Cat-borne disease is caused by being frightened

We need to know that cat-to-cat transmission is caused by cats being infected with the coronavirus and the coronavirus mutating. Most cats can carry coronavirus. In daily life, cats will inevitably be frightened, change food, change seasons and other stress reactions. It is easy for the coronavirus to mutate and cause cat-to-cat transmission.
Therefore, it is recommended that feces scrapers provide cats with a quiet and comfortable environment in their daily lives to avoid cats from having stress reactions, thereby reducing the incidence of feline transmission.

The editor below will tell you about the circumstances under which cat-to-belly transmission is likely to occur:

After the cat is exposed to stress stimulation

In life, after a cat is exposed to emergency stimulation, if the cat itself carries the coronavirus, it is very likely that the coronavirus will mutate and cause feline infectious peritonitis.

Cat-borne disease is caused by being frightened

The more cats live in groups, the easier it is to cause

Cat-to-cat transmission is mainly transmitted through daily contact with cats carrying coronavirus or the feces of cats that are already sick. It is especially likely to occur in closed spaces where cats gather, such as catteries, pet rescue stations, multi-cat households, etc. .
Therefore, in order to prevent your own cats from being infected, it is recommended that cat owners vaccinate their cats regularly and at the same time reduce contact with other cats or cat excrement. As cat owners, we, as cat owners, remember to disinfect every time we go home. .

Cat-borne disease is caused by being frightened

Cats have low immunity

If the cat is healthy and has normal immunity, the virus will generally not affect the cat, and the mother will not have clinical symptoms. However, when a cat is sick or the cat’s immunity is weakened due to an emergency, the coronavirus is likely to turn into an infectious peritonitis virus due to genetic mutation, causing the cat to show symptoms of feline transmission, such as elevated body temperature, weight loss, Loss of appetite, abdominal distension, fluid accumulation, jaundice, renal failure, etc.
Under normal circumstances, the probability of detecting coronavirus in stray cats, cats that often go out, and cats living in groups is relatively high, and their prevalence is naturally high.

Cat-borne disease is caused by being frightened

Most parents whose cats suffer from abdominal diseases know that cat abdominal diseases are caused by the mutation of coronavirus. Due to its unstable structure, coronavirus can easily mutate. So under what circumstances will it mutate?
In addition to cats’ weak immunity, another situation is stress response.
Because cats themselves are timid, highly vigilant and sensitive animals, they are prone to stress reactions when unexpected irritating changes occur in the external environment.
Stress response refers to individual non-specific reactions caused by various stressful stimuli, including physiological reactions and psychological reactions.
For cat stress, we can simply understand it as excessive fright, which causes the cat to have rapid heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, muscle tension, etc. In severe cases, it may also cause diarrhea, fever, respiratory tract infection, and even cat-to-abdominal transmission, sudden death, etc. , it’s no wonder that some shit-eating officials call stress response the root of all evil!

So the question is, as a qualified poop scooper, how to prevent cats from having a stress reaction?

The stimulation of unfamiliar environment

Such as moving, foster care, going to the hospital, walking cats…
Cats like a quiet environment and have high requirements for comfort. A sudden change in the environment will make the cat feel nervous and anxious, not to mention a hospital filled with many strangers. The cat may also need to undergo blood drawing and injection for examination. Cats It’s easy to get scared.
When a change of environment is unavoidable, the cat must be fully prepared. When the cat arrives in the new environment, it must be given a certain amount of time to adapt to the environment. You can bring some of the cat’s previous toys, cat food, etc., so that the cat can become familiar with it. Feel the cat, eliminate the tension in an appropriate amount, and patiently accompany the cat to give it a sufficient sense of security.
On the other hand, cats do not need to be walked like dogs, and most of them do not like to go out. Especially cats that have been kept in captivity for many years and are relatively timid, it is best not to take them out casually; if they must go out, try not to use a transparent cat bag.

Cat-borne disease is caused by being frightened

Influence from surrounding life

Such as strangers at home, irritating baths, threats…
When guests visit the home, some cats will be frightened and hide. At this time, the cat should not force the cat to stay outside. In addition, because cats have a strong sense of territory, when a new member appears in the family, they may think that their territory has been violated, which may lead to resistance or depression. The cat should pay attention to soothing the cat’s emotions. You can hug the cat and do not let it be hurt. Ignore.
Furthermore, some cat parents like to scare their cats suddenly to see their funny reactions, but they don’t know that this may frighten the cat. And if there are relatively loud noises in the surrounding area, such as thunder, firecrackers, car horns, etc., the cat should be comforted in time.
Of course, in order to better prevent the mutation of the coronavirus, in addition to trying to avoid stress reactions, cat owners should also increase and ensure the intake of nutrients cats need through dietary adjustments in daily life, thereby helping cats strengthen their Physical fitness and improve immunity.
There is no cat owner who doesn’t want his or her cat owner to be healthy. Therefore, in daily interactions, the cat owner should observe the cat more. If there is slight stress, he should comfort it in time. If there is an obvious abnormality due to severe stress, he must send it to the cat in time. The hospital conducts an examination. After all, whether it is cat-borne infection or other diseases, early detection and early treatment are needed.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

上一篇 13 5 月, 2024
下一篇 14 5 月, 2024

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