How to deworm a two-month-old kitten

Cat deworming is divided into external deworming and internal deworming. External deworming is usually in the form of drops. First, you need to peel off the hair on the back of the cat’s neck, and then drip the deworming drug onto the skin. Usually, it is a whole drop. , and you cannot take a shower for 3-5 days after that for the medicine to take effect. Internal deworming is mostly tablets. You can hold the cat’s chin with your hand, raise the cat’s head slightly, use the other hand to gently open the mouth, and quickly insert the deworming tablets into the cat’s mouth. In the throat, if it is placed on the tongue, the cat will spit it out. Of course, internal anthelmintics are also available in liquid form, usually in the shape of a syringe, which can be placed directly in the cat’s mouth and pushed in slowly. The cat will stick out its tongue and swallow it on its own. Cats need to be dewormed internally and externally when they are one month old. When they become adults, they need to be dewormed internally once every 3 months and externally once a month.

During the deworming process of cats, you must be careful not to forcefully open the cat’s mouth to avoid being bitten by the cat. It is recommended to use a medicine feeder or put tablets into food and feed them to the cat.

How to deworm a two-month-old kitten

Usually new cats entering the house are 2 to 3 months old. At this time, cats do not need to spend a lot of energy to feed like kittens, and they are particularly cute. However, compared with adult cats, cats at this period are still physically weaker and some habits have not been developed, so scavengers will also face many problems. Today, let’s talk about things that cats that are 2-3 months old need to pay attention to.

Be sure to get dewormed and vaccinated

No matter whether the cat is picked up, adopted or bought, we need to ensure that the cat is dewormed and vaccinated when it gets home (if it is purchased, usually the regular cattery can only pick it up after the deworming and vaccination are completed. Please read the vaccine booklet before taking it to make sure you are not deceived).
If the cat has not done so, make sure the cat is in good health and deworm the cat first after entering the home. Stray cats, in particular, can easily carry parasites.
One to two weeks after deworming, if the cat has no health problems, get vaccinated. Usually, the cat triple vaccine is injected, which can prevent feline distemper virus, feline herpes virus, and feline calicivirus. After two injections in the first year, a booster injection is given in the second year, and then every three years.
Although the vaccine has been injected, you still need to pay attention to strengthening the cat’s immunity on a daily basis. Kittens have a weak body and are more susceptible to diseases. The vaccine can only prevent 3 diseases. Other diseases still require the cat’s own immune system. to resist. Daily consumption of Wan Neng No. 1 can improve the cat’s immunity, improve the cat’s physical fitness, promote the growth and development of the cat’s immune organs, and effectively prevent diseases. And when used in conjunction with vaccines, it can increase the speed and quantity of vaccine antibody production.

How to deworm a two-month-old kitten

What should cats eat during this period?

There is actually not much difference in the nutrients needed by kittens and adult cats. It’s just that kittens need more fat during their growth period, and they will get hungry faster, so kittens are rarely picky eaters. If your cat If the cat refuses to eat or is picky about food, first check to see if it is fed too many snacks, or it may be sick.

Something else that needs attention:

Eat as little as possible and often as much as possible

The gastrointestinal function of kittens is not fully developed, so the gastrointestinal function is weak, and the kitten does not know how full it is. Eating too much at one time will cause an overburden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause soft stools, diarrhea, and vomiting. Therefore, the conditions If allowed, let the cat eat a little less each time and feed it more often.

Try not to feed snacks to cats

Snacks have lower nutritional content and contain more additives and food attractants. Feeding them too much is not beneficial and can easily cause cats to be picky eaters.

Let them develop the habit of drinking more water

Water is very important to cats, so letting cats love drinking water from an early age will be beneficial to their health. Keep some water bowls at home so your cat can drink easily when they are thirsty.

How to deworm a two-month-old kitten

What should I do if my cat has loose stools, diarrhea or vomiting?

Kittens have weak gastrointestinal functions and often suffer from soft stools and diarrhea due to various reasons. Health care products for gastrointestinal conditioning at home are essential.
For daily gastrointestinal conditioning, you can insist on taking Wanneng Gastrointestinal No. 1, which can promote the growth and development of the cat’s gastrointestinal tract, repair damaged gastrointestinal mucosa, promote digestion and absorption, improve gastrointestinal function, and relieve soft stool, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
If the diarrhea is severe, you can use montmorillonite powder or kaolin to stop diarrhea, combined with medications to regulate the gastrointestinal tract.
If the kitten vomits complete cat food, it may be caused by eating too fast and being too full, so try to eat small meals frequently and don’t eat too much at one time.
But if your kitten is vomiting and has diarrhea, and is not in a good mental state at the same time, it may be sick (possibly feline plague). At this time, it is most important to send it to a pet hospital quickly.

The cat does not use the litter box, but urinates and defecates elsewhere?

Usually kittens learn to use cat litter by their mother cats, but leaving their mother cats too early may result in them not learning to use cat litter. At this time, you, as the shit shoveler, need to teach it.
Cats have a natural tendency to use cat litter. Usually, with a little guidance, they will use cat litter on their own. You just need to have enough patience.
We can carry him into the cat litter box and use his little front paws to pull the cat litter, and he will slowly understand.
If they are unwilling to enter the litter box, then it may be that they don’t like this cat litter. Usually, cats are most willing to accept bentonite cat litter, because the particles are the smallest and closest to natural sand. Try changing them to another cat litter. Maybe the problem will be solved.

How to deworm a two-month-old kitten

What should I do if the kitten is too naughty and bites people?

Kittens that are two to three months old usually grow up playing with their brothers and sisters, practicing their hunting skills through play. At this time, there are no mother cats and no brothers and sisters, and only you are around, so you need to accompany them. played.
They may bite or scratch you during play, but they don’t mean it, they just don’t understand the severity. At this time, try not to tease him with your hands. Over time, they will mistake your hands for toys, so they will bite your hands. Buy some cat funny sticks, laser pointers, etc., play with them, let them consume their energy, and they will become sensible as they grow up.
The above are some common precautions for kittens aged two to three months. I hope that everyone’s cats can grow up healthily.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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