Are cats afraid of heat?

Recently, when I looked at social media platforms, I found that many cat owners try their best to turn on the air conditioner or fan for their cats when they go out. Why is this? Are kittens really so afraid of heat? With this question in mind, let me take you through the specific reasons!
When temperatures rise, cats’ thermoregulatory mechanisms are affected. Cats have much less body surface area than humans, and they don’t sweat much, making them more susceptible to the effects of high temperatures. Cats’ body temperature is usually between 38°C and 39°C. If the ambient temperature exceeds their body temperature, which will make them feel uncomfortable and tired, they will feel hot and start looking for ways to cool down.

As scavengers, we need to pay special attention to the protection of cats in hot weather and provide them with a comfortable living environment. In an indoor environment, it is generally suitable to maintain a temperature of around 22°C to 28°C. When the temperature exceeds 29°C, the cat’s physiological function will be forced to intensify and consume more energy to maintain body temperature. This is even more detrimental to long-haired cats. Therefore, in weather with higher temperatures, the daily management of cats needs to be particularly strengthened to ensure their health and happiness.

Are cats afraid of heat?

In hot weather, cats need plenty of water. Many cats who like to drink water will be used to cooling off in a cool and comfortable place near the drinking fountain or directly next to it. Feeding helps them maintain body temperature and moisture to avoid dehydration. It is also very beneficial to prepare more ways to cool down. Prepare shade trees and shady cloths of appropriate size for cats to avoid exposure to the sun, so that they can lie there comfortably and reduce the discomfort of the heat.
Electrical equipment in the home can also help cats relieve hot conditions. Fans are a very useful tool when air conditioning is not available. However, it should be noted that if the air is not circulating, it is difficult to see the cooling effect from the fan. Instead, it will accelerate the dryness of the environment and generate more temperatures. At this time, windows can be opened appropriately for ventilation to increase air circulation. Turning on the air conditioner can also allow cats to enjoy a cool space, and pay attention to adjusting the temperature and humidity to avoid affecting their health.

If you find that your cat has symptoms of heat stroke, such as shortness of breath, dry mouth, red mouth and tongue, etc., please take it to the veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Heat stroke is a dangerous condition that can lead to health risks and death for cats. Therefore, in hot weather, it is important to pay attention to your cat’s drinking water and environment to ensure their health and happiness.

Are cats afraid of heat?

All cats are afraid of heat because their sweat glands are underdeveloped, making it difficult for them to dissipate heat.
If the ambient temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, cats will suffer from loss of appetite, heatstroke, and dehydration.
When the temperature is high in summer, the cat should prepare enough drinking water and use physical methods to cool the cat, such as air conditioners, fans, mats, ice pads and other items.

The following 4 precautions must be kept in mind.
First, when using air conditioners or fans to cool down cats, avoid direct cool breeze blowing at the cat.
If a cat is allowed to blow cold air directly, the cat’s gastrointestinal system will be affected, causing it to have diarrhea, vomiting, and soft stools.
Secondly, when using mats, ice pads and other items, the poop scraper must be present to prevent cats from wreaking havoc.
Although most mats and ice mats use anti-scratch fabric, it is not a long-term solution and the destructive ability of cats cannot be underestimated.
Third, the summer is hot and cats need sufficient drinking water, just keep it at room temperature and do not use ice water.
Drinking water is mainly to solve the problem of cats’ thirst. Ice water cannot be used to cool down. Ice water can easily cause cats to have diarrhea.

Are cats afraid of heat?

Fourth, when a cat suffers from heat stroke, the owner should immediately move the cat to a cool and ventilated place and use cold water to cool down the cat.
You can let the cold water soak the cat’s body or slowly wet the cat with cold water. In severe cases, the cat should be sent to a pet hospital.
Whether hairy or hairless, cats are animals that are afraid of heat because their sweat glands are located on their flesh pads and the tip of their noses.
Now that summer has entered, I hope that all cat owners will pay more attention to preventing heatstroke in cats.

Okay, I believe that after reading this article, you probably already know why kittens are so afraid of heat. I hope that all cat owners will pay attention to this issue in the future and provide a comfortable and comfortable environment for their cats.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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