the deformation speed of the liquid is large enough, a chaotic motion will occur. For example, a vortex is a kind of turbulence. So does a cat have such a condition? What about characteristics?
Fardin gave the example of a cat spinning rapidly in a bottle, which obviously complies with the principle of turbulence.
It seems that all the evidence that cats are liquids has been found. At the end of the paper, Farding said that cats are not simple liquids. They are active and can change solid-liquid forms independently without external influence.
In addition, Japanese experts also pointed out that we cannot regard cats as an isolated fluid system, because cats can also transfer and absorb the pressure of the surrounding environment.
Office workers who are overly stressed can go to cat cafes on weekends and pet cats to relieve stress.
This is Farding’s research, cats are liquids.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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