Will kittens die if they are washed

Some time ago, a video of a celebrity blogger bathing a newborn cat attracted the attention of many netizens.
In the video, a newborn kitten that has not even opened its eyes is placed under the faucet to be cleaned, while the blogger is explaining the “benefits of bathing newborn cats.”
Today, let’s discuss with you whether newborn cats need to be bathed.

If cats are not bathed properly, they will get sick and die.

1. For cats who are afraid of water, taking a bath will become a stress factor, causing a temporary decrease in immunity, allowing bacteria and viruses to take advantage of the weakness.
2. The body temperature of kittens is high, between 38-39°C, and the specific heat capacity of water is large. Taking a bath will cause the kitten to lose its body temperature and become sick due to cold.
3. Kittens will also choke on water when taking a bath, which is also a cause of death.
4. Dry it in time after washing, dry it if possible, use a hot water bottle if you can’t, and don’t put it in an open environment. This will be enough.

Will kittens die if they are washed

What are the benefits of bathing newborn cats?

The video says that newborn kittens will have mucus on their bodies. When the mucus on their bodies evaporates, it will cause the kitten’s body temperature to drop. Bathing the cat at this time can quickly increase the cat’s body temperature and also promote the cat’s blood circulation. The cycle makes the cat more energetic.
Secondly, surrounding the kittens with water can give them the feeling of being in their mother’s amniotic fluid, making them feel safer and more comfortable. Moreover, the kittens’ eyes are not open, which will not cause them to become stressed.
At first glance, the above-mentioned benefits of bathing seem quite reasonable. Not only can it clean the kitten, but it can even prevent “milk ringworm”?
But I want to say that the blogger who posted this video is really irresponsible. It only explains the benefits of bathing newborn cats, but does not mention the consequences of improper bathing. This will harm many novice poop scoopers and cat owners. Kitten.

Will kittens die if they are washed

Bathing newborn cats may cause them to die!

Kittens have low resistance and colds are more terrible than ringworm.

The resistance of newborn kittens is very low. If you bathe the kittens, the water temperature is not controlled well, or their hair is not blown clean, it will cause them to catch a cold and become sick. The consequences will be more serious than if they are infected with ringworm. many.

Improper posture for washing the cat, the kitten will be cooled directly

Any smart scrapper can see that the blogger who posted this video specializes in cat breeding. He is very good at raising cats and has experience in handling newborn kittens, so he also understands What is the safest way to bathe a cat?
Many of us novice poop scoopers have come into contact with cats for the first time. If you bathe a cat inappropriately and the cat accidentally chokes on water in its mouth and nose, it may directly lead to their death. Do you still dare to bathe the cat? Take a shower?

The kitten has no smell and is abandoned by the mother cat

Furthermore, even if the kitten is lucky enough to survive the bathing process, there is a high probability that it will be abandoned by the mother cat after the smell on its body is washed away by the cat.
Usually, if we touch a cat a few times, it may cause the mother cat to abandon her baby, not to mention that all the smell on the kitten will be washed away.

Will kittens die if they are washed

What should I do if my kitten is dirty?

Some scavengers may ask, what should I do if the kitten is really dirty? In fact, there is no need to be too anxious.
Most female cats will lick their kittens clean, and even if the female cat doesn’t lick them, we can also bring a clean hot towel over, wipe the kittens clean, and then dry them with a dry towel. There is no problem.
All in all, if you are an expert who has focused on raising cats for many years and has rich experience in delivering kittens, you can wash the cat how you want, but if you are a novice, don’t listen to the “benefits of bathing newborn cats”. “Too many” remarks will most likely harm your cat.
Finally, I hope that everyone can be responsible for their own speech and not say some irresponsible words simply to earn traffic and attract attention. Making money is important, but having a moral bottom line is even more important!

Will kittens die if they are washed

Recently, Ms. Cat saw news about a cat dying while bathing. I believe many people are wondering, how could a cat bathing cause death? In fact, this kind of thing has happened many times, it is not an isolated case, and it does have scientific basis.

Netizen “enthusiast” contributed such a case: I picked up a kitten, about two or three weeks old. When I came back to give it a bath, it kept resisting, scratching and biting, and then its head drooped. After rinsing and drying, the cat remained motionless but stared at people, and its body was limp and limp. Dry the cat and put it back in the cat’s bed. The cat has become motionless, except for occasionally opening its mouth. I just put it in the sun. After a while, I saw that it was dead and its body was stiff. what happened? Die after taking a shower? Allergic to water?
Cats are not allergic to water. Strictly speaking, this is caused by a stress reaction. Cats are timid and easily frightened, leading to stress reactions. When a cat is stimulated by changes in the external environment, it will immediately produce a corresponding response and gradually adapt to the new environment. If it cannot adapt to this stimulation, it may cause physical or psychological abnormalities, and may even induce disease.

Cats themselves are afraid of water, and if they are in an unfamiliar environment, they will have a stress reaction if they are slightly inappropriate. If the stress response is too severe, the cat’s heart rate will increase, and a series of changes such as continued contraction of visceral and peripheral blood vessels will lead to cardiac ischemia and death. Just imagine if you were shocked! It will take a while to regain your composure, let alone a kitten.

Will kittens die if they are washed

Therefore, many cat owners report that even if their cats have been raised for a long time, they may die from stress if they are taken to a pet shop for bathing. In fact, in daily life, not only bathing, but also moving, meeting strangers, and loud noises may frighten cats and cause stress reactions in cats. So how to avoid cat stress?
Stress can also be divided into two types, pressure and stimulation, and avoiding stress means avoiding pressure and stimulation. You can prevent cats from being frightened in life. When moving or changing to a new environment, use familiar objects and companionship to ease the cat’s mood. Do not bathe the cat immediately when you arrive at the new home. In fact, the most effective and safest way is to let the cat stay in a familiar home.
A cat’s stress situation only lasts for a moment, and it may just be your negligence. However, it will take a long time to heal the damage. Therefore, we must be careful enough to allow cats to grow up healthily.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/289.html

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