Can a dog’s beard be cut off

Today I would like to share with you an important knowledge point. First of all, let me ask you, can dog beards be trimmed? The things mentioned below are all things you need to know if you have raised them, so hurry up and learn about them!

Can a dog’s beard be cut?

Can’t. Dog beards not only grow on both sides of the mouth and nose, but also cover the forehead above the eyes, the chin and the upper lip. In fact, dog beards have a certain effect on them.

What is the function of dog beards?

Assisted vision

You may not believe it, but one of the functions of a dog’s whiskers is to assist vision.
The dog’s eyes cannot focus on close targets, but the dog’s whiskers can allow the dog to perceive some relevant information, and can help the dog identify and pick up some objects under its eyes.

Can a dog’s beard be cut off

Protect your face

The dog’s beard is also like a “measuring ruler”. For example, if it encounters a hole, the beard can play a measuring role, letting the dog know whether it can crawl into the hole and better protect its face.
You still need to pay more attention to your dogs every day. It is inevitable that some dogs will get stuck in certain places.

Have a coordinating role

There are whiskers on both sides of its mouth and nose. In fact, these are called tentacles to be precise, and they are used to help the dog walk. The coordination of the body also relies on the whiskers.
A dog’s whiskers are twice as thick as hair, are very hard, and are very dark in color. They contain nerves and blood vessels, which ensure that when the dog is exercising, the air flow causes the whiskers to vibrate, thereby stimulating the nerves.

Feel the air

Dogs’ beards can sense many things. For example, they can sense slight movements in the air, determine the direction of the wind, etc., allowing them to better identify directions, so it is still important not to cut their beards casually.
The dog’s beard is so important, so you should not cut it casually. You should also pay more attention to the dog’s diet, which directly affects the dog’s health.

Conclusion: Have you ever trimmed your dog’s beard?

Can a dog’s beard be cut off

Like cats, dogs also have long beards, and if you look closely, you will find that dogs even have more whiskers than cats.
The function of a dog’s beard is like a radar, which can identify and sense objects. There are very fine nerves at the root of the beard, which can be sensed by touching an object slightly. It is an extremely important tactile organ.
We call the long, hard hairs next to a dog’s mouth “whiskers”, but in fact they are just a part of the dog’s “beard-hair system”
■ Those long and short “beards” on the sides of the nose and around the upper lip;
■ On both sides of the cheeks, close to the jawbone, you will find small clusters of “cheek whiskers”
■ Under the dog’s chin, there is a small mole-like protrusion, which also has whiskers and hairs.
■ Above the eyes, those long hairs are not eyebrows, but whiskers called “eyebrows”.
According to statistics, most dogs have about 20 beards on one side. If you observe carefully, you will also find that the beards near the nose are arranged in a certain pattern: short ones in front and long ones in the back.
Professional veterinarians point out that because whiskers play an important “outpost” role in a dog’s tactile perception system, if whiskers are lost, the dog may be very uncomfortable and even lead to a decrease in spatial perception. So: Never cut off your dog’s beard again!

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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