Are Ragdoll cats easy to raise?

Ragdoll cats are called “fairy cats” by shit collectors. Because Ragdoll cats look very sweet, many people are attracted to them. But after raising a Ragdoll cat, I realized that Ragdoll cats are so difficult to raise. Netizens said: I don’t even want to give them to me for free!

① Buy supplies in large sizes; because Ragdoll cats are larger than ordinary cats, it means that Ragdoll cats basically need to buy supplies in large sizes.

For example, cat nests, litter boxes, hair combs, etc. need to be purchased in large sizes, which means they are more expensive. Therefore, they say you should never raise a Ragdoll cat if you don’t have money, because the later expenses will be higher. No wonder netizens joked that “I don’t even want it for free.”

Are Ragdoll cats easy to raise?

②Curiosity is too strong; Ragdoll cats have a very docile personality and are usually very lovable, but don’t ignore this. Ragdoll cats are too curious.
Ragdoll cats like to explore novel items, so many things in the house cannot escape its clutches. The newly bought cup by the owner is likely to be broken soon. After raising a Ragdoll cat, it is not worthy to have fragile and fragile items.
③ Chasing and wiping their butts every day; Ragdoll cats have very long hair and an amazing amount of hair, which is consistent with their fairy cat appearance, but it is also difficult to take care of Ragdoll cats’ hair.

Because the hair is relatively long, it is easy for the baby to get stuck on the hair when having a baby, and the pet will chase it and wipe its butt every day. If you don’t have time to wipe its butt, the Ragdoll cat will drag its poop-stained body to the sofa and bed~

Are Ragdoll cats easy to raise?

④ “Walking Dandelion”; Grooming a Ragdoll cat requires a lot of time and energy. The most important thing is that the Ragdoll cat sheds very seriously.
Ragdoll cats are also known as walking dandelions because their hair falls wherever they go. If the fur of Ragdoll cats can sprout, then seeds will appear in every corner of the home, sometimes causing great trouble to pet owners.
⑤Have a “glass stomach”; Most Ragdoll cats have one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, they have a “glass stomach” and their intestines and stomach are very fragile.
Raising Ragdoll cats is prone to symptoms of diarrhea, soft stools, and vomiting, so it is not recommended for novices to raise Ragdoll cats. After raising a Ragdoll cat, I discovered that Ragdoll cats are so difficult to raise. However, if you raise a Ragdoll cat, you must be responsible for the cat and cannot give up easily.

Conclusion: After reading this, do you still dare to keep a Ragdoll cat?

Are Ragdoll cats easy to raise?

Everyone who has seen a ragdoll cat is attracted by its sapphire-like eyes, which are cute and docile like a doll, so it is also called a ragdoll cat or a doll cat.
However, Ragdoll cats are too soft and fragile and can easily suffer from depression, so many people are worried that Ragdoll cats are difficult to raise, and they don’t know the specific feeding methods. Today, the editor will take you to find out.
1. The gentle character of the Ragdoll cat determines that it is suitable for indoor feeding, so you must be careful not to let the Ragdoll cat go outdoors alone to avoid being hurt by animals outside. It has no ability to resist. But this does not mean that it is enough to place Ragdoll cats alone in a closed indoor environment. People should always stay with it, comfort its emotions at all times, and take good care of its daily life to prevent it from becoming disabled.
2. Ragdoll cats are susceptible to viruses and bacteria, and their own resistance is weak, so owners must go to a professional pet hospital to vaccinate them, and it is best not to let them come into contact with strangers or poultry to reduce their incidence and mortality rate.
3. It is best to soak the daily cat food in warm water first, not too dry or too hard, and choose cat food with balanced nutrition that is easy to digest, otherwise the kitten’s fragile intestines and stomach will cause it to have diarrhea. The amount of food should be added step by step. It is not advisable to put too much at once. The kitten will not know it himself and will overeat.
4. Clean the cat well. When bathing, be careful not to pull the Ragdoll cat hard, and be gentle as you would treat a baby. Do not let the water get into its nose to prevent it from choking. In the current winter season, to keep warm, it is best to wear warm and comfortable clothes and put warm flannel in the nest. Prevent the flu from harming it
Novices must learn these little common sense tips for taking care of Ragdoll cats. Ragdoll cats are very well-behaved and clingy, and owners must take care of them patiently and not let down their trust.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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