What’s the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Does your cat have severe hair loss? The editor’s cat sheds hair like a walking “dandelion”. In fact, it is normal for cats to shed hair, but if it is too severe, the poop scavengers must take measures. Now, let’s take a look at what causes your cat’s severe hair loss and how you can effectively deal with it!

Normal physiological hair loss

Every year when spring and autumn change, cats need to adapt to new temperature changes due to major climate changes, and they will adjust by shedding. In summer, cats shed their hair, making it thinner and better able to adapt to summer temperatures. In winter, cats will grow thick and thick hair again in order to resist the cold and maintain body temperature.
These hair loss conditions are normal. Cats’ metabolism will be more vigorous after they become adults, so the amount of hair loss will increase. Until they enter old age, the amount of hair loss will gradually decrease, so cat owners do not need to panic.

What's the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Hair loss caused by skin diseases

Cat skin diseases may be caused by lice and fleas. In more serious skin diseases, cats may suffer from felis, which will cause a large amount of hair loss, and there will be dandruff at the roots of the hair, making the hair very fragile and easy to pluck out. fall off, and even expose the skin.
At this time, the cat owner needs to take the cat to the pet hospital for examination and treatment. If it is a disease such as cat moss, it will be highly contagious. Once a cat is found to be infected with cat moss, the cat must be isolated and the sick cat should not be allowed to come into contact with other healthy children. Cats to prevent the spread of cat moss. In addition, the scavengers themselves can take some vitamin B tablets to prevent cat moss from being transmitted to humans, and must be patient and determined to fight cat moss for a long time.

Hair loss caused by malnutrition

Only when a cat is healthy and strong can its hair be shiny and soft. If the body lacks nutrients, its growth and development will also be affected. Cat’s hair health will also appear in a sub-healthy state, with hair loss, dryness, and lack of luster. In this case, the feces scraper can prepare beef, chicken, fish and shrimp for the cat from time to time and mix them into the cat food, so that the cat can eat more nutritious and high-protein food. You can also supplement your cat with additional pet fish oil. Fish oil is known as “brain gold” and can protect against dry hair, hair loss, and brain development.

What's the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Hair loss caused by frequent bathing

Generally speaking, cats should take a bath once a month. If you take a bath too frequently, it will destroy the oil layer of the cat’s skin, accelerate the cat’s hair loss, damage the cat’s hair and make it drier, and the cat’s poop-sweeper will also become dry. You need to control the frequency of bathing your cat.

Hair loss due to excessive salt intake

Salt is one of the taboo foods for cats. Cats have very little demand for salt. Cats have poor sense of taste. Cats cannot feel whether there is excessive salt during their daily meals. Cats need to pay attention to their diet and control the amount of salt intake. Excessive salt intake will cause excessive burden on the cat’s kidneys and may also cause the cat to lose hair.

What's the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Cat hair loss is a problem faced by many pet owners. It not only causes a large amount of hair in the home, but may also cause the cat’s own skin diseases. 6 solutions to cat hair loss, collect them now, you will need them sooner or later!

Groom your hair regularly

Regular grooming can effectively reduce the amount of hair your cat sheds. With regular grooming, you can remove dead skin, unwanted hair, and encourage new hair growth.

It is recommended to comb your cat’s coat at least twice a week and use a specialized cat comb. In addition, you can also gently massage the cat’s skin when combing to promote blood circulation and facilitate hair growth.

What's the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Take regular baths

Regular bathing can help remove dirt and dander from your cat’s body, reduce the occurrence of skin diseases, and thus reduce hair loss. It is recommended to bathe your cat once a week and use a special cat shampoo and conditioner. When taking a bath, make sure the water temperature is appropriate and do not use too harsh detergents.

Keep the living environment hygienic

The hygiene of a cat’s living environment also has a great impact on the health of its hair. If the living environment is not clean, it can easily cause skin diseases and lead to hair loss. Therefore, you need to regularly clean your cat’s living environment, including cat litter boxes, food bowls, litter boxes, etc.
In addition, keeping the room dry and ventilated can also help reduce shedding. When cleaning, you can use disinfectant to disinfect the living environment to prevent the occurrence of skin diseases.

What's the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Maintain appropriate exercise

Proper exercise can promote your cat’s metabolism and help improve coat health. You can set up cat trees, cat climbing frames, etc. at home to allow cats to move around on their own.

In addition, taking your cat outdoors regularly to expose it to sunlight can also promote hair growth. When doing outdoor activities, be sure to put a leash on your cat to prevent it from getting lost or having an accident.

Balanced diet

Your cat’s diet is a key factor in the health of his coat. If the cat’s diet lacks necessary nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and minerals, it will cause the cat’s hair to be dry and easy to fall off. Therefore, it is important to provide your cat with a balanced diet.
Owners can choose a nutritious cat food for their cats and add appropriate amounts of fish oil, vitamin tablets, etc. to the cat food to provide the nutrients needed for the hair. In addition, owners can also provide cats with some protein-rich foods, such as hard-boiled eggs, fish, etc.

What's the best way to stop cats from losing hair?

Pay attention to the mental health of cats

Your cat’s mental health also has a big impact on her coat. If your cat is stressed, anxious, or lonely, this can lead to dry, flaky coats. Therefore, owners need to pay attention to the mental health of cats and give them enough care and companionship.
You can spend more time with your cat every day, and you can also add some snacks during the interaction, so that your cat will be happier.
Conclusion: Does your cat shed hair seriously?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/196.html

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