Can fleas on cats bite people

A netizen asked: “What should I do if there are suddenly a lot of fleas on my cat at home?”
Answer: “The problem is easy to solve, but finding the cause of the flea infestation is the key point”
If there are fleas on your cat! It is undoubtedly the most troublesome thing for scavengers, because fleas have a very strong breeding ability. If you find one or two, your home may have become overrun in places where you can’t see it.
There are two main reasons why pets generally get fleas! The first is that the domestic pet has had contact with stray cats and dogs or often goes outdoors! The second one is when humans go out on a field trip! Accidentally brought it home.

Can fleas on cats bite people

The wrong way to get rid of fleas

In the two years of raising cats! More than once, I have encountered people catching fleas from cats with bare hands. Let’s not talk about the hygiene situation. Just catching fleas with bare hands only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.
Because fleas reproduce very quickly, usually after the fleas are eliminated, the eggs remain on the cat, causing fleas to parasitize the cat again and again.

The right way to get rid of fleas

Generally, regular deworming of cats will not lead to parasitic fleas. Deworming medicine can not only get rid of fleas, but also remove mites, tapeworms, etc.
If the cat is already infested with fleas, it is best to use medicated bath cleaning or external insect repellent drops to deworm the cat, which can not only eliminate fleas but also remove eggs.
in addition! Remember to disinfect and clean your home environment to avoid leaving opportunities for fleas to take advantage of, especially if you have children at home.

Can fleas on cats bite people

It will jump on people and parasitize people and pets in its parasitic environment.

Lice are parasitic on the body surfaces of humans, cats and dogs. Cai Songwu, deputy director and chief physician of the Institute of Disinfection and Vector Prevention and Control of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that lice are incomplete metamorphosis insects that parasitize the bodies of humans, cats and dogs. surface. The life cycle of lice is very simple, from laying eggs, hatching larvae to molting into adults, all completed on the human or animal body.
There are three types of lice that parasitize the human body: head lice, body lice and pubic lice. Among them, body lice are the most harmful. Body lice carrying pathogenic microorganisms can transmit relapsing fever, epidemic typhus, trench fever and other diseases through biting humans. Head lice and pubic lice mainly cause harassment to the human body and cause skin infection after bites.
Skin itching, redness, and irritation may occur after being bitten by them, and infection may occur after severe scratching.

In addition, some of them may live in the environment, and cats are particularly ideal parasites for external parasites such as fleas and lice. Especially in summer, external parasites multiply in large numbers. Therefore, it is usually recommended that owners do this in January. One time external deworming.

Can fleas on cats bite people

Have you ever seen the kind of physique that attracts fleas in cats and dogs? If you pass by them, if there are fleas on them, the fleas will run to you and bite you. This is my constitution.
Yesterday, I suddenly felt itchy on my legs. It was the kind of excruciating itch. The weather has been very hot and muggy for the past two days, and the mosquitoes came out. I thought I was bitten by mosquitoes. I lifted up my trouser legs and took a look. Yes, there were two big bags. No. The kind of mosquito bites, I knew it was the fleas on the cat at home that jumped on me again and bit me.
This is not the first time I have been bitten by fleas from cats and dogs. In the first year after my husband and I got married, around the time of spring and summer, I began to slowly develop large red and swollen bumps on my body and legs. The big bumps were extremely itchy, and the itching lasted for a long time. You had to use your strength to remove them. I scratched it until the skin was scratched, but it still became itchy and painful. Applying cooling oil, wind oil essence, and toilet water didn’t work. I wanted to go to the drugstore to ask if I had any skin disease and wanted to buy some medicine. I wiped it and went to the pharmacy. The boss said it looked like I was bitten by something and recommended an ointment for me to rub. I suddenly remembered that I was pregnant, so I asked the pharmacy boss if this medicine could be used. The boss heard that I was pregnant. They didn’t dare to sell this kind of medicine to me, saying that these medicines contain hormones, and they couldn’t guarantee whether they would affect the fetus. They suggested that I go to the dermatology department of the hospital to have a look.
So I went to the dermatology department of the hospital again. After the doctor looked at it, he also tested for allergens. Because I was pregnant, the doctor did not dare to prescribe medicine for me. He only gave me a topical ointment to rub on and told me to go home frequently. Wash quilts and sheets. After I went home and applied ointment, it relieved the itching at first. However, once the effect of the medicine wore off, the itching was still there, and it could not get rid of the bumps. Moreover, there were more and more big bumps on my body and legs. I washed all the bed covers and dried them every day, but it had no effect.

