What do wild cats eat?

You never know what an extremely hungry stray cat might eat!
What humans don’t want is their most precious thing
A young lady from Chongqing encountered a stray cat when she was throwing away garbage at the garbage recycling station in her community. Its two hind legs were tremblingly standing on the edge of the bucket, and its two front paws were focused on the trash can. He was rummaging around, concentrating on searching for even a little bit of something edible, and didn’t even notice the little sister approaching.
Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, the furry child still had no harvest. At this time, a plastic bag caught its attention, containing discarded peels and corn kernels. But can these things really satisfy our hunger?
The cat carefully pulled out the corn core with its claws, then quickly took it to the corner and ate it with relish.
In fact, this corn has been completely eaten, and there are almost no corn kernels on it, but the cat still gnaws hard, as if this corn on the cob is the most delicious food in the world.
The furry kid looked around warily while eating, as if he was worried that the food he had finally found would be taken away.
After chewing the shriveled corn cob, the little guy jumped into the trash can, found a few discarded bones, and ate them hard. If he wasn’t extremely hungry, who would treat these unwanted garbage as treasures? ?
The behavior of this cat reminded the young lady of her own cats. She has four cats and they are carefree every day and never worry about food. In contrast, what happened to this cat is particularly disappointing. People feel sad.
The little sister hurried home and brought the canned cat. She was afraid that the little one would not be able to eat enough, so she specially took two boxes. The furry child devoured the canned food. After eating all the canned food, he licked the box with endless interest.
Stray Cat: What is this? It’s so delicious. I’ve never eaten anything so delicious.
After eating two boxes of cans, the little guy was finally full. This might be a rare meal for him in the past few days. I thought he would leave, but he didn’t expect that the furry kid kept surrounding the little sister, acting coquettishly to please her and begging for feedback. , it has nothing and can only express its gratitude in this way.

What do wild cats eat?

Do stray cats also eat melons?

Do stray cats also eat melons? To be honest, this young lady from Luoyang City, Henan Province was extremely shocked when she saw this white cat chewing a rotten cantaloupe. Aren’t cats carnivores?
Seeing the little guy’s body that was so thin that only bones remained, she instantly understood that if it had a choice, it wouldn’t want to eat rotten melons.
It’s a pity that the little sister only brought some snacks with her at that time. Unexpectedly, the furry child didn’t dislike it at all and ate it very deliciously. As long as there was any disturbance around, it would be frightened and run away.
It can be seen from here that this little white cat is still very afraid of people, but it will still approach humans for a bite to eat. Perhaps the little guy feels the kindness of the little sister, so he takes the initiative to get close to her.
The little white cat left after eating. The young lady thought she only met the cat once, but she didn’t expect that a week later, she met the cat again on the road.
The cat also seemed to recognize her, the kind-hearted sister who once fed him. After hearing the call of the little sister, he hardly hesitated. The furry child ran towards her with eyes full of joy, gently rubbed her with his body, and The young lady acts coquettishly.
Fate is so wonderful. The little sister also thought that if she met the cat again, she would take it home. Unexpectedly, she actually met the cat. The little sister took the cat home without hesitation.

What do wild cats eat?

The melon-eating kitten has a home

After arriving at the new home, the furry child turned on the dry food mode. He swallowed the cat food without much chewing. While eating, he looked around, still worried that his food would be taken away. After eating, he lay down in the cage and fell asleep. , after wandering for so long, I can finally have a peaceful sleep.
Because the young lady still had two aborigines at home, she isolated the little white cat in a separate room. What worried her still happened.
Once, when the little sister was not paying attention, the aborigines sneaked in. When they saw this “uninvited guest” who suddenly appeared, they showed obvious hostility. What surprised her was that the new kitten did not initiate any action. Instead of fighting back, he looked timid and was too frightened to move.
Later, when the little sister was giving the fur baby a bath, she found many wounds on its body, which seemed to be caused by fighting with other cats. It can be seen that it was bullied a lot when it was wandering. Fortunately, the fur baby now has a home and an owner to support him. Neither humans nor animals will bully it anymore.
After the quarantine period, the furry child regained his freedom. When he saw the catnip ball for the first time, he had a great time playing with it. The aborigines who were not interested in it were confused. Is this thing so fun?
As they got along slowly, the two aborigines gradually understood that this new cat would not threaten their status, so they silently accepted this little brother. The three cats now have a very harmonious relationship and are good friends who can enjoy the scenery together. .
You may not know what a hungry stray cat will eat, but you have the opportunity to give them a full meal. If you encounter a cat that actively begs for food, even if you can’t adopt it, I hope you can give it to them. A little food and water, these small acts of kindness that are easy for us, may save a life.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/847.html

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