Can dogs drink milk?

Milk is one of the most common drinks in our daily lives, and it is also one of the drinks that many families like to give to children and pet dogs. But you know what? Although milk is one of people’s favorite drinks, it may not be suitable for all dogs. Giving dogs milk for a long time can cause health problems such as lactose intolerance and diarrhea. So, how do we choose a drink suitable for dogs?

Why can’t dogs drink milk?

Many families like to pour leftover milk into dog bowls for their dogs to drink. This is a very bad habit. The composition of milk is different from the milk of animals such as dog milk and goat milk. The composition of milk is low in protein, low in fat and high in lactose. However, dog milk and goat milk are high in protein, high in fat, and low in lactose. Therefore, if the puppy is fed only with cow’s milk, the puppy’s nutrition will fall behind a lot, and it may even cause health problems.

Another problem is that dogs’ bodies can’t adapt to the lactose in milk the same way humans do. If you don’t drink milk for a long time, your body will lack the corresponding enzymes and be unable to break down lactose, causing discomfort, which is what we call “lactose intolerance.” At the same time, if we don’t drink milk for a long time and suddenly want to try it on a whim, it may also cause diarrhea.

Can dogs drink milk?

What drinks can dogs drink?

Although milk is not the best choice for dogs, it does not mean that we cannot give dogs other drinks. When choosing drinks for pet dogs, we need to consider the following aspects:


Water is one of the most important drinks in our daily lives, and it is also one of the most important drinks for pet dogs. Dogs need to consume a large amount of water every day to maintain normal metabolic functions of the body. In order to ensure that the dog takes in enough water, we need to change the water in the dog bowl frequently to ensure that the water quality is clean and hygienic.

Can dogs drink milk?


Yogurt is a fermented milk product containing many lactic acid bacteria, which can enhance the digestive function of pet dogs and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. At the same time, the lactose in yogurt has been fully decomposed, and even if the dog does not have lactase, it will not cause health problems such as diarrhea. However, we need to pay attention to the high sugar content in yogurt and not overfeed it.

Nutritious Shuhua milk

Nutrient Shuhua milk is animal milk powder rich in nutrients, which can provide enough protein and fat for dogs. For malnourished dogs, nutritional Shuhua milk is a very good choice. However, because it contains a large amount of lactose, it is not suitable for long-term consumption in large quantities.


The vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruits also play an important role for dogs. We can also add an appropriate amount of juice to dogs’ daily diet to provide them with rich nutrients. However, we should be careful not to let dogs drink excessive juice to prevent physical discomfort.
Each of the above drinks has its advantages and disadvantages. When feeding dogs on a daily basis, we need to choose appropriate drinks based on the actual condition of the dog and pay attention to reasonable combinations.

Can dogs drink milk?

Which dogs are not suitable for drinking milk?

Although not all dogs are not suitable for feeding milk, for dogs with certain special circumstances, it is best not to consume milk. Here are some dogs that are not suitable for drinking milk:

Lactose intolerant dogs

Lactose intolerance means that dogs lack the enzyme lactase and cannot break down lactose into glucose and galactose, leading to health problems such as gastrointestinal discomfort. It can be seen from this that dogs with lactose intolerance cannot consume milk.

Dogs with milk allergy

Some dogs are very sensitive to certain ingredients in milk, which can cause allergies and other health problems. If your dog has symptoms such as shortness of breath, red skin, and vomiting, it means that it cannot consume milk.

Can dogs drink milk?

Dogs after abdominal and gastrectomy surgery

After abdominal and gastrectomy surgery, the dog’s body gradually returns to health, but due to the impact of the surgery, their digestive system may be affected to a certain extent. At this time, we need to pay attention to controlling the dog’s diet and avoid feeding milk and other overly exciting foods.


Although milk is one of the favorite drinks for both humans and pet dogs, not all dogs are suitable for consumption. In order to ensure the health of dogs, we need to choose appropriate drinks based on their actual conditions and pay attention to reasonable combinations. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the dietary health of our pet dogs in our daily lives, and take them for regular physical examinations to ensure their health.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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