The kitten just arrived home and kept barking to ignore it.

If the kitten keeps meowing when you get home, you need to pay attention to it. The kitten is not used to it when it first comes home. Let the cat adapt gradually, but you can’t just ignore it when it meows. You must develop good habits.

Let the cat become familiar with the environment as soon as possible:

When a cat arrives at home, you should first observe its personality. Some cats are lively and active and are not afraid of strangers, some cats are quiet and shy, and some are just afraid of contact with people. So first check what kind of personality the cat has. Lively and active kittens can interact with it, such as playing with a cat teaser stick. This can enhance the relationship and allow it to have more contact with its owner! If the cat is shy, don’t rush to pet it. Approach it slowly, talk to it softly, and then approach it when it is relaxed. Cats that are more afraid of people should be more patient and don’t touch it first. Put water and food where it sees it, and when the kitten gets used to the new environment, it will naturally get close to its owner.

The kitten just arrived home and kept barking to ignore it.

What should you do if your kitten loses its appetite when it first arrives at its new home?

This is a normal phenomenon. Feeding the kitten some goat milk powder or fragrant canned cat food can also help the cat increase its appetite! If your appetite decreases, it will usually return to normal in 2-3 days. If you still don’t eat or are in low spirits after three days, you should seek medical treatment in time. There are also regular probiotics to prevent kittens from diarrhea~

Increase meat food:

If you want your cat to eat well and grow fat and healthy, you must not be lazy! At least one meal a week of chicken breast, beef, and egg yolk, mixed with some vegetables and meat to supplement the cat’s nutrition.

Deworm your cat:

Cats love to be clean, so they need to keep their homes clean and dewormed internally and externally, usually once every three months. Domestic cats do not have outdoor activities, so they are relatively clean and do not need frequent deworming. Do not take a shower within a week if you have worms and dewormers. Please keep this in mind.

When the kitten arrives home, you should also pay attention to the kitten’s hygiene.

The kitten just arrived home and kept barking to ignore it.

What should you pay attention to when your kitten first arrives home:

1. When a kitten arrives in a new environment, it will be afraid to hide and keep barking. Do not forcefully hold it at this time to avoid stress. After a few days, when the cat gradually adapts to the environment, calling its name more and petting it more can eliminate the cat’s fear as soon as possible.
2. Take the kitten to the toilet as soon as it arrives home, and put it in the litter box every half an hour. If the cat is afraid of peeing on the ground, wipe it with a paper towel and throw it into the litter box. Let the cat put it in and smell it until it pees in it, then there will be no problem. Clean the place where you peeed and use antibacterial spray to remove the smell. Don’t leave any smell, otherwise it will still pee there. It is best to place the cat’s litter box in a dry and secluded place, and ensure that the cat’s litter box is clean and tidy.
3. Just feed cat food twice in the morning and evening. Do not put cat food and water next to the cat litter box. Cat food is not fresh overnight and will become damp and deteriorate. The leftovers can be thrown away.
4. Buy more cat scratching boards to sharpen your claws and reduce damage to the furniture. It is not recommended to buy too many cat toys. Cat toys, cardboard boxes, and table tennis balls are enough. These cats love to play.
5. Don’t rush to bathe the kitten when it gets home. Try to wash it after it has been vaccinated. Frequent bathing is not allowed. Cats lick their fur every day to clean it. On average, they only need to be bathed once every 3 months. Cats are afraid of water, so be careful not to get stressed when taking a bath.
6. Don’t feed random things. There are many human foods that cats cannot eat, such as onions and chocolate. You can usually feed some chicken breasts, cooked egg yolks to enhance hair, saury to make hair shiny, eggshell powder to supplement calcium, and cat grass to soften hair.
7. Don’t use plastic bowls, which can easily cause black spots on your chin. Use ceramic/stainless steel bowls. Cat bowls and water bowls need to be cleaned every day. Do not give your cat raw water as it will cause diarrhea. Just drink cool boiled/mineral water. Cats cannot drink milk because they are lactose intolerant and prone to diarrhea. They can drink goat milk powder/Shuhua milk.
8. Do not wear collars or bells on cats. Cats will feel restrained, and it is very dangerous to get hooked on things when no one is home.
9. Get vaccinated, there are three wonderful things (three injections at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks, and then a booster injection every year)
10. Regular deworming, external deworming + internal deworming (once every three months when not going out, once a month when going out)

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

上一篇 18 5 月, 2024
下一篇 18 5 月, 2024

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