Newborn kitten not feeding

This lesson explains the growth rates and changes of kittens at different stages after they are born. In addition, after clarifying the proper nouns for different stages, we will have a deeper understanding of some diseases in kittens.
One thing to note here is that premature kittens or kittens troubled by diseases may lag by 2-3 weeks in the different stages discussed in this lesson.

▍Neonatal stage

The neonatal stage is from 1 to 14 days after birth.
Newborns are still very weak and in the early stages of development and cannot handle stress. The first 36 hours after birth are very critical. During this period, the cat needs to eat colostrum and receive care from the mother cat.
Newborns usually have an empty stomach but will be full within 24 hours. Weight usually doubles within 1 – 2 weeks.
Newborns spend 90% of their time nursing and sleeping. They are relaxed and unalert most of the time, and may shake their bodies while sleeping. When he wakes up, he will look for the nipple to feed.
At this time, the ears and eyes are closed. They squirm their bodies, and once they open their eyes, they will begin to learn to crawl. They usually start to open their eyes in about 10 days.
Newborns will scream if they feel pain, heat, cold, or hunger. When you hear howling, you must provide help in time. Continuous howling will lead to physical exhaustion, which is very dangerous.
Newborns cannot regulate their own body temperature. Their body temperature depends on the ambient temperature. They will snuggle in the arms of their mother cats or gather with their siblings to maintain body temperature. Therefore, no matter what the situation, pay attention to monitoring the ambient temperature.
In summer, do not use direct air conditioning. In winter, put a heating pad under the birthing nest or put it in a constant-temperature birthing box.
Healthy newborns will have a good swallowing reflex, which is fully developed before birth, but premature kittens may not have a swallowing reflex. This prevents it from feeding properly.
The stomach of a newborn is very small, so he can only take in a small amount of milk at a time. He needs to feed frequently to maintain normal physical signs. If he cannot take in milk in time, his life will be threatened by death.
They are unable to urinate and defecate on their own. It requires stimulation from the female cat or your help to defecate smoothly.
The first bowel movement of a newborn is meconium, which is tar-like. This meconium is formed before birth. The poop after birth is usually dark yellow, neither soft nor hard, and is formed from milk. As growth continues, the color of the poop turns to yellowish brown.

Newborn kitten not feeding

▍Transitional stage

Days 14-21 after birth are called the transitional stage.
Kittens during this period begin to explore their environment and are no longer inseparable from their mother cats.
They grow rapidly, gain weight rapidly, sleep less and less, their eyes have opened, and their ear canals have opened. The world is full of novelties for them.
They begin to focus and begin to observe moving objects. Although they can see things at this time, their eyesight is still very weak, so if you want to take pictures of them, be sure to avoid using flash and use a wide aperture instead. Strong light will damage their eyes.
Although they can partially control their body temperature at this time, this ability is still very weak, and they may occasionally suffer from thermodystrophy.

Newborn kitten not feeding

▍Socialization stage

The period between 21 days after birth and 12 weeks of age is called the socialization stage.
Kittens during this period are very active. Kittens in the same litter will play with each other and learn some correct behaviors during play. The use of the cat litter box is also learned at this stage.
Kittens will become increasingly independent during this period and begin to interact with people, other cats, and objects.
During this period, you must avoid leaving “psychological trauma” on the kitten, which requires you to be gentle at all times. The trauma at this time may remain for life and lead to a series of behavioral problems, which will be a big trouble in the future.
Similarly, if they have a congenital disease while they are together and have not had it before, they will gradually develop it during this period.
Their ability to control their body temperature becomes stronger, and their eyesight develops further, continuing into the next few months.
The kitten’s hearing becomes very keen at 3-4 weeks, and the kitten also begins to learn to judge the meaning of different sounds. It will feel scared because of your scolding.
Also at 3-4 weeks, they may start squatting to eliminate. At the same time, you will also see the first teeth emerge.

▍Juvenile stage

After 12 weeks – 6 months of age, it is called the juvenile stage.
Kittens begin to mature slowly, and their sexual organs begin to mature. Some early-maturing breeds (especially short-haired breeds) will reach sexual maturity at 5-6 months. Some female cats will go into heat for the first time.
However, among breed cats, their weight and bones will continue to develop after five or six months. Some long-haired breeds, such as Persian cats, may not fully mature until one and a half years old, or even two years later.

Newborn kitten not feeding

Kittens are lively and cute little creatures, but they also need to learn to take care of themselves. Teaching cats to drink milk on their own is an important skill when they are young. Here are some methods and steps to help you teach your kitten to drink milk on its own.

Choose the right bottle

First, you need to choose a suitable bottle. The bottle should be made of non-toxic material and sized to fit your kitten’s mouth. In addition, the nipple of the baby bottle should be soft and easy to suck on. When purchasing a bottle, you can consult a staff member or read the product description to ensure you choose the right bottle.

Newborn kitten not feeding

Prepare milk

Next, prepare the milk for the kitten. Generally speaking, kittens need to drink specialized pet milk because human milk may contain too much sugar or lactose. When purchasing pet milk, you need to check the ingredient list and product description to ensure the quality and safety of the milk.

Clean the baby bottle

Bottles need to be carefully cleaned and disinfected before each use. Wash the bottle with warm water and detergent and rinse carefully. Then, place the bottle in boiling water to sterilize it. After sterilization is completed, dry the bottle for later use.

Newborn kitten not feeding

Brew milk

Pour the appropriate amount of pet milk into the bottle. When brewing, you need to follow the instructions on the instructions to ensure that the milk has the correct concentration and temperature. Then, put the pacifier into the kitten’s mouth and gently squeeze the bottle to let the kitten gradually learn to drink milk on its own.

Observation and care

In the process of teaching kittens to drink milk on their own, their reactions and health need to be closely observed. If the kitten is unwilling to drink milk or shows other symptoms of discomfort, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible and take necessary measures.
In short, teaching a kitten to drink milk on its own requires patience and care. As long as you follow the above steps and pay attention to observation and care, your kitten will definitely learn to drink milk on its own and grow up healthily and happily.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

上一篇 8 5 月, 2024
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