Can cat food and dog food eat each other?

Can cats eat dog food? Generally speaking, cats eat cat food, and dogs eat dog food. They have their own special foods and cannot be interchanged. The physiques of dogs and cats are different, so the nutrients contained in their food are different. Owners should choose suitable food for their cats based on their physiques. Can dogs eat dog food? Let’s find out below.

Cat food characteristics

Cat food is economical, nutritious, relatively comprehensive and convenient. Cat food can be roughly divided into three types: dry, canned, and half-cooked. Dry food is a comprehensive food containing necessary nutrients. It has rich taste and can also play a certain role in cleaning and protecting teeth. There are various prices. Natural grains are relatively more effective and easy to preserve. Therefore, if possible, try to focus on this kind of food. Clean drinking water must be placed next to the cat’s dry food; some people think it is wrong for cats not to drink water.
Canned food made from high-grade raw materials such as shrimp and fish has a wide variety, is easy to choose, and tastes delicious, so it is more popular with cats than dry food. Some cans can be used as staple food cans, while other cans, such as most daily cans, belong to the category of snack cans and may cause nutritional imbalance when used as staple food. It is best not to mix canned food with dry food as it will cause greater damage to teeth and should be eaten separately. Canned food is convenient for long-term storage, but be aware that it can easily deteriorate after opening.
Semi-cooked food is between food and canned food and is suitable for older cats.
Some high-quality cat food will add taurine. Cats cannot synthesize taurine, an amino acid in their bodies, and can only obtain it by catching mice. Most cats today are companion pets and are not equipped to catch mice. The lack of this amino acid in cats will affect their night vision, so it is necessary to use good quality cat food.

Can cat food and dog food eat each other?

What are the advantages of dog food?

1. Each type of dog food is designed by professional pet nutritionists according to the dog’s own physiological nutritional needs. It contains protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. that are necessary for pet dogs. It is nutritionally targeted, targeted, and nutritious. The advantages of scientific comprehensiveness and balanced nutrition;
2. Any kind of dog food contains nutrients that can improve the dog’s immunity, which can greatly improve the dog’s disease resistance, make it less likely to get sick, and extend the life of the pet dog;
3. Generally, dog food has the advantages of low moisture content, easy to store, and not easy to deteriorate. It can ensure the food safety of pets and avoid various diseases caused by pets eating expired, moldy, and spoiled food;
4. Dog food packaging specifications are various, simple to use and easy to carry, which can allow pets to eat the best food in different environments, and can also save pet owners a lot of time cooking food for their pets;
All this tells us that pet dogs have completely different nutritional needs from us humans. Therefore, we cannot choose food for pet dogs based on human nutritional needs. Instead, we must consult a professional pet nutritionist or veterinarian. Under the guidance of the company, we provide scientific and professional dog food for pets.

Can cat food and dog food eat each other?

Can cats eat dog food?

Cat food and dog food are not interchangeable. Taurine is unique to cat food and is also necessary for cats. Otherwise, it will also affect vision. Cats need higher protein, while dogs have very low needs in this regard. Dog food contains Cats don’t need calcium, but don’t use it for a long time. Dog food is designed to meet the nutritional needs of omnivores-dogs. Cats are complete carnivores. Cat food contains some nutrients that cats need, such as taurine. Acid and lots of protein. The nutritional content of dog food is lower than that of cat food and cannot meet the nutritional needs of cats.

Can cat food and dog food eat each other?

The steps to make homemade cat food include the following aspects:

1. Be sure to use high-quality and safe raw materials;
2. Correct cooking method;
3. Supplement nutrients in time;
4. Use clean and sterile tools;
5. Pay attention to the storage method and time.
Pay special attention to nutritional balance when choosing cat food. For example, some cats lack protein, minerals, vitamins and other elements, so they can only eat a single cat food and become malnourished. When making homemade cat food, you need to understand your cat’s physical condition. If the cat has cat moss or skin diseases, it is best not to feed the cat homemade cat food. This is because cat moss and skin diseases are the main culprits of reduced cat immunity and are not conducive to the improvement of the cat’s immune system and healthy growth.
Making homemade cat food for cats requires certain skills. If you want your cat to eat delicious and healthy cat food, then come and learn with me!

Select high-quality and safe raw materials

When making homemade cat food, the ingredients must be of high quality and safe. The raw materials are the staple food of cats. If the raw materials are not good, cats will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. after eating them. So when choosing raw materials, it is best to choose fresh ingredients. For example: chicken, beef, and fish are all good choices.
Some people will say that homemade cat food is more likely to cause constipation in cats, but if you can feed some fresh vegetables or fruits before making cat food, your cat will not become constipated. Therefore, it is recommended to mix in an appropriate amount of fruits, vegetables, animal liver and other foods when making homemade cat food.

Can cat food and dog food eat each other?

The correct way to cook cat food

Homemade cat food also has certain hygiene issues, so it needs to be cooked at high temperatures to fully retain the nutrients. However, it is best to use a casserole or ceramic pot when cooking to avoid being contaminated by bacteria and parasites in the food. Infect. In addition, in order to avoid excessive loss of nutrients, it also needs to be fully soaked in water before cooking.

Timely supplement of nutrients

Cats’ intestines and stomach are relatively fragile, so you must pay attention to some issues when making homemade cat food. When making cat food, you can choose relatively simple and convenient cat food to feed, and don’t make it too complicated. At the same time, before making cat food, you must understand what nutrients are contained in homemade cat food and whether these elements can meet the daily needs of cats.
A variety of nutrients such as grains, fruits and vegetables, and protein can meet the daily needs of cats. But homemade cat food may not necessarily meet these nutritional needs. Therefore, before making homemade cat food, it is best for owners to have a brief understanding of cat food before starting to make cat food.

Can cat food and dog food eat each other?

Use clean and sterile tools

Be sure to pay attention to hygiene issues when making homemade cat food. When making cat food, make sure the container is sterile and clean. Tools used by cats, such as bowls, spoons, dishes, etc., should be disinfected. In addition, the containers used to make cat food must be cleaned and disinfected every day to avoid bacterial growth and disease transmission.
It is recommended that you use small or plastic bowls for homemade cat food, because plastic is not heat-resistant and can easily breed bacteria.

Pay attention to the storage method and time

Improper storage of homemade cat food will breed bacteria, which will affect the taste, taste and safety of the cat food. It is best to consume homemade cat food within a month, because after this time, fresh food will easily deteriorate. Therefore, it is best to buy and make homemade cat food now. Please also pay attention to storage: use fresh-keeping boxes to seal and store in the refrigerator to ensure that the food is in a low-temperature and dry environment to extend the storage time; be sure to use special sealed bags to package and store in the refrigerator, and take them out every time The bag mouth must be completely sealed before use, and no air can enter to avoid odor transfer.
The above is how to make homemade cat food. The cat food you make is nutritionally balanced and does not add any additives. Cats will definitely like it.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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