Why can’t cats die at home

Will cats die at home? Nowadays, more and more friends are keeping pets. If you are an office worker and like pets very much but the space at home is not very large and you don’t have much time for yourself, then choose to raise a cat at this time. It is the most suitable choice. After raising cats for a long time, many owners also want to know how long their cats live and whether they will die at home? Let’s follow the editor of to find out.
Converted to human age, cats generally enter middle-aged and old age at the age of 6-8, and a 10-year-old cat is already an old cat. But cats are very spiritual animals. They will leave home before they die and will not die at home!
Cats are graceful, noble, easy to raise, and don’t require much except for simple food. Cats love to be clean, and can be called “hygienic advanced”. They will “convenience” in a fixed place, and they will bury their feces after “convenience”. This good living habit of cats will not cost the owner too much. Time and effort save the owner a lot of trouble.

Why can’t cats die at home

Cats are very independent and do not rely too much on their owners. Cats regard themselves as members of the family, but they do not obey their owners out of blind loyalty. The relationship between cats and their owners is not a master-slave relationship, but equal friends. It is this relationship that makes cats uniquely charming. Therefore, if the owner treats the cat well, the cat will have great trust and respect for the owner. Cats usually stay quietly with their owners. When you are in a bad mood, the cat will docilely jump onto your lap, just like an old friend staying there, seeming to share your worries. If you have such a humane little life at home, it will make you feel happy and bring endless fun to your life, thereby improving your mood, reducing your psychological pressure, and promoting your physical and mental health.
If you decide to get a cat, you should consider choosing one that matches your personal conditions and preferences. Long-haired cats are cute, but they need to be groomed regularly to keep their hair soft and healthy. If you are away from home most of the day, it is best to choose two cats so that the cats do not feel lonely. Cats that grow up together will live in harmony when they grow up.

Why can’t cats die at home

In many traditional cultures, there is a belief that cats should not be allowed in the home when someone has died in the family. The roots and reasons for this belief vary, but its ubiquity illustrates the special place cats hold in people’s minds. For older people, this belief may be even deeper and stronger. Let’s explore the causes and background of this phenomenon.
First of all, for the elderly, respecting the deceased is a traditional virtue. In many cultures, death is viewed as a transition, with the spirits of the dead continuing to live on and influence the living. Therefore, people should respect the dead and ensure that their souls can find peace. In this context, a cat’s behavior in the home may be interpreted as disrespectful or disturbing to the deceased and therefore considered unlucky.
Secondly, cats have other symbolic meanings in traditional culture. In some cultures, cats are seen as carriers of souls or animals associated with mystical powers. Therefore, if there is a deceased person in the home, cats may be seen as a disturbance or potential danger, as they may attract or receive spirits or energies from elsewhere.
However, it should be noted that this belief is not universal or scientifically provable. It mainly exists in certain traditional cultures or beliefs, and modern society’s attitude towards cats has also undergone tremendous changes. Cats are no longer just a “supernatural” being, but have become one of mankind’s most popular pets. Many people view their cats as family members, spending time with them and sharing their love and care. Therefore, cats in modern society have become a special cultural symbol and emotional bond.
Finally, we can think that for the elderly, home and family are very important, and they pay attention to the peace and harmony of the family. If there is a deceased person in the home, having a cat in the home can be unsettling for the elderly person and needs to be avoided. But at the same time, we also need to respect everyone’s beliefs and opinions and not impose our own opinions. Cats are wonderful creatures that should be taken care of and respect the special relationship they have with their humans.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/314.html

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