What are the characteristics of a dog suffering from heatstroke?

In the hot summer, there are more and more cases of heat stroke in dogs. How to prevent heat stroke in dogs?

Dogs have sweat glands on their bodies, but except for the sweat glands on their paw pads and noses, which can secrete sweat, other sweat glands can only secrete odor. Therefore, they can only discharge most of the heat through the mouth through rapid breathing, and a small amount of heat is discharged through the sweat glands on the paw pads, so it is important to keep the dog cool. Heatstroke in dogs can be life-threatening, and warning signs include panting, slow movement, weakness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Normally, a dog’s body temperature is between 37.5°C and 39.0°C. When a dog suffers from heat stroke, the dog’s body temperature may rapidly rise to above 40°C, which is dangerous for the dog.

What are the characteristics of a dog suffering from heatstroke?

Hot summer is the season when dogs are most susceptible to heatstroke, and heatstroke in dogs is likely to endanger their lives. When a dog suffers from heat stroke, the body temperature may rise to 40°C, accompanied by increased heart rate and increased water consumption. If the situation is more severe, symptoms such as foaming at the mouth and shock may occur. It’s best for owners to understand this so that they can save their dogs’ lives at critical moments~

Behaviors of dogs suffering from heat stroke

1. Extended tongue, drooling, panting, restlessness, and sometimes staggering when walking;
2. Increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, sluggishness, and listlessness;
3. Foaming at the mouth, paralysis of limbs, coma and shock, body temperature rising sharply to 41-42°;

4. Decreased appetite, dry skin, and dehydration.

What are the characteristics of a dog suffering from heatstroke?

The main cause of heat stroke in dogs is the weather. The weather is too hot or the temperature is too high, which causes heat stroke in dogs. Dogs who have an unbalanced diet and eat too many irritating foods can cause gastrointestinal problems and heatstroke. Excessive exercise in dogs is also a cause of heatstroke. Although dogs exercise a lot, they don’t really want to go out for exercise. Swimming ranks first among the sports suitable for dogs in summer. Swimming not only consumes the dog’s physical strength and meets its need for exercise, but also relieves the heat. The seven-star resort residence of Peisen Home Pampering also has a swimming program. It is an indoor four-season swimming pool that provides pets with an indoor constant-temperature and sterile four-season swimming environment.
If the dog shows signs of heat stroke, the owner should quickly move the dog to a cool place; then give the dog some room temperature water, and feed it small amounts and multiple times. Never feed it in large amounts, otherwise it will easily choke. to the dogs. Then use water to lower the temperature of the dog’s neck, armpits, and thighs. Wait until the dog’s breathing becomes more stable and the temperature has dropped to about the same level, then take the dog for a check-up.

What are the characteristics of a dog suffering from heatstroke?

If the dog has suffered from heat stroke, what should we do?

When a dog pants excessively loudly, has a bright red tongue, pale gums, and vomiting symptoms, it means that the dog has suffered from heat stroke. 
1. Provide cold water to the dog, or prepare an ice cube to lick. Some owners will also give their dogs popsicles, but be careful not to eat too many to prevent the dog from having gastrointestinal discomfort.
2. Use cold water (not ice water) to cool down the dog. Use flowing water to gradually pour it on the dog. Do not completely submerge the dog in the water. This will quickly lead to other complications in the dog. .
3. Place a wet towel under the dog’s paw pads, or use a wet and cold towel to wipe the dog’s body to cool down the dog. Do not cover the dog with a towel, as this will hinder their body heat dissipation.
4. Shaving the hair on the dog’s body will not help cool down. On the contrary, their skin will be sunburned by ultraviolet rays because there is no hair protection. Only cleaning the fluff on the bottom of the dog’s paws will have some cooling effect. .
Severe heat stroke in dogs can cause damage to their internal organs, so if it is serious, seek medical attention urgently.

I hope the dogs can spend this summer happily and safely~

What are the characteristics of a dog suffering from heatstroke?

Dog owners can prevent their dogs from heatstroke by doing the following:

1. In order to prevent dogs from heatstroke, you can take your dog to swim, but dog owners should be careful not to let their dogs swim in deep water areas. They should also pay attention to safety while relieving heatstroke.
2. In summer, it is also important to choose the time to walk the dog. Early morning and evening are the best times for walking the dog. Avoid walking the dog at the hottest time at noon.
3. Many dog owners like to take their dogs out for outings in the summer. It is also essential to prepare water for the dogs before outings. At the same time, make sure that there are shade trees or sheltered places for dogs to rest. .

4. If your dog is a short-nosed dog, you should be even more careful. It is more difficult for them to dissipate their own heat through panting, and the risk of heat stroke will be higher. Avoid taking them to hot places.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/171.html

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