Why do British Shorthair cats never live to be five years old?

The British Shorthair is a very popular cat, and many pet owners are more concerned about the life span of the British Shorthair. Let’s take a look at how old British Shorthair cats generally live!

How old do British Shorthair cats generally live?

The average lifespan of British Shorthair cats is about 13 to 15 years.
The lifespan of British Shorthair cats is closely related to the way their owners raise them. If you want to extend the lifespan of British Shorthair cats, you must adopt scientific methods to raise cats.
Generally, British Shorthair cats begin to enter old age at the age of 8 to 9. If a British Shorthair cat has the following characteristics, it means that it is already an old cat!

Why do British Shorthair cats never live to be five years old?

Change work and rest time

Before entering old age, British Shorthair cats generally sleep during the day and are active at night. If the British Shorthair cat suddenly changes its sleep schedule, sleeps at night and sleeps for more than 18 hours like its owner, it means that the British Shorthair cat is old.
When the British Shorthair cat is awake, the pet should interact with it as much as possible and cherish the time spent with the British Shorthair cat.

Loose teeth

If your British Shorthair cat’s teeth become loose and begin to fall out, it means it is an old cat. For the oral health of British Shorthair cats, pets should brush their teeth regularly to avoid oral diseases and dental calculus, which is more conducive to oral health.

Because the teeth of British Shorthair cats loosen and fall out prematurely, it is easy to affect later eating.

Slow response

Usually when a British shorthair cat is called to eat, it will come running over immediately. If the British Shorthair cat’s reaction becomes slow and it calls for a long time without responding, it means that it is an old cat.
Because as British Shorthair cats enter old age, their hearing will decline and their responsiveness will also become worse.

Why do British Shorthair cats never live to be five years old?

Not fond of activities

British Shorthair cats are more lively and active when they are young, but when they enter their old age, they become inactive and always lie down unwilling to move. This is also the reason why many British Shorthair cats become obese as they enter their old age, which is not good for the cat’s health.
It is recommended that pet owners use a cat stick or cat snacks to interact with it for about 15 minutes every day, which can increase the amount of exercise.

Poor appetite

The British Shorthair is a very greedy cat. If it is an old cat, it will have a poor appetite. This is caused by the decline in gastrointestinal function of older cats, weaker digestion and absorption functions, and loose teeth.
However, elderly cats lose nutrients quickly and have insufficient nutritional supplements, which is not conducive to extending the life of British Shorthair cats. It is recommended that pet owners replace their elderly British Shorthair cats with cat food that is more palatable and easy to digest.

Why do British Shorthair cats never live to be five years old?

The biggest thing is to prevent him from getting too obese hahaha!
My cat’s legs are that of a British short blue cat, and when he was only six months old, his belly was almost touching the ground. I have become a short-legged cat hahahahaha
British Shorthairs are relatively docile and good-tempered. I basically don’t hold any grudges when I beat him. Should you stick to me or stick to me? Of course, I’m not willing to beat him up either. Unless you make a big mistake, you will slap his ass with some force. But every time he acts like a normal person
Yingdan also has a particularly good personality and is not very afraid of strangers. My friend came over and touched his legs and basically let him. He also had fun when his friends teased him
What you need to pay attention to when raising a British Shorthair is actually what you need to pay attention to when raising a cat.

Why do British Shorthair cats never live to be five years old?

Below, please tell us some things you should pay attention to when raising cats.

1. When you start raising a kitten, you must pay attention to keeping it warm.
2. Don’t feed milk. Be sure to feed goat milk (goat milk powder)
3. Don’t keep the cat in a cage every day, as the cat’s personality will become bad.
4. Get vaccinated when you are 3-4 months old, and it is best to stay with you for more than two weeks.
5. Remember to deworm internally and externally at the same time
6. Remember to bathe and feed hair ball cream (especially during the hair removal period)
7. When the cat is 4-6 months old, it is normal for the cat to run around and bite during the active period and the teething period.
8.Don’t hit the cat
9.7-9 months is the estrus period. It is normal for male cats to urinate randomly and female cats to meow. Don’t be disgusted. . . . It is best to be sterilized after 9 months
10. Canned food is a great tool for coaxing cats hahahaha
Cat friends are welcome to comment and add anything not mentioned. I’m afraid that netizens will find it annoying if I write too much.

Conclusion: How old is your cat this year?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/52.html

上一篇 19 5 月, 2024
下一篇 19 5 月, 2024

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