What causes red eyes in puppies?

The eyes are the windows to the soul. If there is a problem with the dog’s eyes, the dog owner will be very angry. Under normal circumstances, a dog’s eyes should be bright and clear, and look piercing. If red bloodshot eyes appear, it means there is a problem.

Why do dogs’ eyes turn red?

Vigorous exercise

If you want to describe a dog, there is no more appropriate word than a lively and energetic dog. If a dog does a lot of strenuous exercise, it will accelerate blood circulation and cause red eyes. This is a normal phenomenon. As long as the dog’s body temperature drops later, it will return to normal.

What causes red eyes in puppies?

Get angry

Getting angry is a common problem in our lives, and the same is true for dogs. When the food the dog eats is greasy, or there is a lot of fire excretion on the body, it will cause internal heat, which will show up in the eyes. In this case, the owner can let the dog eat more vegetables and fruits, and stop serving him with food and meat every day.

Inverted eyelashes

Normally, a dog’s eyelashes should grow downward. If they are inverted, that is, they grow in the opposite direction, it will irritate the dog’s eyes, causing the eyes to become red and tearful. At this time, the dog’s excess eyelashes can be trimmed off. If the condition is severe, surgery may be required.

What causes red eyes in puppies?


When a dog’s tear ducts are infected by bacteria, they will secrete a large amount of tears. However, the nasal cavity and tear ducts cannot clear so many tears, so they accumulate in the eyes, causing the dog’s eyes to become red and swollen. In the face of this disease, it is necessary to apply targeted drugs according to the condition.

Infection with viruses

When dogs play, their paws or body will inevitably be contaminated with some bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. If the dog frequently scratches its eyes with its paws, it will cause eye scratches. Once it is determined that the dog’s own behavior is the cause, the owner can soak saline in gauze and drop some anti-inflammatory eye drops every day. But if it doesn’t work, you should take your dog to the hospital for treatment in time to avoid worsening of the condition.
When raising a dog, not only feeding is important, but care is also important. In addition to red eyes, the editor also believes that serious tear stains in dogs is also a problem that many poop owners are very distressed about, especially dog breeds like Pomeranians. So how to solve it?

What causes red eyes in puppies?

What to do if your dog has severe tear stains

Severe tear stains in dogs are generally caused by blocked nasolacrimal ducts, eye irritation, eye inflammation, flat face structure, etc. To solve the problem, it’s best to give your dog eye massage and eye drops every day, which can effectively prevent nasolacrimal duct obstruction.
Secondly, we need to carefully investigate the factors that cause the dog’s tear stains, such as eyelashes stuck in the eyes, eyelash ectopia, dust irritation, etc. As long as these factors that affect the dog’s eye health are eliminated, the condition will not be aggravated.
When the dog’s tear stains are obvious, you can use eye drops containing chloramphenicol or erythromycin eye drops to sterilize and reduce inflammation of the eyes.
But if it is a dog with a naturally flat face, narrow nasolacrimal ducts, and developed tear glands, the scavenger must be more diligent and wipe its tears more every day to avoid leaving serious tear stains after drying.
In addition, the health of the dog’s ears will also directly affect the eyes, so it is necessary to clean the dog’s ears every once in a while, such as using cotton swabs and paper towels to clean the external auditory canal to avoid ear mites and otitis in the ears, which will harm the body. healthy.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/1284.html

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