Are Pomeranians easy to raise?

Pomeranians are curious, fragile, sensitive, suspicious, and jealous… When raising Pomeranians, you need to pay attention to their inner feelings at all times and provide them with a stable and comfortable living environment. It is not suitable for people who work outside for a long time and have no fixed place of residence. Raise Pomeranian.


Pomeranians are very curious and are very interested in new things. They often eat rat poison, mold, nails and other harmful foreign objects by mistake, which is life-threatening. Therefore, Pomeranian owners need to clean their homes frequently, and careless people are not suitable for raising Pomeranians.

Inner vulnerability

Pomeranians are very fragile inside and can easily develop stress reactions due to changes in their environment, leading to a decrease in immunity. In addition, the owner’s scolding, beating and scolding may also cause Pomeranian to go hungry and panic. Raising this kind of dog requires providing a stable and comfortable environment. People who rent a house for a long time or work outside for a long time are not suitable for raising a Pomeranian.

Are Pomeranians easy to raise?

Sensitive and suspicious

Pomeranians are sensitive and suspicious by nature and can easily become jumpy. They cannot accept the owner’s abnormal behavior, such as coming home late occasionally, and are often frightened by this. Therefore, people who work long shifts or have irregular work and rest hours should not keep Pomeranians.

Strong jealousy

Pomeranians are extremely jealous and possessive. In their eyes, the owner is their only one, and they are very eager to possess all the love of the owner and are unwilling to share the love with other pets. Therefore, families that already have multiple pets, or plan to raise other pets, are best not to raise a Pomeranian.


As a small dog, Pomeranian has very fragile bones and is prone to various skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis and skeletal dysplasia. In addition, they are prone to bone fractures and fractures due to strenuous exercise, making them unable to perform high-intensity training.

Are Pomeranians easy to raise?

Depend on the master

Pomeranian’s ability to take care of himself is relatively poor, so he is very dependent on his owner. They are like toddlers, ignorant children who often get into trouble and cause trouble, such as damaging furniture and requiring their owners to clean up the mess. People who are not tolerant enough should not get a Pomeranian.

Easy to get lost

Pomeranians are less vigilant and less alert, and can easily be abducted by strangers. In addition, they are also relatively small, so when they appear in densely populated public places, they can easily be abducted or carried away. The owner needs to be careful at all times to prevent them from getting lost.

Big appetite

When it comes to appetite, Pomeranians are definitely the biggest eaters among small dogs. They are naturally greedy, and their lively nature also determines that they will consume more fat during a lot of exercise, which will greatly increase their appetite. People who cannot provide high-quality dog food on a regular basis are best not to keep a Pomeranian.

Are Pomeranians easy to raise?

More picky eaters

Pomeranians are picky about food and do not like to eat dog food with average palatability. However, they are keen on eating natural food with good taste and various snacks, such as pet pudding, sugar-free cheese, etc. They also have an unparalleled enthusiasm for wet food. . When raising Pomeranians, you need to provide them with a wide variety of food. Those who cannot do this are best to choose dogs that are not picky eaters.

Easily infected with diseases

Pomeranian dogs have a relatively weak constitution. When they first change to a new environment, it is easy for them to have low immunity in the short term due to stress reactions, and even catch colds and fevers. Like other dog breeds, they are prone to canine distemper, parvovirus, rabies and other acute infectious diseases that are common in dogs, and require regular vaccinations. Therefore, this kind of dog is not suitable for people with limited financial resources or who are negligent.

More tears

The tear glands of Pomeranians are very developed and sensitive, and they often secrete a large amount of tears, so that there are always more tear stains around the eyes. In addition, this kind of dog tear stains are difficult to remove, and even if they are barely cleaned, they will leave a faint yellow mark. People who cannot accept this shortcoming are best not to keep a Pomeranian.

Are Pomeranians easy to raise?

Nursing trouble

Pomeranian has pure white, dirt-free white hair, and the fluff is very fine and fluffy. It is easy to knot and split, making it very troublesome to care for. In addition, the playful nature of Pomeranians also determines that they often soil their hair and are not suitable for people with mysophobia.

Extremely lively

Pomeranians have very lively personalities and are keen to interact with their owners. In addition, they also have the habit of basking in the sun, so they need their owners to take them out for walks regularly to relieve stress. Pomeranians who have not been able to exercise for a long time and have excess energy are prone to depression and other mental illnesses. Therefore, people who are short on time should not raise Pomeranian.

Dogs bark loudly

Almost all small dogs have a common characteristic, that is, they like to bark. Pomeranian barks are very loud, and the sound is sharp and loud, which can easily disturb the surrounding residents and is not suitable for breeding in densely populated urban areas.

Are Pomeranians easy to raise?

Infection with parasites

The probability of Pomeranian being infected with parasites is very high. Some roundworms, hookworms, coccidia, and trichomonas are usually left in the body. Some Pomeranians even carry Toxoplasma gondii, which can cause fetal malformations. When raising Pomeranians, you need to provide them with cooked food as much as possible, avoid them coming into contact with the feces of other dogs, and regularly deworm them.

Petite body type

Pomeranians are small and not suitable for people who like large dogs. In addition, their small size also means that they often fail to attract the attention of drivers when crossing the road and are easily hit. They are not suitable for careless and careless people to keep.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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