Can stray cats be taken home

Even if a stray cat lives a happy life outside, it makes sense to catch it and raise it home. Note that this meaning is not for cats, nor for people who like cats, but for other people. Because stray cats actually harm the interests of most people. Picking up stray cats can truly give homeless cats a home. The biggest difference compared with buying a pet cat is the health risk issue. If you like cats very much, you must understand which cats you cannot have before raising a cat.

Stray cats spread diseases and damage the environment. Most people don’t like stray cats. Therefore, people who like cats should bring stray cats to their homes to raise them, and do not let the cats run out of their homes. Stray cats are very nuisance to people. Only keeping cats in your own home forever can prevent cats from nuisance. Each cat has its own life, and his (her) life is like this. If he meets someone who can take him (her) home, he can live for almost fifteen or twenty years. If he doesn’t meet someone, he will return to the cat star early.

Can stray cats be taken home

It is very difficult for people to live on their own (men need to buy a house to marry a wife, and women also need to buy a house to have a say in the family. This is not what I said, it is the unanimous opinion of most Zhihu), so we cannot help. A cat is not a problem. As long as you don’t abuse the nuisance cat. There is a huge difference between pretending not to see a stray cat and kicking it. Stray cats are fine as long as everyone can’t see them.

So as long as you don’t make stray cats worse, there’s no need to feel guilty. It would be great if you could have some compassion and ignore stray cats. There are many people in this world. As long as you don’t harm this cat, there is always the possibility of him (her) being adopted and rescued. Just don’t deny him (her) this possibility.

Can stray cats be taken home

Many netizens said, “People are picking up cats all over the world, why can’t I pick them up?”
It’s been a peak season for picking up cats recently because stray cats give birth to two litters a year.
There should be three or four kittens in a litter. You will see a lot of kittens running around.
The content of today’s article is to provide you with cat picking strategies so that you can easily take the cat home.

If you want to successfully “abduct” a stray cat and bring it home, just follow these 3 steps:

Step one: arrest

If we want to abduct stray cats and bring them home, we must not act rashly.
No matter how weak you think it is, you can’t just grab it or touch it.
If you accidentally get scratched by it, should you give it the injection or not?
Once you get an injection, two thousand yuan will be gone.
We need to test first whether the kitten can scratch and bite people
Test it with your cuff first. Even if it catches you, it will only catch you on the cuff.
If it doesn’t catch you, then you can try to catch it

Can stray cats be taken home

Step 2: Take it to the pet hospital for examination

If you meet a stray cat you like, you can take it home and raise it
But we recommend taking it to the pet hospital for a physical examination first to avoid any problems.
This way you can take it home with more confidence and no worries.
Then I will also tell you some basic things to pay attention to when raising a cat and some necessary items.
You can first buy a small bag of cat food, a bag of cat litter, a cat litter box and a cat bowl.

Can stray cats be taken home

Step 3: Give the kitten space to familiarize itself with the environment

After many people pick up a cat, they especially want to express their love for the cat.
As soon as I get home, I want to post a message with the cat immediately and ask for help.
But here I suggest you let it go, give it some space alone, and let it familiarize itself with the environment.
If you force yourself to become familiar with it, it will become frightened and resist you.
All you need to do is prepare cat food and water for it
A familiar and fast cat may be able to get along with you in a day or two.
There are also cats that take a week to relax, it just depends on the situation.
Now that I have shared my guide to picking up cats, what I want to say here is that it is easy to pick up cats but difficult to raise them.
Once you bring a cat home, it means that you are willing to be responsible for it for a lifetime
Instead of feeling that it is different from what you expected, you will no longer want to raise it after you raise it.
Before raising a cat, you must think clearly. Stray cats can be brought home at almost no cost.
Many people may not cherish it after raising it. If this is the case, you should let it go freely.
For those of you who are interested in picking up a cat, you can take a look at some things to note when raising a cat:
Get your cat vaccinated and dewormed
Kittens can start deworming around 45 days old, if you are not sure how old the kitten is
You can ask your veterinarian, they can usually tell how old the kitten is.
When the kitten is two months old, it can be vaccinated
The initial vaccination is three shots of combined vaccine + 1 rabies vaccine. The next shot should be taken about 21 days apart. The doctor will tell you.
Play with your cat more and build its trust in you
If you want to have a good relationship with your cat, the owner also needs to invest time.
That is, playing with your cat will make it rely more on you and trust you.
If you just ignore your cat when you miss it, it will definitely not like you that much.
When playing, you can feed it some low-fat snacks to capture its heart.
Ensure cats have adequate nutrition and grow taller quickly
Stray cats are usually very thin. They live outdoors and often go hungry.
If you want them to grow faster and better, you need to ensure that they have adequate nutrition.
Conclusion: Have you ever raised a stray cat? You can share it in the comment area!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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