The dog didn’t protect its food before, but now it suddenly protects it.

The ancestors of dogs followed the natural laws of survival and needed to compete for resources with their own kind, which led them to protect food. The protection of food by dogs cannot be completely attributed to instinct. The reason for protecting food is more due to distrust of the owner and being betrayed by the previous ones. Influenced by the dog’s birth experience. For example, during the puppy stage, some kennels allow all the puppies to eat together instead of sharing their meals separately, which will make the puppies develop the habit of fighting for food and protecting it. Some dogs also differentiate between what they eat when protecting their food? When eating its favorite food, no one should be within 5 meters! She doesn’t like any food… There are many parents who want to get rid of this bad habit of their dogs, but are afraid that their dogs will be beaten if they are sent to pet schools.

Start training your dog when he is young

The training method to prevent a dog from guarding its food is to disturb the dog when it is eating every meal, pull it away, take away the bowl and touch its body. Very young dogs will not guard their food. If you disturb it every meal, it will naturally not protect its food when it grows up. It is said to be effective for more than 90% of dogs.

The dog didn’t protect its food before, but now it suddenly protects it.

It is best not to use the method of beating the dog to correct food protection

The more you fight, the more extreme the effect becomes, and the effect is so bad that it is unreasonable. There is a fan whose dog didn’t protect his food before. But a few days ago, he suddenly started to protect his food. The dog even bit him, so he beat the dog violently. But the effect was so bad that he didn’t change it. Protecting food has the opposite effect. It was obvious that the dog was scared to death, but he still resisted… So I gave him some suggestions. Use food exchange and comfort and praise methods to get closer. If he has a food-protecting reaction, give him something he usually likes to eat. I won’t hurt it, nor will I steal its food. The method of praising is to touch him, praise him, and then gradually approach him after feeding him food and reducing his resistance to food protection. Same food, different approach. At first, he would have a food-protecting reaction when he got close. Then he used these two soothing methods to gradually get closer. He didn’t expect to succeed in just one try. Therefore, hitting is the stupidest way to train.

Steps to correct food protection:

Step 1: Feed the dog with your hands. If you are worried about getting hurt, you can wear protective gloves to let him know that you are feeding him food and will not take away his food. You only need to persist at this stage for five or six days.
Step 2: Let the dog eat in the dog bowl, put only a little bit with your hand each time, and then put a little bit more after the dog has finished eating, so that it can slowly get used to the approach of your hand. For adult dogs, it is best to fix the dog in a relatively safe position to prevent it from attacking people. This stage takes 8-10 days.
Step 3: Try petting the dog while it is eating and try taking away the dog bowl. If it resists, repeat step two.

The dog didn’t protect its food before, but now it suddenly protects it.

Both dogs at home guard food, what should I do?

The first stage: Put the two dogs in two rooms for feeding. You can choose two rooms next to each other. Close the door when feeding so they can’t see each other eating but can smell each other. If you persist for three or four days, you can enter the next stage of training.
The second stage: Open the door to the room, stand in the middle and prevent the dog from leaving his dog bowl. If one of them disobeys, take away his dog bowl and close the door. Let him smell each other’s food. Dogs that finish their meals calmly should be rewarded. Once the two dogs can tolerate each other eating in two rooms, they can move on to the next stage.
The third stage: Put two dogs in the same room and keep a certain distance. Prepare a one-square-meter baffle and other protective tools to do a good job of protection. Watching two dogs eating, if you notice one of them staring at each other for a long time or showing his teeth, stop him immediately. The two dogs started fucking directly, and it was time to use protective tools such as baffles. (This stage is more dangerous, please operate with caution)
The fourth stage: This stage needs to be done very simply. The two dog bowls are brought closer every day, and they will gradually get used to each other.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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