Is it good for dogs to eat eggs

As a poop scooper, I always worry about my dogs. Even if it’s just a simple meal, I can’t wait for them to get ten bites of nutrition from one meal.
Those who have such an idea usually prepare a lot of nutritional supplements. These nutritional supplements come in various types, including eggs. But do you know? Although eggs are nutritional supplements, they may cause problems if you don’t pay attention to them.
A poop scooper once reported a problem to Rio’s father: He heard that dogs can supplement their nutrition by eating eggs, so he bought a lot of eggs. After letting the dog eat one every day for two consecutive weeks, the dog eventually developed indigestion and even affected its gastrointestinal function.
The shit shoveling officer was very confused: Didn’t eggs have enough nutrition? Why am I having problems feeding my dog? In addition, I heard some comments on the Internet that denied the nutrition of eggs, so I didn’t know what to do.
In fact, we really can’t blame eggs for this. Just like what we have been taught since childhood, eggs are rich in nutrients. If dogs eat them, they can indeed bring many benefits.
However, when many owners feed eggs to dogs, they only pay attention to the nutrition and benefits of eggs, but ignore the things that need to be paid attention to when feeding eggs, so they cause harm to dogs.
So today we will discuss the benefits of feeding eggs to dogs and what things need to be paid attention to.

The benefits of dogs eating eggs can be roughly divided into the following three points:

1. It can help the dog’s hair to be smooth.
2. It can help dogs strengthen their muscles.
3. It can help dogs digest.

Is it good for dogs to eat eggs 

It can help the dog’s hair to be smooth.

I believe that many poop owners have a hobby, which is petting dogs. You can think about it, does it feel better to pet your dog when its hair is soft? Or is it nice to brush your dog’s hair when it’s tangled? The answer is definitely the former.
Eggs are rich in yolk phosphorus. The benefit of this element is that it can improve the quality of animal hair. If dogs eat some eggs in moderation, their hair will become smoother and better colored.

It can help dogs strengthen their muscles.

If you know some friends who love fitness, you will find that they always add a few eggs to their daily meals. This is because eggs contain a lot of protein.
Nine years of compulsory education tells us that protein can promote muscle synthesis and help muscle growth, thereby achieving the purpose of muscle gain and fitness.
Dogs themselves are a species with a lot of activity needs, and they naturally have a lot of demand for muscle development. If the dog owner can feed them an appropriate amount of eggs in normal times, it will also help the dog’s muscles grow and develop better.

It can help dogs digest.

Dogs need to face many diseases in their life, some of which are major difficulties in life, such as canine distemper and parvovirus. If these diseases cannot be overcome, the dog may lose his life.
Although some diseases are not fatal, once they appear, they can easily cause great trouble to the dog’s life, such as indigestion.
If your dog does have symptoms of indigestion, in addition to regular medical treatment, you can also try adding a little egg yolk to the dog’s food. This is because there is also a certain amount of riboflavin in eggs, and riboflavin can play a great role in improving gastrointestinal digestion.
At this point, I believe everyone already knows the benefits of eggs for dogs. If you want to supplement your dog’s nutrition, eggs would be a good choice.

But no matter how nutritious something is, it must be eaten in moderation. Just like ginseng is of great benefit to us, but if we eat ginseng every day, not even humans, even elephants, can stand it.

Is it good for dogs to eat eggs

Similarly, there are many things that need to be paid attention to when feeding eggs to dogs, which can be roughly divided into the following points:

1. Never feed raw eggs to dogs.
2. Feed the dog according to his condition.
3. It is not advisable to feed protein to dogs.
4. Feeding eggs should not be excessive.

Is it good for dogs to eat eggs

Never feed raw eggs to dogs.

There is also a protein called avidin in the egg white. Although this is not a harmful substance, once the dog consumes too much, it will hinder the normal operation of the dog’s biotin and hinder the cells in the dog’s body. metabolism and fat synthesis.
In addition, excessive intake of avidin may also cause dogs to lack vitamin H, causing skin inflammation, allergies, anemia and other symptoms, causing serious harm to health.
In addition, before the eggs are cooked, they may contain Salmonella and other bacteria. If your dog eats raw eggs, it may cause bacterial infection or digestive system disorders. So if you want to feed your dog eggs, please remember to cook the eggs in advance.

Feed the dog according to his condition.

There is a famous saying in nutrition called “Honey to me, arsenic to others.” This sentence means that something that can bring great nutrition to oneself may only cause great harm to others. The same goes for poo scrapers when they feed eggs to their dogs to supplement their nutrition.
Before feeding eggs to dogs, it is best for pet owners to think about whether the dog has any past medical history. For example, if your dog has a skin disease before, you cannot feed it eggs. Because eating eggs is very likely to cause the recurrence of skin diseases in dogs. If you are not sure, you can also ask your pet doctor.

Is it good for dogs to eat eggs

It is not advisable to feed protein to dogs.

When we humans usually eat eggs, we can eat the egg whites and yolks together in our stomachs. But the body structures of dogs and us humans are different. For them, protein cannot be eaten in their stomachs.
If the dog is fed protein, the dog will be unable to absorb it and suffer from indigestion. In serious cases, it may even cause irreparable damage.

Feeding eggs should not be excessive.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the poop scooper fed his dog eggs, and it was because he fed too many eggs that the dog had physical problems.
How many eggs the dog owner should feed depends on the state of the dog. If the dog is still in the puppy stage, it is not recommended to feed eggs.
If the dog has entered adulthood, half an egg a day is enough for a small dog like Teddy. And if it is a medium to large dog, you can feed one egg a day. But whether it is a large dog or a small dog, it is best not to feed more than four eggs a week.
If you love your dog, you will naturally want to add more nutrients to your dog. Everyone can understand this.

However, in everything, too much is too much. Whether it is eggs or other nutritional products, the poop scraper should be more careful and careful when feeding. Otherwise, if any harm occurs, it will not help the dog, but harm the dog. . 

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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