Why do dogs cry?

After raising a dog for a long time, the dog owner will be able to see the dog crying, and even see the dog crying and sad. Of course, although some people still stubbornly believe that dogs cannot cry, crying is just a normal physiological phenomenon of dogs, and only humans can shed tears for emotional reasons.
Of course, what we are discussing today is the veterinarian’s reminder that there are 6 reasons why dogs cry! It’s also about health! Please don’t ignore it, shit shovelers!

Eye irritation

The most common cause of tears in dogs is external stimulation of the eyes. For example, when strong wind, dust, sand and other external substances come into contact with the dog’s eyeballs, they will cause the dog’s eyes to defend themselves and secrete tears to keep the eyeballs clean.
If your dog cries under certain circumstances, it may be because the air in this place is not clean and there is pollen or a large amount of dust in the air.

Why do dogs cry?

Eye inflammation

Frequent tears in dogs are also related to eye diseases! The most common cause of dog eye inflammation is conjunctivitis, keratitis and other eye diseases.
Dog owners should know how to protect their dogs’ eyes. If they find their eyes are red or bloodshot, they can drop anti-inflammatory and sterilizing eye drops, which can prevent and improve the symptoms of eye inflammation in dogs.

Inverted eyelashes

Some of the reasons why dogs tend to shed tears are due to eye structure, such as inverted eyelashes, entropion of eyelids, etc. These conditions may cause the dog’s eyeballs to be irritated and cause frequent tears!
If you find that your dog’s eyes have some physiological structural defects, such as inverted eyelashes, some of them can be sent to the hospital for surgery to correct.

Why do dogs cry?

Nasolacrimal duct obstruction

Dogs are born with nasolacrimal ducts, and the nasolacrimal ducts connect the eyes and nostrils to help dogs drain tears. Many ordinary people rarely see dogs shed tears because the tears are drained away!
On the contrary, if the owner can always see the dog crying and there are tear stains in the corners of the eyes. Then it may mean that the dog’s nasolacrimal duct is blocked, causing the dog’s tears to flow out only from the left and right corners of the eyes. The owner can help the dog to clear the nasolacrimal duct through surgery.

Ear disease

Dogs’ eyes and ears are very sensitive parts. In fact, ear diseases in dogs can also affect the dog’s tears. The ear area will involve the dog’s facial nerve, making it more sensitive to pain.
If your dog suffers from otitis media, otitis externa, or ear mites, the pain may be unbearable, resulting in frequent tears. It is recommended that the owner take good care of the dog’s ears and regularly apply ear bleach drops. When the dog does not cooperate, you can reward it with snacks to establish a good association and make the dog obediently pat its ears.

Why do dogs cry?

Food that is irritating and too salty

In addition to pathological and physiological structural reasons, if the dog’s diet is too salty and the food is excessive, it will also cause the dog to shed tears and increase the number of feces and tear marks. Owners should pay attention to the dog’s diet management at ordinary times, focusing on light taste and nutrition, and avoid eating human food, food heavy in salt and oil.
Many people don’t know that human food is actually too salty for dogs. The reason is that dogs need much less salt than humans. Too much salt intake will make it difficult for dogs to metabolize, leading to damage to the health of their skin, hair, and kidneys. The burden is also great. This is why it is not recommended to feed leftovers or human food to pet dogs.
In terms of staple food, it is better to choose light and low-salt dog food, which can better protect the dog’s health. In the short term, it can also help to improve the appearance of the dog, without the worries of tear stains, poor hair and skin diseases. In the long term, it will be good for the dog. Longevity helps too.
For example, “Gan Bu Yi Natural Dog Food” is a good choice for raising dogs. Not only is it light and low in salt, it can reduce tear stains, but it also contains deep-sea fish oil and taurine, which is rich in EPADHA and beautifies hair. Taurine can help dogs have bright eyes. , Enhance vision and make your dog’s eyes more clear! You can also feed your dog some carrots and fish as supplementary food, which can also protect the dog’s eyes and beautify its coat!
Conclusion: Does your dog often cry? Are there any tears? You can also share beautiful photos of your dog in the comment area!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/145.html

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