How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

Dog biting is a worrying thing. It will not only hurt others, but also cause the dog to suffer unnecessary pain, because he may be admitted to a shelter or, in serious cases, be euthanized. Therefore, when we find that our dog has a habit of biting, we should take prompt action to correct him.
First, we need to train the dog not to bite. A defined taming method is required, which can be implemented by feeding or sound stimulation. When a dog sees someone else and wants to bite, it should be punished in time to signal it not to bite. In addition, during the training process, more effective methods can be used, such as pulling it back, banning it directly, or using toys to divert its attention so that it does not bite.
Secondly, you must take good care of your dog and ensure that it has enough exercise and outdoor activities so that it does not have too much energy, thereby preventing it from biting people. In addition, you should pay attention to the contact time with it, not too long, not too frequent, this can prevent it from biting people, because it may feel violated and bite people.
Finally, we need to cultivate the dog’s self-control ability so that it can better learn to accept others and not bite them. During the training process, you can use games or diet to practice so that it can learn to control its own behavior to avoid biting.

In short, when we find that a dog has the habit of biting, we must take prompt action, use defined tame methods, give punishment, ensure that it has sufficient exercise and activities, cultivate its self-control ability, and correct its biting habit. Get used to it, protect others and protect yourself.

How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

Let the dog stop wanting people

All of us dog owners know that we have also encountered dogs biting people. Therefore, it is indispensable to use a leash when going out. But do you know why dogs bite people?

Not understanding dog warnings

People who often deal with dogs have a certain understanding of dog behavior, so they are less likely to be bitten by dogs. Once, I, pet photographer Lao Qin, and dog trainer Qin Tian took photos of a group of people and dogs playing football together. The dog was a very tall Rottweiler. During the process, it was very excited to play. . When it got the ball and I stepped forward to grab it, the dog made a “whimpering” sound from its throat, and I backed away slightly.
The dog trainer Qin Tian also reminded me to be careful, because this was the first time we met this dog, and grabbing the ball from its arms might anger it. Even though we had been having a great time, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t attack me if I continued to grab the ball after it gave the warning. All of this, including the Rottweiler’s warning and my avoidance, were seen by Lao Qin, who had been filming nearby. In this regard, Lao Qin was more cunning. He has photographed countless dogs, but was rarely bitten by them. In Lao Qin’s words: “Dogs are actually not dangerous animals because I can predict their next actions. In comparison, I am more afraid of cats.” ”

How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

Entering the dog’s territory by mistake

Dogs regard a piece of land as their own territory. Within their own sphere of influence, if strangers intrude at will, they will be attacked. This is a dog’s instinct. It is precisely because dogs have this instinct that they are trained to become guard dogs, alert dogs, etc. Regardless of size, all dogs have the instinct to protect their territory. When a stranger walks past your door, even a Chihuahua weighing only a few kilograms will yell to call the police, quite ready to fight the invading enemy to the death; in some countries, a piece of “inner lining” is nailed to the wall of the residence. A sign with “Massive Dog” will definitely reassure the owner more than hiring a security guard. Thieves will not take the risk of breaking into the territory of a fierce dog.

Offending Dog’s “Private Property”

Bodee is a Pekingese dog that is over 9 years old. He has his favorite toy, which is a rubber banana that makes a sound when he bites it. This is something he regards as a treasure and will not let anyone touch it. Everyone who visits the host’s house is told not to tease Bodee with that banana, otherwise he will be bitten. Every dog has some “private property” of its own. These small toys, broken bones and other objects are really not worth mentioning in people’s eyes, but dogs regard them as very important. If someone disturbs them, they will not It would be weird to get bitten.

