Will cats catch a cold if they blow on the air conditioner?

Cats, like people, can rely on air conditioning to cool down in the thick of summer.
But there are a few things you should pay attention to:
Don’t be hot and cold: Cats are very sensitive to temperature. If the cold or heat comes too suddenly, they will catch a cold just like humans. Therefore, it is recommended to let the cat start to feel the temperature changes when the air conditioner is turned on.
Control the temperature: The temperature of the air conditioner must be controlled well. The most suitable temperature is about 25 degrees.

Do not use the air conditioner for a long time: Cats will become dry if they stay in an air-conditioned room for too long, and may even become dehydrated in severe cases. Therefore, cats should not use the air conditioner for too long and must replenish water in time.
Intermittent ventilation: After turning on the air conditioner for a while, open the windows to let the air flow, which helps indoor air circulation.
In addition, healthy cats are less likely to get sick when the air conditioner is blown, so you don’t need to worry too much about this.
But for young cats and cats in poor health, it is better not to blow the air conditioner as much as possible!


Will cats catch a cold if they blow on the air conditioner?

Can cats use air conditioning?

In the scorching summer, the air conditioning at home has become extremely important. The question of whether the air conditioning can be turned on to allow cats to enjoy the coolness together has arisen. These precautions must be known!

What is the temperature range that cats like?

The suitable temperature range for cats is around 15 ℃ -28 ℃, and it is best to maintain it between 20 ℃ -25 ℃.
In summer, when the room temperature is too high, you can provide a more suitable environment for cats by turning on the air conditioning.


Will cats catch a cold if they blow on the air conditioner?

How to adjust the air conditioning temperature?

When adjusting the temperature, the air conditioning temperature should be set based on the indoor temperature and the cat’s body temperature. In summer, the outdoor temperature is high and the indoor pressure is high. The air conditioning temperature can be appropriately lower than the suitable temperature range, generally around 20 ℃ -23 ℃.
In addition, cats have a slightly higher body temperature than humans, often around 38.5 ℃ -39.5 ℃, so the temperature of the air conditioner cannot be adjusted too low to avoid discomfort to cats.

How to adjust the wind speed and angle of the air conditioner?

The exhaust outlet of the air conditioner should not face the cat directly, otherwise it will affect its health. After setting the temperature of the air conditioner appropriately, the wind power should also be moderate.
Generally speaking, the fan blade speed of an air conditioning fan can be appropriately reduced, and a portion of the airflow can be blocked by items such as towels, towels, etc., so that the air conditioning wind can gradually circulate indoor air instead of directly blowing cats.

How to control the humidity in the room?

In summer, the humidity is high. If the air conditioner is not used properly, the humidity in the room cannot be discharged, and bacteria and mold will grow inside the air conditioner. These bacteria can have a serious impact on the health of cats.
Especially if there is no good ventilation indoors, this situation is more likely to occur. So, while using the air conditioner, remember to open the doors and windows to blow out the indoor humidity.

Will cats catch a cold if they blow on the air conditioner?

How to adjust the running time of the air conditioner?

Cats are usually household pets, so it is necessary to monitor the running time of the air conditioning at home. When the summer weather is hot, cats’ body temperature rises and harmful substances in their bodies increase. Humans can drink water, and cats can drain water by licking their fur, licking water, and other methods, which can increase their urine output.
Licking cats’ fur may lead to the accumulation of hairballs, which can burden the cat’s digestive system and cause problems such as poor appetite and abnormal bowel movements. Therefore, in response to this issue, it is recommended to replace cats with cat food containing coarse fiber components to help them eliminate hairballs from their bodies.

Cats are afraid of temperature differences

What many people may not know is that cats are actually very sensitive and have varying degrees of adaptation to changes in room temperature and temperature. If the room temperature is too high, it can cause cats to feel hot, have difficulty breathing, and even experience symptoms such as shortness of breath and thirst. When using air conditioning in summer and heating in winter, rapid temperature changes can make cats feel uncomfortable and even cause coldness in certain parts of their body. In this way, cats will become anxious, afraid, and eager to escape and other negative emotions.
Therefore, when adjusting the room temperature or interacting with cats, it is important to pay attention to their physical sensations and emotions. During the interaction, you can also give cats some small snacks to make them happier and more comfortable.
Conclusion: Is your cat a long haired cat or a short haired cat?

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/857.html

上一篇 19 7 月, 2024
下一篇 22 7 月, 2024

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