Will dogs hate their owners for being neutered?

Anyone who raises cats or dogs will think about a common question, which is: should they neuter their pets? Because pets in estrus are much more difficult to raise, will they hate their owners after being neutered? Let’s take a look!
Many netizens said that in fact, dogs do not know that they have been sterilized, they only know that they have been harmed. In addition, dogs are different from people. Saying that they hate their owners is actually not true. Don’t bring into people’s thinking. For those who are still hesitating whether to neuter their dogs, let’s learn about the pros and cons!

Will dogs hate their owners for being neutered?

|||— ❶ —||| The benefits of neutering your dog

Benefit 1: Avoid certain diseases in dogs. For example, diseases caused by the uterus, ovaries, etc., sexually transmitted diseases, prostate cysts and other diseases related to the dog’s reproductive system. The incidence rate of some of these diseases is quite high, and some even affect the life of the dog. It eliminates the worries of menstrual cycle, which is better for families raising female dogs, and the home can be much cleaner.
If sterilized before the age of two and a half, the risk of breast, uterine, cervical and mammary tumors can be significantly reduced. For male dogs, it can reduce the probability of testicular cancer, perianal atrophy and non-cancerous prostate diseases.
Benefit 2: Avoid the irritability, fights, uneasiness, loss of appetite, reduced compliance with the owner’s instructions caused by dogs in heat, dog fights with other dogs for mates, and attacks on strangers and even owners. Neutered cats and dogs are generally less aggressive and can better integrate into the family environment. They will be more emotional!
Benefit 3: It can make dogs docile, reduce or completely change their habits of wandering, fighting, peeing everywhere, and howling, thus greatly reducing losses or injuries. It can also change the bad temper of your pet. Unneutered animals can cause various problems due to sexual frustration, and the owner will dislike the pet because of this, and even have the idea of abandoning it.
Common psychological maladaptive conditions of sexual frustration include biting, destroying furniture, bad temper, etc. Neutering can help animals overcome these problems. Neutering can be a great way to improve a bad temper and territoriality.
Benefit 4: Eliminate the trouble of giving birth to a dog. Mainly refers to female dogs. Excessive childbirth will accelerate the aging of body organs. It also avoids the care and trouble of pregnancy, prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care, etc., as well as the trouble of caring for the puppy afterwards, giving it away, etc. Don’t leave unwanted dogs homeless!

Will dogs hate their owners for being neutered?

|||— ❷ —||| Disadvantages of neutering your dog

Disadvantage 1: It deprives dogs of their reproductive rights, which is a bit cruel, and they have to endure the pain of being knifed. People who are particularly kind and soft-hearted cannot bear to think about it.
Disadvantage 2: There will be adverse consequences if sterilization surgery is performed at the wrong age! If dogs are neutered at an age that is not suitable for neutering, it is likely to cause their hormonal imbalance, thus affecting the vital development of bones, joints, internal organs, etc.
Disadvantage 3: prone to obesity. Everyone knows this. After sterilization, dogs will gain weight like a ball. Of course, the related health problems must be taken seriously. Don’t let your dog overeat because he is unhappy about being neutered!
After neutering, the dog’s hormonal metabolism will undergo some changes, causing their body to not need to consume as much food as before. Therefore, if the owner still feeds them the same amount as before, it will be very easy for them to gain weight. Condition.
Disadvantage 4: Neutering doubles the chance of developing hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the direct cause of dogs gaining weight. It can also cause dogs to become lethargic and lose hair. However, this can be controlled by taking daily thyroid medication.

Will dogs hate their owners for being neutered?

|||— ❸ —|||Sterilization time

The first question that owners who want to sterilize their pets at home will consider is how old the pet is for neutering. Scientific research shows that neutering at 6-8 months can better prevent the occurrence of many malignant diseases. Dogs are fertile at 6 months of age. Female dogs usually go into heat 1-2 times a year, each time lasting about 3 weeks.
Dogs are seasonal animals with multiple estruses, with 4 to 25 estruses a year. The pregnancy period for dogs is 63 days. Usually the best time for neutering is before the pet’s first estrus or between estrus. Pet doctors do not recommend sterilization during estrus.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/224.html

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