What should I do if my dog is picky and won’t eat

What to do with a dog that is extremely picky?
My dog won’t even eat meat, what should I do? Are you already very anxious as the owner at this time, and are you going to start coaxing it? Little Ancestor, please, eat some quickly. If it doesn’t eat anymore, are you going to take out the sauced elbows and fried chicken legs from the refrigerator? This is what your furry child wants.
I want you to take out all the heavy-flavored, high-fat, and high-calorie foods in the refrigerator. Even though it is just a puppy, it actually knows everything. It can smell your anxiety through the secretion of your adrenal glands, and it has already devoured you. Human food that is full of strong spices, fats, salts, and sugars is much more fragrant than dog food. The dog’s nose is so clever that once you eat it, you will never forget it.

So remember not to give him the snacks and meals that you eat, unless you want him to eat such food for the rest of his life, unless you really want him to be in bad health. What should you do if your dog has become extremely picky? Keep the following points in mind.

What should I do if my dog is picky and won’t eat

·First point, be sure to stop eating all food, including snacks.
·The second point is to feed the baby at a certain time, at a fixed point, and in a quantitative amount.
·The third and most difficult point is to pay less attention to its feeding, don’t show your anxiety, give it a little time to eat, and take it away before it has finished or refuses to eat.

Let it learn how to respect its owner and food again. I am Xiaoqi, a pet nutritionist. Follow me to make your furry children healthier!

What should I do if my dog is picky and won’t eat

People often ask me if their dog doesn’t like to eat, what should I do if it’s a picky eater? Under normal circumstances, my suggestion is to starve for a few times first, give some water every day, and finally give the dog food to develop the habit of eating dog food, because the nutrients in dog food are relatively balanced and long-term feeding Dog food will not make dogs too fat or too thin, and their physical performance will be healthier.
But sometimes some dogs don’t want to eat dog food even if they vomit yellow water and bile from hunger, so what should we do? You can’t stay hungry all the time, otherwise the owner will feel distressed. In order to solve this problem, today I will introduce to you 3 kinds of food that you can make at home to ensure that these dogs have a good appetite.

Beef Ball Dog Food Soup


Beef mince, dog food, eggs


1. Take a few raw eggs, use a strainer to remove the egg whites and leave the egg yolks, then stir the egg yolks evenly;
2. Mix the stirred egg yolk into the prepared beef and stir until the two can be mixed into a ball;
3. Put the kneaded beef balls into water and boil over low heat, and filter out the surface impurities of the broth;
4. Soak the dog food in the broth until the dog food foams, add the meatballs, and the beef ball dog food soup is ready.
Beef mince is some scraps dropped during the slaughtering process of cattle. It is obtained after being stirred by a machine. It is generally sold in the vegetable market. This ingredient is cheap and suitable for feeding medium and large dogs. If it is a small dog, it is recommended. Just use pure beef instead.

What should I do if my dog is picky and won’t eat

Shredded chicken egg yolk cake


Chicken breast, egg yolk, dog food


1. Cook the chicken breast and shred it, the thinner the better;
2. Dog food can be ground into pieces using a soybean milk machine or juicer. If you don’t have a suitable mixing machine, you can also directly pound it into powder with a hammer;
3. Pour a few eggs and use a strainer to remove the egg whites and keep the egg yolks;
4. Mix the three prepared ingredients evenly, knead into a cake shape, and fry in an electric pan until cooked.

What should I do if my dog is picky and won’t eat

Carrot, Chicken and Feta Salad


Carrots, chicken breast, goat milk powder, dog food


1. Cut the chicken and carrots into cubes, put them into water and cook them over high heat. It is best to cook them until the carrots turn rotten when pinched;
2. Take out the cooked chicken and carrots, and use a strainer to filter out the soup on the surface;
3. Put the prepared dog food, chicken and carrots into the prepared goat milk powder.
Goat milk powder is usually sold in supermarkets. It is best to buy the kind that can be made into powder rather than fresh goat milk. If the dog is not lactose intolerant, that is, the dog does not have diarrhea after drinking milk, it is also possible to use milk powder instead of goat milk powder.
Do not add salt or other seasonings to the above three kinds of food during the preparation process. When it comes to the cooking step, just cook it directly with white water. The ingredients of the three kinds of food should be mainly dog food, and the other ingredients should be auxiliary.
On the other hand, don’t eat these foods often, just eat them once in a while, otherwise your mouth will really become chewy as you eat them. The purpose of eating these foods is to improve the dog’s diet. It’s not good to eat dog food all the time. It will be greasy. Secondly, some dogs really don’t like to eat dog food. Eating some such food can also increase their appetite. Of course, if you don’t mind the trouble or if the conditions at home are good, you can cook it by yourself every day, provided that the ingredients are mainly dog food.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/521.html

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