How to stop a dog from eating its own poop

Many times pet owners will encounter an embarrassing situation when raising dogs. After the dog poops, it turns back and eats poop again, or the dog goes out for a walk and eats the poop of other dogs!
This is too much of a challenge to the shit-sweeper’s mental endurance. He will go berserk and angry every minute!
Today I will share the reasons why dogs like to eat poop and several ways to stop it from eating poop, so that your dog can become more civilized and well-behaved, and no longer be embarrassed and collapsed.

How to stop a dog from eating its own poop

Why do dogs like to eat poop?

There are many factors that affect dogs’ preference for eating poop, including their own reasons and external influences, but they are mainly affected by the following factors.

Genetic inheritance

Dogs are domesticated from wolves. Everyone knows that wolves are not only carnivores, but also scavengers. When it is difficult to obtain food in nature, wolves will eat the rotting corpses of dead people. Therefore, many dogs eat feces, which is actually awakening their scavenging nature.
According to surveys, the Shetland Sheepdog is the favorite dog breed to eat poop, and the Poodle is the least likely to eat poop!

How to stop a dog from eating its own poop

Psychological factors

Dogs eating poop may also be due to two psychological factors. One is due to high psychological pressure and shame, which causes the dog to be afraid of the owner’s sight and punishment, and actively eats its own poop; the other is mysophobia and cleanliness awareness. For example, a female dog will lick the puppies’ buttocks and eat the puppies’ daddy. This is a spontaneous and instinctive behavior to clean the puppies’ bodies!
Newborn puppies must have their butts licked by the mother dog to stimulate the puppies to excrete, otherwise they may be suffocated to death.


Dogs have more than 400 million olfactory cells, and their noses are very sensitive and can smell the smell of food in their babies. When a dog suffers from indigestion, some protein and food odor will remain in its poop. After being smelled, the dog may regard it as food, and in order to fill its stomach without wasting it, it will eat poop again!

How to stop a dog from eating its own poop

Lack of trace elements

When dogs are malnourished and lack trace elements in their bodies, they will suffer from olfactory disorders and often eat daddy! In addition, dogs will also have pica behaviors such as eating grass and soil.


Dogs will also eat daddy when they are hungry. Essentially, daddy is the residue of food after digestion in the intestines and stomach. If you don’t feed your dog enough, your dog may eat the cake.

How to stop a dog from eating its own poop

How to stop your dog from eating poop?

1. When the dog appears and wants to eat daddy, stop it immediately, reprimand it, use gestures to point out that daddy is inedible, and shovel the daddy away in time.
2. In addition to reprimanding and educating the dog, the owner can immediately spray pepper water, mustard and other pungent seasonings on the dog’s dog after pooping, so that the dog will stay away and lose the desire to eat. Repeat this several times, and your dog will The dog will also understand that the owner is not allowed to let it eat this.
3. Take your dog’s traction rope when going out. The traction rope should not be too long for the safety and management of the main pet. For dogs that like to pick up food and eat outdoor cakes, you can also wear a muzzle.
4. It is found that dogs are lacking in trace elements. You can feed the dog some trace elements, which can help the dog improve its eating behavior and restore its normal sense of smell.
5. In terms of diet, owners should feed their dogs well and pay attention to their gastrointestinal health. For staple food, they can choose dog food that is nutritionally balanced, rich in protein, and easy to digest. For example, “Greedy Dog Food” is very good. Dog food nutrition Rich and balanced, it will not cause pica caused by malnutrition in dogs. It contains prebiotics, which can promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption in dogs. Rich in protein, dogs can not only digest and absorb it well, but also enhance their physical fitness and immunity!
Conclusion: Has your dog ever eaten daddy? How did you help correct it? Welcome to communicate in the comment area!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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