Two-month-old kitten will die from cold

Cats are warm-blooded animals, and the fur on their bodies plays a role in keeping warm from the cold. However, this does not mean that cats do not need to keep warm. In the severe cold winter, cats will still feel cold, especially short-haired cats and kittens with poor physical fitness. If they are not careful, they will catch a cold. In severe cases, they will be accompanied by fever, diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to provide good care for cats at home. Doing a good job of keeping warm in winter is also one of the compulsory courses for shit shovelers.
Cats can be kept warm in many ways, the first of which is living. In winter, you can provide your cat with a warm and soft cat litter, or add a small blanket to the cat litter to prevent the cat from catching cold while sleeping. The water your cat drinks can be slightly warmed to make it easier to drink, but dry food does not need to be heated.
Whether or not to dress a cat depends on the specific situation of the cat. Generally speaking, cats don’t like wearing clothes because clothes make them feel uncomfortable. However, if your cat is hairless or has adapted to wearing clothes, it’s not a bad idea to dress up a little.
Next is heating equipment. Nowadays, with the advanced technology, there are many kinds of indoor heating equipment: heaters, air conditioners, electric blankets, heaters, etc., which are all good helpers to help humans and cats survive the cold winter. However, what is worrying is that cats are relatively insensitive to high temperatures. If they are too close to a stove or heater, their fur may be scalded. Therefore, cat owners should be very careful and find ways to keep the heating equipment away from cats. , to prevent cats from being burned.
It’s cold outside in winter, so we are used to closing the doors and windows tightly to keep warm, which results in a lack of indoor air circulation and a feeling of boredom. It is best to open the doors and windows regularly for ventilation, which is good for the health of the cat and yourself.
In order to prevent cats from catching colds, it is recommended that owners reduce the number of times they bathe their cats. If the wet and cold hair is not dried in time, it will easily cause the cat to catch a cold, which is detrimental to health. You can always keep some Pointe cold medicine at home just in case, so that your cat can have a safe winter.

Two-month-old kitten will die from cold

If a kitten is dying of cold, the following measures need to be taken immediately:

1. Keep warm: Move the kitten to a warm environment, wrap the body with a towel, and use an electric blanket or hot water bottle to keep warm.
2. Feeding: If the kitten still has the ability to swallow, you can feed it some warm glucose water or baby food.
3. Observe: Observe the kitten’s breathing, body temperature and heart rate. If serious problems occur, seek immediate medical attention.
4. Seek medical attention: If the kitten does not improve significantly, or develops severe symptoms, contact a veterinarian immediately for examination and treatment.
While taking measures, stay calm, don’t panic, and learn as much as possible about first aid to better help your kitten.

Two-month-old kitten will die from cold

Under normal circumstances, if a cat’s cold is not very serious, it is not life-threatening to the cat. However, when the owner discovers that the cat has a cold, he must take measures for the cat in time, otherwise it will become more serious and slowly affect the cat’s health. Healthy, and cats will also have some obvious characteristics after catching a cold. Owners should also pay attention to help cats deal with it. Let’s talk about it in detail below:

Keep warm.

After a cat catches a cold, it needs to stay in a warm room to recuperate. If necessary, put some clothes on the cat, or place a heater or hot water bottle. Be careful not to bathe the cat during this period, let alone take it outside for a walk, to avoid catching wind and cold again or a slight cold. Cats with good physical fitness will generally recover slowly. Of course, not all cats have such resistance, and weak physical fitness Cats need their owners and careful care to get well.

Two-month-old kitten will die from cold

Treat colds promptly.

If after taking measures to keep warm, the cat’s condition is still not good and it still sneezes, has a runny nose, and coughs, you should also give the cat some meow purifier to help the cat dispel cold and detoxify. You can put it in Amomi’s food. Mix the food with the food. If the cat still has a fever, it should be fed with some meow amo, or you can take the cat to the pet hospital for anti-fever injections.

Supplement nutrients to cats.

The reason why cats are prone to colds is mainly due to unbalanced nutrition and low resistance. Therefore, cats often have poor appetite during their illness. Therefore, do not just feed cats dry cat food or canned cat food, but also feed them more Eat some homemade vegetables and fruits, as well as some extra nutritional paste, goat milk powder, etc. to supplement multiple vitamins and enhance your resistance.
Cats sometimes have symptoms of colds that are very similar to those of nasal congestion. If the cat’s cold persists for a long time, the pet hospital should check to see if it is nasal congestion so that timely treatment can be provided.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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