Can fleas on cats bite people

Later, an aunt in the village saw it and told me that my husband had cats and dogs at home, and I was bitten by cat fleas and dog fleas. I never thought it would be like this before, because when I was a child, our family also had a cat and a dog, but I had never been bitten by a cat or dog. Besides, my husband and his family had nothing to do. It was really surprising that I was the only one bitten.
After my aunt told me, I started to pay attention, and sure enough, I felt itchy when I went to bed at night. I got up and turned on the light and took a look. Yes, I caught a few fleas on the bed and on my body. They were small and black. When you feel itchy during the day, you will always catch a few fleas as long as you look at them in time. The itching was unbearable, so I complained to my husband and asked his father to buy cats and dogs. However, my father-in-law raised more than 20 dogs in the backyard on the top floor and the first floor. He raised them to sell them for money. They are still young now. He didn’t want to just sell it. My mother-in-law, on the other hand, happened to want to keep a cat to catch mice, so she sold the cat while my father-in-law was not at home (we had two at home). When the father-in-law found out, he became furious and scolded my mother-in-law. I was so frightened that I never dared to mention selling my cats and dogs again.
In this way, the first year after marrying into my husband’s house, I spent my time constantly changing and washing the quilt, drying the quilt, scratching my body, and then being “itched” all over my heart. But the miraculous thing happened. When the summer was very hot, there were fewer and fewer fleas. By late autumn, the fleas seemed to be extinct. They no longer appeared to bite me, as if there had never been fleas in the house.
In the second year of marriage, my son was born. When spring and summer came together, fleas came again. This time they not only bit me, but also bit my son. We slept in the same bed. Nothing happened to my husband. It was just me and me. When my son was bitten, it was so painful that it made you want to cut the flesh off with a knife. I couldn’t bear it as an adult, let alone a child. My child often cried day and night. I couldn’t bear it, so I forced my husband to give in. His father sold the cats and dogs. My father-in-law was reluctant to sell them all, so he sold the dogs in the backyard on the first floor.
In the third year of marriage, the situation was still the same. I gave my husband an ultimatum. If he didn’t ask his father to sell all the cats and dogs, my son and I would rent a house outside. I would no longer live in his house. As a last resort, my father-in-law sold the dog on the top floor, leaving only two guard dogs and one cat in the house.

Can fleas on cats bite people

In the fourth year of marriage, there are fewer cats and dogs, and fewer fleas, but there are still some. I don’t want to tolerate it anymore, and I don’t want to force anyone to do anything. I decided to go to Guangdong to work alone, but my husband quit. He didn’t like working in Guangdong, and he didn’t want me to go. I don’t know what he said, but my father-in-law sold all the cats and dogs. From then on, the world was peaceful and I no longer had to worry about fleas on my bed.
Later, I was bitten by dog fleas a few times. Once the dog next door rubbed against me, and several times when I was working at a construction site, the dogs rubbed against my feet and I was bitten by dog fleas. However, they were all bitten. It’s on my legs, and it can cause one or two big bumps, which is within the range I can tolerate.
To be honest, people who have never been bitten by cat or dog fleas really can’t feel the piercing itching. It doesn’t mean that if I scratch it hard, it will stop itching, but if you scratch it, it will bleed. It will still itch, and it will become painful and itchy, and this time will last for several days before it becomes less itchy. If you can tolerate it in one or two places, you will not be able to bear it if there are more than ten or twenty spots on your body. Live, you will be itched on your legs every once in a while, several places will attack at the same time, which will make you want to cut off the flesh on your body with a knife. Especially at night, when you are asleep, you will suddenly feel itchy all over your body. If you can’t stand the itching, you will scratch it hard and keep scratching it. Then it will become so painful and itchy that you can’t sleep at all. During the time when I was bitten by fleas from cats and dogs, I was in a state of collapse…
Sometimes I think these cats and dogs are so cute, but when I think about the fleas they carry, I don’t dare to love them. The cat my father-in-law has now is very quiet and doesn’t run around. He likes it very much. But when I pass by the living room door on the second floor, those cat fleas still jump on me. It’s really annoying. I don’t know if I should drive this cat away again. I hope netizens can help me with some ideas!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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