How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

Unintentionally arouse the dog’s desire to chase

Many parents always warn their children that dogs are dangerous and to run away if you encounter a dog, because the dog will bite you. When a child encounters a dog, the words of his parents will immediately come to mind. Therefore, even if the dog does not mean to attack and is acting friendly, the child will still be afraid and run away according to the parent’s instructions. Dogs have a primitive instinct to hunt prey. Even if they are pet dogs, this instinct is buried in the dog’s subconscious. It is fun for a dog to chase something that is running away. Therefore, the dog has no intention of harming the child, but will chase after the child when it sees it running away. As you can imagine, it is very easy for an agile dog to catch up with an extremely frightened child. It is almost impossible for the child to escape with his own speed. Once the dog catches up, the dog will bite the child due to excessive excitement.

Eight ways to train your dog to stop biting

When you bring your dog home for the first time, you must establish your authority immediately.

(1) Dogs are very cute, but don’t forget that dogs are also social animals, and social animals all have leaders. Therefore, before training a dog, be sure to confirm your “alpha” status so that the puppy will not be tempted to overstep his authority.
(2) After bringing the puppy home, do not spoil the puppy to develop bad habits. Set clear rules that your puppy must follow at home, such as when to eat and what to play with.
(3) If your dog breaks the rules, correct them immediately. For example, if you only let your dog in the kitchen, as soon as it enters the living room or bedroom, take it out and give it verbal criticism.

How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

If the puppy starts grinning at you, you should immediately reprimand him sharply.

(1) If it bites you gently, give it a teething toy or bone to give it something to chew on. During this period, teeth may be growing or changing, and you may need to bite something.
(2) In fact, when a dog shows its teeth, it means it wants to bite something. At this time, you have to teach the puppy that it cannot bite people, but it can bite some specific things you give it.

Train the puppy to learn to play with people.

(1) It is very important to let the puppy play with people or other dogs, so that it can learn many behavioral skills that dogs should have. [1] Such a dog knows how to play with other dogs, and will not bite when it is threatened.
(2) Training a puppy to play can also prevent it from being particularly afraid when facing strangers or dogs.
(3) Dogs should not only play with other dogs, but also be trained to play with people outside the family.

How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

You must not tolerate the puppy’s biting behavior from the beginning.

(1) Give a verbal warning and then ignore the puppy. While puppy biting may seem harmless and cute at first, keep in mind that playful biting can turn into behavior with serious consequences.
(2) When a puppy bites someone, be sure to yell loudly, say “no” in a firm and stern tone, and then make commanding gestures. Doing this will help your puppy understand that you are the boss and that you will not allow this behavior.
(3) Once the puppy bites, ignore it. Walk away from your dog until he behaves himself.

Every time it bites you, be sure to let the dog understand that it will hurt you.

(1) In the animal world, when puppies bite and play with each other, they will only stop when the other party screams because of pain.
(2) Every time the dog bites you, shout “Ah!” and don’t play with it after it bites you. This way the dog knows that if it bites you, you won’t play with it.

How to train a dog not to bite if it bites

Every time the puppy bites you, there must be behavioral punishment.

(1) Don’t hit your dog, but if it always bites you, you can use some actions to make the dog understand that doing so will bring it an unpleasant situation.
(2) Find a spray bottle and spray it every time the puppy bites.
(3) Find a pair of gloves and put something smelly on them. If your puppy keeps biting your hand, it will get a bad taste and not want to bite you again.

Make sure your dog gets enough exercise and play time every day.

(1) Sometimes dogs bite people because they want to play with people or are too bored.
(2) Give the dog some games, such as picking up what you threw, catching the Frisbee, tug of war, etc.
(3) Take your dog for a walk or jog once or twice a day.
(4) Arrange 15 to 30 minutes of play time for your dog every day to release its excess energy.

Contact professionals.

(1) If your puppy’s biting problem is still very serious and all the methods you can try at home don’t work, then you can consider taking your dog to a professional trainer.
(2) Many pet stores have courses to train pets to be more sensible and obedient.
The above eight points are what I have summarized for you, but the sooner the dog is trained, the better. Use a leash when going out. Finally, I wish everyone’s dogs can grow up happily and healthily.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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