How many months can a cat be dewormed?

Generally speaking, when a kitten is 45 to 60 days after birth, we can deworm the cat by ourselves. We can go to the pharmacy to buy deworming medicine, or we can choose to go to a regular hospital to have a pet doctor treat it. .
External deworming time for cats: It is recommended that kitten deworming products can be used when the cat is about 1 month old, and the feces removal officer can perform external deworming for the cat. The frequency should be once a month in summer and every 3 months in winter. Once a month.
When using deworming medicine, first separate the hair on the cat’s neck to expose the skin, and then divide the drops into two points or drip them along a straight line at the front end of the cat’s spine. Be sure to drop the deworming medicine on the cat. Places that cannot be licked. In this way, the drug will be slowly absorbed by the skin, thereby achieving the effect of repelling insects.
Do not bathe the cat for two days before and after injecting the external anthelmintic drug, so as not to wash off the sebum on the skin and affect the effect of the drug.

How many months can a cat be dewormed?

Deworming can be said to be a major event for cats, and it should be done regularly.

But I also know that many pet owners “will never die until they reach the Yellow River”. They don’t know that there are insects, so they feel that there is no need to deworm them.

So today, let’s take a look at how to tell if your cat has parasites!

No matter how much you eat, you won’t gain weight.

It is said that being able to eat is a blessing, but if the cat has a normal diet and nutrition, the cat’s food intake will obviously increase than before, and it will eat! No! fat! In turn, weight loss may occur. At this time, the owner should pay attention – this is very likely to be a parasite in the cat’s body. The parasites forcibly absorb the nutrients ingested by the cat, causing the cat’s own nutritional deficiencies.

How many months can a cat be dewormed?

Small black spots appear on the body

If the owner finds such black particles in the hair when combing and cleaning the cat, it basically means that there are fleas. At this time, external extermination is necessary. Fleas have a strong reproductive capacity and will invade the entire home environment. Over time, it will affect the health of the main pet!

Physical discomfort

If cats usually experience anxiety, intermittent coughing, difficulty breathing, vomiting, lethargy, or a reluctance to eat, owners should also be alert. It may be that the cat is infected with heartworms, which is difficult to confirm with the naked eye, and requires going to an animal hospital for relevant investigation work.

How many months can a cat be dewormed?

Scratching the ears

Dogs and cats like to use their hind legs to scratch themselves, but not all scratching is normal – cats who scratch their ears frequently may have ear mites. At this time, there will be ear odor, increased earwax, and ear itching. Once a cat is found to have these symptoms, it needs to be cleaned first, and then dewormed. Generally, mites in the ears are mainly caused by not paying attention to cleaning the ears, or they are infected by other animals. Cats that have mites on their bodies may also suffer from ear mites.

Rub your butt

Common symptoms of internal parasites include rubbing one’s butt due to itching, and often biting one’s skin and hair. Not only does it look indecent, but it’s actually very painful for cats.

There are insect eggs in the feces

As a poop scooper, you should know that your cat’s feces can reveal its physical health. When white eggs or worm bodies appear in the feces of a cat, there is no doubt that the cat is infected with internal parasites. It needs to be checked by a doctor immediately to check whether there are any complications, and the cat should be dewormed promptly.

How many months can a cat be dewormed?

When to deworm?

Knowing the importance of deworming, it depends on when to deworm. Deworming is divided into internal deworming and external deworming. When it comes to internal deworming, kittens can start deworming for the first time when they are 6 weeks old, and do this once a month. If it is an adult cat, internal deworming can be performed once every three months, but there are also many serious owners who will continue to deworm once a month, which is no problem. The time for external deworming is about 1 month. The first external deworming can be carried out.

Precautions for deworming:

1. Cats must be in good health and dewormed
2. Tablets are used both internally and externally, and the time should be staggered. If not, they can be used at the same time. Follow the instructions when using.
3. Some cats will have a stress reaction after deworming, which can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort. In order to avoid gastrointestinal health problems, cats can be fed probiotics for a few days to enhance their gastrointestinal resistance.
4. If the cat suffers from severe discomfort after feeding anthelmintics, the cat should stop feeding and seek medical treatment in time.
Have you dewormed your cat this month?

How many months can a cat be dewormed?


Internal anthelmintics need to be fed according to the cat’s weight and instructions.
The amount of external deworming for cats should be used according to the external deworming brand instructions. Usually, the appropriate drug dose is selected based on the cat’s weight in kilograms. To deworm a cat externally, you need to peel off the hair and drop the drug on the cat’s skin. The drug will be absorbed through the sebaceous glands and spread throughout the body. When an external parasite bites the cat, it will die. External deworming is recommended once a month.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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