The cat disappeared at home

First of all, we need to know that cats have a habit of hiding. Secondly, the questioner needs to determine whether the cat is really at home. It is possible that the cat ran out and mistakenly thought it was at home. Generally, the main reasons why cats cannot be found in the home are: the cat is relatively young, timid and shy, or there are too many clutter in the home, so that the hiding place is ignored. Finally, we will help you analyze some places where the cat may be hiding in the home.

On the wardrobe, in the wardrobe

We know that cats are very strong climbers and may like to jump around at home. They also like to stand on high places and look into the distance. Even if you are looking anxiously below them, they still find it very interesting. The highest place in the home may be the closet. Cats will feel it is safe and spacious, and they may fall asleep on it when they are relaxing. No matter how much you search all over the house, you may not find it. The cabinets are full of clothes, which also acts as a camouflage, making it difficult for the excrement officer to discover their existence.

Can hide in bed or under bed

The place under the bed is dirty and dark, but there are many kittens who like to explore in such a place, and cats are used to operating in dark places, so this is nothing to them. Or maybe there are sundries under the bed, and they think this is a safe and comfortable place. Some kittens like to sleep together under the quilt, and it is not easy for their petite owners to notice this.

The cat disappeared at home

Behind the sofa and between drawers should not be underestimated

Cats are timid and like to hide in cracks. The front and back of the sofa and the mezzanine may be their hiding spots. Don’t underestimate the intelligence of cats. They can open drawers. It is also possible that the drawer itself is not closed properly, giving them a chance to get in. The kitten may shrink into a ball and squeeze into the small compartment, so Be sure to search carefully.

Bottles and jars can also be used to hide

Cats’ bone shrinking ability is their specialty. Their soft bodies can squeeze themselves into unexpected places. They may be found in bottles, cans, snack boxes, and trash cans in the kitchen.

Use snacks and sounds to lure cats out

You can’t let the cat disappear out of thin air at home. You have to find it no matter where it is. You can use a cat teasing stick to tease it quietly in every room. The cat will find things that suddenly appear funny and will be full of curiosity and come out from the hiding place. . Next, you can take some small snacks and scatter them at home, wait patiently for a while and see if they come out. Finally, if it doesn’t work, you can play some birdsong or the sounds of other cats to attract the cat’s attention.

The cat disappeared at home

What should I do if I can’t find my kitten at home?

It can be checked through several aspects:
1. Check if the mother cat has hidden the kitten. Maybe the mother cat feels that the kitten is in an unsafe environment and has hidden the kitten to protect it. You can call the cat’s name, keep quiet, and listen to the kitten. If there are any sounds, or follow the footsteps of the mother cat and observe patiently, you will know where the mother cat is when it is time to feed the kittens.
2. See if it has fallen into the furniture or gaps in the home. Check the gaps or closed environments such as cardboard boxes. Cats like empty cardboard boxes best and may get in if they see them. Be sure to check carefully and don’t put the small ones in. The cat was lost along with the empty cardboard box.
3. You can use food to lure the cat out. Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell for food. They will come out when they smell the smell when they are hungry.
4. To prevent the cat from being found at home, you can wear a bell on the cat and listen to the sound to know where it is. Some pet friends have put clothes with voice-activated lights on the cat, which will light up when called.
5. If you raise a kitten at home, you must seal the windows and balcony. Otherwise, the kitten is petite and full of curiosity about the world. It will be easy to lose the kitten. My eldest sister downstairs raised a cat and did not seal the balcony. As a result, the kitten died. The cat fell from the balcony to the balcony of the resident on the floor below. That house was an unoccupied house and no one lived in it. I couldn’t find the cat at home, and I kept hearing the cat meowing for two days. I later discovered it from outside. The cat fell down, but luckily the cat was rescued and lost a lot of weight due to hunger. Pet friends must take this as a warning.

The cat disappeared at home


The scavenger must pay attention to the safety of furry children. The area where they are usually scattered does not need to be too large. Doors and windows at home need to be closed so that the cat’s footsteps cannot be heard. If you are not careful, accidents may occur. Okay, I am a good girl. The above are some personal opinions and suggestions. I hope they can effectively help find the cat.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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