Cat shows sadness after being beaten

What are the signs that a cat is sad after being beaten?
As pets slowly enter human life, many pet owners are becoming more and more obsessed with raising a cute little animal, and cats are the first choice. After all, these little guys look very cute at first glance. Cute, fluffy hair, big eyes, and small size are very suitable for the type of pet that most girls want now, and they can also be held in their arms at any time, which is very convenient for us assholes to masturbate at any time. As soon as I stroke it, I feel very beautiful and happy. Cats are also one of everyone’s favorite pets, and these cats are the same as dogs, just like children. They usually show some naughty behaviors in their daily life with the poop scraper. Of course, this still depends on the cat’s personality. Some cats are very quiet, gentle and cute most of the time, while some cats are born with a more boy-like personality, are more naughty, and are often prone to making mistakes.

But it made a mistake. If it is beaten by our poop cleaner, it will be very sad and cry uncomfortably. We rarely see cats crying. If, at this time, the cat has secretly hidden and cried. Should the shit-sniffing officer reflect on whether he hit him too seriously? Of course, if a cat makes a naughty mistake, the scavenger should punish it, but we should choose the right way to punish them. After all, cats are very fragile, and we can hurt them if we are not careful. So, fellow shit shovelers, do you know? Are there any signs that a cat will feel sad after being beaten? In fact, they usually use these signs to tell you, “I have realized my mistake and I am very sad. Can you please stop hitting me?” Which ones are they? Let’s look down together.

Cat shows sadness after being beaten

First: It hides secretly in a corner and ignores it no matter what the official calls it.

Although cats can’t speak, it doesn’t mean they don’t understand anything. They are actually very sensible. It’s just that they don’t know how to express themselves to the scavenger. When a cat makes a mistake, it will be scolded by us at this time. When the shit picker sees it, and then gets beaten by the shit scraper, it will secretly hide in a corner, lie there quietly, and ignore the shit scraper at all, no matter what the shit scraper does. If you try to tempt him with delicious snacks, he will ignore them and act very sad. However, if he is sad, he will not feel sad in front of his owner. He usually hides in a corner and lets others know. The scavenger can’t find it, and the kitten may come out after it gets rid of its emotions. However, there are also some angry kittens, and it will take a long time for them to get rid of their sad emotions. Therefore, it will take a long time for the shit shoveling officer to find them.

Cat shows sadness after being beaten

Second: avoid the comfort of the shit shovel officer.

Cats are timid and timid. Many times when they make a mistake, the cat cannot control his emotions and will scold it loudly. This may not make it know that it is wrong, but it may also make it think that you don’t like it and will be punished. The cats are frightened by the cat’s scolding. At this time, they are very scared and sad, and may keep calling in a certain place. However, when our cat scavengers want to step forward to comfort the cats, the kittens run away. It wanted to avoid the shit shovel’s comfort. At this time, it was very sad. It didn’t want to pay attention to the shit shovel. It also used its own emotions to express to the shit shovel. It was very sad. , it also wants the comfort of the shit shovel, but it cannot easily accept the comfort of the shit shovel. Sometimes it may take several cans to coax it.

Cat shows sadness after being beaten

Third: loss of appetite and depression.

This situation is already very serious for kittens, which means that when we punish them, we are a bit harsh, which is beyond the cat’s acceptance range. It does not know what to do, and it will be very depressed and uncomfortable. , it always thinks about hiding quietly in a certain place, and has no desire to eat at all. It wants to hide or not eat to protest against the shit shovel. At this time, their psychology has already appeared. We, the poop scavengers, should seriously reflect on ourselves, whether we have been too harsh, frightened them, or something else. At this time, we should comfort the kittens and keep them safe. Accompany it and play with it. If it still has a loss of appetite and shows no signs of wanting to get up and move, then the kitten may be depressed. At this time, you should observe the kitten’s emotional state at all times.
Many cats are like children. They don’t know what they have done wrong. They are very naughty. Sometimes they will be curious about the color or other things and break some items in the house. At this time, the poop scavenger will They will be very angry. After all, sometimes the animals they beat may be a little valuable, but there is no way. Even if the poop scraper beats it, it will not know what it has done wrong, but it will affect their emotions. Some questions, so fellow poop scrapers, will your kitty be sad?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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