What’s the fastest and most effective way to deal with heatstroke in dogs?

Summer has passed, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. If you are not careful, it can easily cause your dog to suffer from heatstroke. So what should you do if your dog suffers from heatstroke? I will teach you some tips. If you learn these, you may be able to save your life at critical moments. Collect them now!

What should I do if my dog suffers from heatstroke?

Move to a cool place

If it is found that the dog has heatstroke, the first thing we have to do is to find a cool place, and then quickly move the dog to this cool place, which can cool down the dog to a certain extent.

What’s the fastest and most effective way to deal with heatstroke in dogs?

Provide plenty of water

We need to provide the dog with a lot of water, pay attention to cold water rather than ice water. If the dog is even awake and has the ability to swallow, you can feed them a lot of water; you can also pour cold water all over the dog’s body to ensure that the abdomen, Wetting the hair on the feet and body can quickly help the dog cool down.

Use alcohol to wipe the dog’s foot pads

Dogs release heat through their foot pads, so wiping the pads with an appropriate amount of alcohol can effectively help dogs dissipate heat. After wiping the dog with alcohol, expose the dog’s paw pads to cool air.

Seek medical treatment promptly

When your dog has difficulty breathing, or when you are unsure, you must go to a professional place to seek help, because the longer you wait, the more dangerous it is for your dog!

What’s the fastest and most effective way to deal with heatstroke in dogs?

How to prevent heatstroke in dogs?

Don’t shave too much

Many people like to shave their hair when the weather is hot. I have said this many times. The place where dogs dissipate heat is not on the body. Not only is it impossible to help dogs dissipate heat, but it may also cause the dog’s skin to be damaged. Sunburn, etc., and easy to be bitten by mosquitoes, etc., so it is not recommended to shave the dog’s hair.

Cool the dog appropriately

Think of some dog breeds that are afraid of heat, such as huskies, golden retrievers, etc. When the weather is hot, the owner can properly cool them down. You can turn on the fan or air conditioner for them, but be careful not to blow directly on them. The temperature Don’t put it too low to prevent your dog from catching a cold.

What’s the fastest and most effective way to deal with heatstroke in dogs?

Change dog walking time appropriately

In summer, you also need to pay attention to the time when you walk your dog. In winter, you may choose to walk your dog at noon, but in summer, you should avoid midday. It is best to walk your dog in the early morning or evening to avoid heatstroke caused by too high temperatures at noon. .
You can usually play and interact with your dog with toys and snacks at home. It is best to take your dog out when it is cooler.

Provide sufficient water sources

In summer, dogs’ bodies need more water, especially after exercise, so we need to provide sufficient water sources for dogs. We can set up multiple drinking water points, and it is best to replace the water with fresh water every day.
In summer, dogs’ appetite will decrease and they won’t want to eat many times, which is not good for their health. For this phenomenon, we can choose some palatable dog food to feed, and occasionally feed goat milk powder, etc., which will help improve their health. The dog’s appetite.
Conclusion: In summer, how do you help your dog cool down?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/1190.html

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